Chapter 13: Battling A Beast

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Logan, Alexa and Becky are at home as Logan's family had to go home as they had work and school and such, but right now, Alexa and Becky are sat on the sofa as Becky's feeding Nathan and Logan is pacing back and forward, he seems to be either thinking or waiting for someone, Logan looked at the door when the doorbell went, Logan basically ran to the door and opened it to see one of the best in the UFC... if not the best ever in the UFC...

 if not the best ever in the UFC

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Khabib: You ready mate?

Logan: Let's do this...

Logan grabbed his bag and gave Becky and Alexa a kiss as he gave Nathan a small head pat, Logan then left with Khabib to go start his training to beat Lesnar for good... Logan had nothing against Lesnar till last night... Logan always respected Lesnar, but Lesnar made his son cries, and that's not ok... Becky and Alexa shared a concerned look as Logan left with the 29-0 former UFC champion...


It's now Friday Night Smackdown and Logan, Becky and alexa showed up to the arena, tonight Brock is supposed to make a promo about Survivor Series this weekend, everyone is buzzing about the fight as Lesnar Vs Kenway has been 5 years in the making and it's finally happening, but right now Logan's doing the small work out Khabib told him to do, Logan wanted to work on MMA as Brock's fight style is very similar to a UFC fighters, and Logan isn't looking to allow Brock to walk all over him like Brock's done to a lot of WWE Superstars, Logan is doing his thing as Alexa and Becky sat with Nathan on the sofa... They won't lie when they say they are worried about him...

Alexa: Babe, are you sure this is a good idea?

Logan stopped doing sit-ups and looked at them both to see their doubt in him.

Logan: You don't think I can beat him?

He asked a little hurt as these two are two of the three most important people in his life and they don't believe in him.

Becky: We aren't saying that...

Logan: No, but your thinking it!

The girls went quiet as Logan has never raised his voice at them but he did now, everyone can tell this whole thing with Brock is getting to him... Logan's spending more time training then he is with his family and no one seems to be able to bring him back from this road he's going down, Alexa was about to say something but Logan left the room as Brock's music hit...

Brock got in the ring and waited for the boos to die down till he started to talk, but he didn't even get a second to do that 'cause as soon as Brock lifted the mic to his lips Logan's music hit as Logan came sprinting down to the ring... Brock throw his Universal Title and mic away as the crowed cheered as Logan slid in the ring and took the fight to the Beast Incarnate...

Cole: It's the WWE Champion here on Smackdown...

Graves: Looks like the Alpha is sending a message to the whole WWE locker room...

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