Chapter 19: The Truth & A Happy Surprise

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Logan woke up again at 3 am... this is not the first item, it's been happening for a few weeks now, and he can't figure out why, so he got out of Alexa's and Becky's grip and went across the hall to Nathan's room, when he got their he opened the door to see the one year old lad, asleep in his bed with the toy Logan and Becky got him when he was born, Logan closed the door slightly and went to do what he normally does at this time... workout...

The only difference to this night then any of the others is Becky and Alexa are still awake, the two sat up as Logan left the room, they then noticed Nathan's door open on the baby monitor they still had in Nathan's room, they both watched as Logan just smiled at Nathan, but after a few seconds Logan closed the door slightly, Becky and Alexa pretended to be asleep as they thought Logan would come back to bed...

But he didn't, both Alexa and Becky were confused as to where he went so they got out of bed and covered themselves, Becky put on a pair of sweatpants and Alexa put on a robe as they left the room and looked around the house trying to find their husband... 

But they couldn't find him, they checked the kitchen, the garden and the games room and he wasn't in any, but they both stopped in the living room about to express their concerns to each other but then they heard some music coming from the gym in the basement, it wasn't loud which is probably why they didn't hear it till the stopped and listened, they opened the door and the music got louder...

Becky and Alexa walked down the stairs to see Logan doing pull ups on the bar, he had his shirt of and he wasn't sweating yet but he did look shiny so he had been pushing himself already, Becky turned off the music as Logan jumped off the bar and saw them, he smiled and acted as if nothing was wrong.

Logan: Hey... are you okay?

Alexa: Are you?

Logan grabbed the towel and wiped the small amount of sweat that has now made it's way onto his forehead, he throw the towel and sat on the weight lifting bench as Becky and Alexa walked up next to him.

Becky: You've been waking up at this sorta time for a while now haven't you?

Logan didn't answer as he didn't want to burden them with his mind... even tho he told Becky he would tell her, but he obviously isn't going to make it easy for them.

Alexa: What's wrong Lo?... 

Becky: You said that you weren't the only one to walk out... what do you mean?

She asked concerned for Logan as was Alexa, Logan looked at them both and realised there is no way he's getting out of this so he might as well tell them...

Logan: It means how it sounds...

Both Alexa and Becky listened closely as Logan is about to spill his thoughts about what happened to him for those 3 years, yes he saw a therapist and talked his thoughts out there but he never brought it up to his wife's as he didn't want them to worry about them.

Logan: I was alone in a dark room for 3 years... if I didn't go crazy then that would have been weird... but the thing is the thoughts, the dreams they all went away when I came back to you two, but when The Fiend to you Lex... they all came rolling back...

Alexa felt a little upset that she is involved with the reason that Logan's having these troubles again, Logan noticed and put his arm around her.

Logan: I now know how you two felt, well... kinda... I can't ever imagine what you two went through, but every time I try and save you Lex you get pulled away again and it's killing me...

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