Chapter 7: A Ghost's Return

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Logan was still sat on the table as Alexa and Becky, who is now 6 months pregnant, are sat on the sofa, Ghost has his head rested on Beckys thigh and Larry-Steve is just chilling next to Alexa, Logan tapped the loudspeaker button on his phone then said.

Logan: Talk...

Mike: I'm on loud speaker...

Logan: Just tell them what you told me.

Mike: Ok, so Logan asked me when he came back to England to find everything I can on Lori Fields... mainly to focus on her phone activate, and it's taking me this long but I managed to trace a number that has been contacting her back and forth over the past 4 years in total... 

Alexa: Ok, so who was it... and don't you think your out of the woods for not telling us this.

She said the last part to Logan making him nod in agreement, he probably should have told them he was chasing this.

Mike: The number goes back to a burner phone... and the guy who bought the phone paid with a credit card, this card also was paying $10,000 a month to Miss. Fields.

Becky: Who was it?

She asked impatiently, even tho the two kinda had an idea as to why Logan asked about Seth earlier.

Mike: The card holder's name is Colby Lopez...

Becky couldn't believe it, not only was she a few doors away from Logan when he was missing, but she was dating the man responsible, Alexa saw this and hugged her and told her reassuring things, Becky was heartbroken about it, she felt used and betrayed... but Logan was furious, Seth was one of Logan's best friends.

Logan: Thanks Mike... 

Mike: Have a nice life Lo.

Logan hung up the phone and called Hunter. Alexa looked at him as the phone rang... eventually Hunter answered.

Hunter: Logan... what's up, how are you settling in?

Logan: Uh... great, listen... any chance of me coming back?

Hunter: All you need to do my boy is show up, but if you don't mind me asking, why the change in mind?

Logan: All I can tell you right now over the phone, is I want Seth...

Hunter: Done... you coming in tonight?

Hunter asked as RAW was in Orlando tonight.

Logan: See you tonight Hunter... oh, and keep this between us.

Hunter: Agreed, see you tonight.

Logan hung up the phone and sat back on the coffee table and looked at Becky.

Logan: It's not your fault.

That's all Becky needed to hear as she let the tears fall and hugged Logan and he hugged back, Alexa joined the hug and they just sat in silence till Becky wiped her tears and looked at Logan.

Becky: What are you going to do to him?

 Logan looked at both Alexa and Becky to see they had concerned looks on their faces.

Logan: I'm going to take away everything he's ever loved...


Logan, Becky and Alexa managed to somehow make their way through the arena from the car park to Hunter's office, when they enter they see, Hunter, Shane, Steph and Vince in the room, Steph instantly congratulates Becky and Logan on the new baby, and Logan tells them everything... but understandably so, they are sceptical.

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