Chapter 2: What Happened?

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Orlando Police Station, August 20th.

Becky, Alexa and Logan are now sat in the Captain's office so they can tell the police everything that has happened, Logan was sat on a chair as Alexa was on his left and Becky was on his right, Alexa hasn't let go of Logan's arm since they left the house, Becky just smiled at the scene and happy to the fact the love of her life was alive and well, after a few moments of peaceful silence the Captain came back in the room with two hot drinks in her hands as another officer followed her in with another two hot drinks, the Captain put one on her side of the desk and the other in front of Logan, the other officer gave Alexa and Becky both a cup of coffee and left as the Captain sat down then said.

Captain: Hot Choco... Miss Quin told me, it's not a great idea to give you coffee late at night.

Logan looked at Becky and smiled as she smiled back and held his hand, he happily returned the gesture, the Captain then sat down and opened up a file on her desk.

Captain: Firstly, Miss. Kaufman I just need a straight answer... Would you like to press charges against Mr. Brad Higgins?

Alexa looked at Logan and Becky as both of them nodded slightly at her, Alexa turned back to the Captain and said.

Alexa: Yes.

Captain: Ok, we will get all that sorted out after...

The Captain looks at Logan.

Captain: You tell us everything that happened... Please don't spare any details.

She then pulled out a voice recorder and Logan looked at the Captain.

Captain: Don't worry, this is just incase this goes to court then you wont have to show up... This is to help you, which is why I need all the details...

Logan sat there for a moment, then said.

Logan: There's not really much to say... I woke up on the monday morning and went downstairs to feed the animals...

Captain: Sorry, but just incase this question comes up, I need to know where you two were during this time.

The Captain asked to Becky and Alexa.

Captain: Can you state your name for the recording please?...

Becky: Rebecca Quin...

Alexa: And I'm Alexis Kaufman and we were in Houston Texas getting ready for Raw that night...

Captain: Please continue Mr. Kenway.

Logan breathed a heavy breath as Becky still held his right hand and Alexa was still hugging his left arm, as he continued to tell his story.

Logan: Well as I was saying...


(Logan's POV) (3 Years Ago)

I just woke up because of the sun beaming through my bedroom window, which was weird because I would normally get woke up by Larry-Steve or Ghost, Ghost is my White Siberian Husky and Larry-Steve is Alexa's pig... He's great to be honest, I was a little confused when she first told me about him, but in my eyes that pig is a living legend, so shaking away my confusion about not being awaking by the animals, I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth then made the bed, I then made my way downstairs to see the back door alarm, was disarmed... 

Logan: Weird... I swear I set that last night...

I shrugged it off and walked into the kitchen and started the coffee machine, whilst that was brewing I put food in both Ghost's and Larry-Steve's food bowls, I then called for them...

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