Chapter 18: Is Logan Ok?

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Logan, Alexa and Becky are having a lazy day with Nathan as they relax before Logan has to fight Roman in a few days on Smackdown, it's not a title match but it's the build up his and Bray's rivalry, by this point the WWE have seen the footage of Logan holding Bray's wife hostage, as The Fiend took Alexa, the world was actually loving the fact that Logan did that and was taking the mind games to The Fiend, but Alexa and Becky are worried about what Logan said in the promo about him not being the only one to walk out that... hell... but every time they brought it up, Logan would just say...

Logan: Girls, I'm fine... trust me...

And they do trust him, it's just he doesn't seem to believe himself when he says that sentence, but what he has been doing is training a lot, and Becky and Alexa don't know why, when they go to bed he's the last one asleep and when they wake up he's already been awake for a few hours, and Becky's on Mommy's time so she wakes up really early, but every time she does, Logan's either cooking them breakfast or in their home gym, Logan didn't train this much when he fought Brock Lesner... maybe The Fiend is effecting him... it has for the others...


Logan is getting ready for his match against Roman, he's gonna have Becky ringside like normal and Alexa's gonna sit backstage with Nathan, but before his match there's a fun house he needs to visit...

The song played for a few seconds before Bray came on screen doing his wave with his big grin on his face...

Bray: Hi kids... Yowie Wowie... did any expect naughty Logan to react like that... 

Bray then went serious.

Bray: You have... his... attention now Logan... and...

Bray didn't get to finish as Logan ambushed him and started hitting him with elbows to his head, he did it for a few more seconds, till he stopped and stood over the fallen Bray...

Logan: Tell him I said 'See you at Wrestlmania'

Logan then left for the gorilla as his match against Roman is next and the crowed loved every second of this new dominate and aggressive Alpha, no one could find a bad thins to say about the new role he has, except the women who love him... they can't quite figure out what is up with Logan, but they can tell there is something, Logan met Becky on the way as he gave Alexa a kiss and Nathan a head rub and they two walked hand in hand towards the gorilla, Becky decided to try and get him to spill...

Becky: So, you want to tell me what's bothering you?

Logan looked at her and was about to say his usually saying, but Becky stopped him.

Becky: If you say 'I'm fine' I'll put you in the Dis-Arm-Her and won't let go till you spill...

Logan looked down as he stopped walking and Becky turned to look at him...

Becky: For better or worse, right?... Sickness and in health?... 

Logan looked at her and she had that look of determination that she always got when she wouldn't let go of whatever it was she was trying to get, whether it be answers or her RAW Women's title...

Logan: Can we talk about it when we get home?

Becky didn't actually expect that, she thought he was just going to say he's fine again, but she nodded at him as they shared a kiss and continued their way to the gorilla for Logan's match against Roman, when they got their they saw Roman with Jey and Paul.

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