Chapter 9: His Potential Come Back

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(I was going to do this in another book, but I decided to just continue to add the chapters to this story)


Logan is driving in his new Aston Martin DBX, it's now been a few months since he and Seth had that fight, during this time Alexa went back to the WWE happier than ever and so were the fans when the goddess returned, but the biggest part of the past few months was Becky gave birth to her and Logan's son, Nathan...

So whilst Alexa went on the road back to the WWE Logan and Becky stayed home with Nathan and Alexa always came back on the tuesday morning, so right now Logan is going to pick her up at the airport and go to the store to get some baby stuff and other bits and bobs, he is listening to Skillet's Victorious album as it came out when he was... imprisoned... Logan liked Skillet's new stuff, but he was snapped out of it by a phone call... Logan answered it incase it was either Becky or Alexa.

Logan: Hello?

Hunter: Logan... it's Hunter, how are you?

Logan: I'm good, mate... what can I do for you?

Hunter: Can I not call one of my favourite superstars and ask him how his family is?

Logan smiled and sighed to himself.

Logan: Sorry, Hunter... were great, lex and Becky love Nathan and he's starting to try and talk, but it's just baby babble at this moment.

Hunter: That's great to hear, Steph can't wait to meet the little guy... which actually brings me to my next question. Alexa told us about your therapy sessions about your time away and she said you're doing really well.

Logan: Yeah, it's great to be able to talk to Becky or Lex, you know, but being able to talk to a professional is even better.

Hunter: That's great son... it really is, but I do want to ask... are you thinking of getting back in the ring?

Logan: Um, I'm not really sure at the moment Hunter... I'll have to talk to Becky and Lex about it.

Hunter: That's fine son, just creative have a story for you if you ever want to come back...

Logan: Thanks Hunter... we really appreciate everything you and Steph have done for us this past year.

Hunter: No worries Logan... I gotta go, you now business is business, so keep in touch, Ok?

Logan: Will do, see ya Hunter.

They ended the call as Logan pulled up to the airport, Logan parked and went inside to wait for Alexa to come down the escalator and after a few minutes of waiting Logan saw his goddess smiling at him as she slowly came down the metal steps, as soon as she got off she ran to him and the two embrashed in a loving hug.

Alexa: I missed you.

Logan let out a chuckle.

Logan: Lex you've been gone not even 24 hours.

Alexa: I know but I still missed you, Becky and Nathan.

Logan: Well then, let's get going so you can say hi.

Logan picked up her bag with his right hand and held her right hand with his left as the two left the airport and got to his car, Logan held the door open for Alexa as she got in the front seat and Logan put her bag in the boot then climbed in the front seat.

Logan: Ready? 

Alexa: Ready.

Logan then started to drive as Alexa told Logan about everyone backstage, she even told Logan about Hunter having a storyline for him if he ever wanted to go back, the only thing is Logan hasn't even gave it a second thought, Logan's happy being a stay at home Father, everyone knows Becky's done as a month after Nathan was born she announced her retirement to the world as she wanted to spend every single day with Nathan, but as Alexa is playing with the music, Logan asked.

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