Chapter 8: One Leave's the Other Falls

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Logan was just staring at Seth as Seth stared back, the WWE Universe and eventually the whole world will see this and know what Seth did to Logan... Becky and Alexa were worried that Logan might get hurt, but they also new that he could easily beat Seth in a match, but the part that worried them was Logan said it wasn't a match... it is a fight...

Logan: Ok, Seth you're a smart guy, so I'm sure you know what's gonna happen here...

Seht didn't everdt his gaze from Logan aas Logan took his top of and throw it to the side, Logan wasn't as well built as he was before he went missing but he still looked good.

Logan: But before we start... let's go over the rules...

Logan looked around the car park, probably looking for stuff to use to inflict as much pain to Seth as possible, then he looked back to seth.

Logan: There are no rules...

Logan then charged at Seth and pushed him in to his car and Logan started to hit Seth... but for real, Seth managed to push Logan of him and go on the atack himself, Seth hit Logan a few times but the pure want to inflict pain on Seth just allowed Logan to shrug off the hits as if they were nothing, Logan wrapped his hands around Seth's neck and hit him with a Codebreaker, probably braking Seth's nose as Logan drove his knees into his face, Seth stumbled back but managed to keep himself up by using the car, Logan wanted to take advantage of the shocked Rollins and he charged at him once again, but this time Seth saw him coming and managed to side step Logan.

Seth put his hand on the back of Logan's neck and push Logan's head through one of the car windows, Logan's head is now busted open, but not to the point where he will stop, Seth ran around the car trying to get away but the only exit left is the one being guarded by Drew, Aj and Randy, Seth managed to make his way to the WWE transport lorry, Logan shook his head snapping himself back to the present, Logan noticed Seth making his way to the lorry, so Logan followed.

In a desperate attempt to get away, Seth tried to climb up to the top of the lorry as quick as he can, but it wasn't fast enough as Logan managed to grab Seth's ankle and pull him on to a nearby car, Seth impacted with the windscreen smashing it, making glass shards go into Seth's back, Logan climbed on to the hood of the car and started to punch Seth in the face, letting loose all his pent up aggression form over the last few years, but with every punch, everything Logan has gone through, flashed through his mind.

The time he was kidnapped... every single day, were his hope of escaping slowly decreasing day by day... him escaping and finding a douchebag in Becky's living room... finding out his Father died whilst he was locked away all because Seth wanted what Logan had...

Logan stopped punching Seth and looked at him to see him all bloodied and beating, but before Logan let the ambulance and police take Seth, Logan needs to get one more thing out of him... Logan jumped off the car and made his way to a set of steel chairs, Logan grabbed one and a camera lady and told her to follow him, Logan pointed the camera at Seth's face and Logan stood over Seth, chair in hand.

Logan: Tell them... tell them everything...

And Seth did... Seth told Logan everything, obviously not knowing the camera's there... Logan throw down the chair and fell off the car in tiredness, Drew and Randy ran over to him and helped him up, Logan managed to hold himself up as Becky and Alexa hugged him, during this time Hunter approached the fallen Seth.

Hunter: Take him away.

The door to the car park are opened again and an ambulance and a police car came throw the car park entrance, the ambulance did it's job and tended to Logan then to Seth, the police car pulled up next and the Captain came out the car.

Captain: Great work, Mr.Kenway... but I won't ask how Mrs.Fields phone records found its way into my emails.

Logan just smiled at her then said.

Logan: I don't know what your talking about.

The Captain smiled back and the paramedics gave Logan the all clear, but if Logan felt dizzy in the next few days, he's to go to the hospital, Becky and Alexa will make sure he does.

Logan then got up and he started to make he's way out making sure to say his thanks and appreciation to the McMahons on his way, Logan told Randy, Drew and Aj to swing by the house sometime and they replied with a we definitely will, Logan smiled and gave his friends a quick hug, then Logan, Becky and Alexa started to make there way out the arena so they can go home, but Charley asked to have a quick word with Logan, to which he agreed.

Charley: First of, welcome back...

Logan: I'm just gonna have to stop you there Charley... this isn't a come back, I just had a pest problem to deal with...

Charley: So what next for the Alpha Wolf?

Logan: Well firstly, I'm going to be there for this amazing women that is currently caring our baby...

Logan said kissing Becky on the cheek, when he did they could here the RAW crowed let out a cheer.

Logan: But after that... well...

Logan looked into the camera.

Logan: My WWE title was stolen from me 4 years ago, so to who ever wins the now vacant title, I will be back and I will reclaim the Wolf's Den...

Logan, Becky and Alexa walked off camera and got in their car with Alexa driving and Becky in the passenger seat with Logan relaxing in the back, they just sat in silence listening to the radio as they took the 10 minute drive to their new house.

Once they got home, they noticed they still haven't unpacked, but they were too tired to do that now, so they made there way to bed, were Logan wrapped his arms around both Becky and Alexa and he kissed their heads, then said. 

Logan: I'm never leaving again.

Becky and Alexa smiled to themselves at this and fell asleep in Logan's arms excited for their next new adventure...


(To Be Continued)

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