Chapter 6: Christmas Time

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Today is Christmas day and the first one in 3 years Logan isn't spending it in a homemade cell, Logan woke up earlier then Becky and Alexa, he was lucky as well as this was one of the very few mornings he's woking up and they haven't been holding on to him, the reason he is lucky is because he can get up and make them breakfast, and that's what he does.

Logan is making pancakes for his girlfriends as Becky was the first up and came out the bedroom and wrapped her arms around his waist as he continued to make the food, she kissed his cheek and said.

Becky: Happy Holidays, babe.

Logan: Happy Holidays, baby.

they then kissed fully and Becky went to get a cup of coffee as Alexa than came out the bedroom with a big grin on her face and a skip in her step, she did the same thing with Logan as Becky did and they exchanged the holiday greeting, then the girls sat down at the table and talked about how Becky was going to tell Logan.

Alexa: So, have you thought of a way to tell him?

Becky: Yea, I've put some baby stuff in a box and were going to see how long it takes before he realises that were having a baby.

Alexa: I love it... 

They continued to talk, mainly they were suggesting names for the baby, they already decide that if it is a boy, Becky wants to call him Nathan as that was Logan's Father's name, Alexa agreed with that idea, but before they could continue talking Logan walked in with two plates of pancakes for the girls, Becky put syrup on hers and Alexa went for the fruit option, Becky has grawn a sweet tooth during her pregnancy, Alexa thought it was adorable and Logan was none the wiser as he just thought she was piggin out before she went back to the WWE, Logan joined them shortly after with his pancakes and opted for the fruti option, he then turned on the news but left it on mute, Alexa was confused but Becky understood what he was doing.

Alexa: Why did you mute the TV?

Logan: Well, in England in some family's it is tradition to watch the Queen's speech, every christmas... the only time the don't is if there's a Bond film on...

Alexa: Bond?

Becky: James Bond.

Alexa: Oh, I love those movies... can we watch one?

Logan and Becky giggled at her excitement and agreed, Becky was so happy to see Alexa back to her old cheerful self... Brad really did a number on her in a bad way... the trio continued to eat, talk and laugh together and enjoy their Christmas, once done Alexa and Becky was about to clean up, but Logan stopped them and told them he will clean up, the girls were going to protest but Logan was already in the kitchen cleaning up, once done they watched the Queen's speech were she basically just wished the nation happy times in the coming year, then they watched James Bond movies...


For the next few hours, the trio watched the Daniel Craig collection of the Bond movies and now was time for presents, the girls were happy because Logan is back and this is the first Christmas they have with him and Becky's and Logan's lives are going to change forever... they continued to open each others gift form each other till becky saved hers for Logan till last.

Becky: Hold on, I'll be back.

She then got up and went to go and get the box, Logan looked at Alexa confused but Alexa just shrugged at him as she drank Hot Chocolate, after a few seconds Becky came back with a box and sat opposite Logan as he opened it, he looked in the box confused, as he pulled out baby clothes and a baby rattle, Logan looked back and forward between Becky and Alexa as they both had grins on their faces, Logan continued through the box until he reached the bottom and found a pregnancy text that said positive... and Logan understood it... he looked at Becky and the two seemed to silently have a conversation as Becky just nodded rapidly at him, Logan wrapped his arms gently around her as they both cried with joy, Logan then lifted her top just above her belly to see a small baby bump forming, Logan smiled at Becky and gently kissed her baby bump, Alexa just sat by and watched with a smile on her face... the rest of their Christmas was them just facetiming all their families, Becky's and Alexas parent were happy to see Logan back safely and the daughters happy again, Becky told her family about the baby and they were over the moon they are going to be grandparents... after dinner they watched some more movies and went to bed with Logan pulling them both as close to him as possible, he gave Alexa a kiss on her lips, then Becky and then he gave Becky's baby bump a kiss as well, they all fell asleep that night with smiles on their faces...

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