Chapter 4: Home

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Logan was driving on the M27 as it is going to go straight to Portsmouth, Becky was sat in the front passenger seat and Alexa was sat in the back with Logan explaining to her the rivalry between the North and South.

Logan: It just goes back to the Viking days... The Viking ruled the North and Romans owned the South and wars happened and over time, the rivalry just never died down... Excepte the war part... Sometimes...

Alexa: So you're basically part Roman?

Logan: Uh... Probably... But my mums side of the family comes from London-Derry, Northern Ireland.

Becky: Where is your dad's side from

Logan: Haven't I told you both this before?

He quickly glanced at both of them to see them shaking their heads no.

Logan: Wow, I suck... Um, have you both heard of the Kray twins?

Becky/Alexa: Yes/No.

Logan: Ok, well the Kray twins are old town gangsters from the eastend of London during the mid 50s they established themselves as two of the toughest guys on the block and nobody would dare get on there bad side, they were born in 1933 and so was my grandad...

Becky: I see where this is going.

Logan: I think my grandad ran with the Krays as he was born and grew up on the same street as the Kray twins, I also think he snitched on them and his time in the RAF is just a cover.

Alexa: That's actually really cool.

Logan: I know right... My family never shared my thoughts tho, they think it's more honorable to think he served for his country, then him being an east end gangster...

It was a little silent until Logan remembered something that Alexa might love.

Logan: Sweetheart?

Alexa: Yea.

Logan: Have you heard of a man that goes by the name of Michael Eisner?

Alexa: Of course I have, he was the CEO of Disney.

Logan: Yes he was, but now he it the owner of 51% of Portsmouth football club.

Becky: Who owns the other half?

Logan looked at her and grew a cheesy grin.

Becky: It's you isn't it?

Logan: Yep... So after we get everything sorted and we settle get comfortable, would you like me to introduce you to him.

Alexa: Uh, I Buzz Lightyear my favorite from Toy Story, yes I want to meet him.

Becky and Logan chuckled at Alexa's love for Disney, when Logan remembered something else.

Logan: Hold on, wheres Larry-Steve and Ghost?

Becky: You'll see Ghost when we get you to your family's home, and Larry-Steve is with Lexis parents.

Logan: What, why?

Becky: Well Ghost was really depressed when you disappeared and Brad thought having a pig as a pet was stupid.

Logan looked to see Alexa look down upset.

Logan: Don't worry Sweetheart, when we get back home we'll get him back... Plus Brads a dick anyway.

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