Chapter 11: Preparing For a Fight.

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The next week for the trio and infant went by pretty quickly, they didn't do much except, visit Alexa's parents and just generally spend time as a family, but now Alexa is in the shared locker room of her, Becky and Logan and she's getting ready for her match tonight against Charlotte Flair for the opportunity to face Asuka at TLC for the RAW Women's championship, Logan's job is pretty easy as all he and Drew are doing is posting pictures as they work out, going back and forth with each other, they are still friends and the WWE Universe knows it but it's a respectful back and forth.

Alexa is warming up in her ring gear as Logan is sat on the sofa wearing a similar outfit to last week, with Nathan on his lap watching kids shows on his phone, but then Alexa started to do some stretches and that is more entertaining to Logan then watching a kids show.

So now Nathan's watching a kids show and Logan's watching one of his wife's stretch, his other wife walks in the locker room with Hunter, Steph and Charlotte in tow, their here to talk about the outcome of the match. 

Hunter: Everyone, Ok with that?

Charlotte: Yeah, sounds good.

Alexa: It could work.

Everyone agreed on the outcome of the match as Charlotte took her leave to get ready, but before Steph and Hunter could leave Becky asked.

Becky: Would you mind watching Nathan again?

Steph: Of course... we were going to offer anyway.

Logan got up and handed Hunter, Nathan, Nathan instantly started to try and grab Hunter's beard making everyone laugh as Hunter is now trying to fight off a 6 month old from pulling his beard, Nathan laughed as everyone else is laughing, Hunter managed to stop the boy as Logan said.

Logan: That's why I keep mine short... nothing to grab.

Hunter sighed and shook his head as he and Steph left to go to their office with the young Kenway, as Alexa is now in the zone and the plan is set for the co main event, the main event is Drew Mcintyre vs Bobby Lashley... Logan had his plan laid out for that as well.

Alexa, Becky and Logan made it to the gorilla as Logan and Becky are in similar outfits, like last week as Alexa is all decked out in black also.

Charlotte came along and the girls made small talk as Logan took pictures of his wife's and posted them to his instagram, the best thing is that they had no idea

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Charlotte came along and the girls made small talk as Logan took pictures of his wife's and posted them to his instagram, the best thing is that they had no idea... but now it's show time, Charlotte makes her entrance as the crowed booed her most the time... Logan thinks he heard as few cheers.

Now it's Alexa's turn.

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