Chapter 1

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Taehyung and Soyeon were in each other's arms, in his king-size bed, he held her in his arms, placing a kiss on her forehead. It was something very common for them to spend their mornings together.

Tae: I dream of getting married as soon as possible and having a big family, me, you, and our little versions, he said with a dreamy voice 

Soyeon sighed heavily and turned her back, getting out of bed and putting on her robe.

Soyeon:  You know I can't give you what you want, right? I can't have children ... We have already talked about this.

Tae: Maybe we have a chance, we can try to ...

Soyeon: Taehyung, please, let's not talk about this...

Tae: Ok, sorry, he approached and hugged her, I didn't want to upset you

Soyeon just nodded and kissed his cheek.

Soyeon: Anyway, I have to go ... see you tonight


That evening, when Taehyung met his father,  he did not even know what fate prepared for him.

Tae's father: The Park Company are ready to collide with our companies, but first,  you need to marry their daughter, it was the request of the Park senior, he has influences in government, so he can easily destroy our good name and valuable if we refuse him!

Tae: It's not a problem, me and Soyeon we're already thinking about marriage so we don't need to fake it.

Tae's father: Is that so, good then, tomorrow we will meet at their mansion to sign the papers.

Tae: But, I don't understand, why can't they just let their daughter manage the company...

Tae's father: Park's family is very conservative and patriarchal, their daughters can take control it's always their sons or sons-in-law. This is why, by the way, they choose very carefully their futures in low. But don't worry once we sign the papers, and you marry her you will be able to make your choices. You will become the heir of the two biggest companies in our country.

Tae: Yea, that's a big responsibility, I hope everything will be alright.

Tae's father: Don't worry, it's Park's who we are talking about, you always will have their protection and help of their advocates. After tomorrow you will be a part of their family...  the press is informed about your engagement with Park's daughter.


Taehyung returned home after he met with his father, entering his house he was greeted by Soyeon. He kissed her and they headed into the kitchen.

T: How was your day? He asked watching her setting the table

Soyeon: It was great,  I managed to get the best model for our products, tomorrow I will meet her...

They sat across each other and started to eat.

T: Tomorrow!?

Soyeon: Yes, is there a problem?

T: Well tomorrow we have to meet with your family and sign the papers, did you forget about our engagement?

Soyeon: No! Of course not, I will be there right in time, Can't believe I will become a Kim, your Kim!

T: Why are you so sweet? He said pinching her nose

A: Because of you. Mmm, it's so tasty, today's pasta is very good! I need to thank Miss Son!


The next day was very special for him, and not because of the benefits he will get after the engagement but because he would marry his lover. On the way to Park mansion, sitting in his car, he was looking at the ring he brought for her, he was smiling and feeling excited.

Senior Park Chanyeol was very serious and had a strong aura around him as if it was saying "Don't mess with me".
Wille waited for Soyeon to come,  their advocate prepared the papers and started to inform him about the details, but he was not listening, he was wondering where is she and why she isn't here yet.

The advocate handed him the papers to sign them, being lost in toughs, he blindly signed them, he didn't have a choice anyway, their families knew from the start that their children will marry each other.

Mr. Kang: Well, now that you signed this we have only to wait for my daughter's arrival, to sign it too, if, of course, they will find her. But don't worry the rest is a formality, you are already a part of our family.

Taehyung was a little bit confused

T: I don't understand, why do we need to find Soyeon, did something happen to her?

Mr. Park: Who said it's Soyeon who you will marry? He asked with a stern voice, which almost scared Taehyung, Mister  Kang here, he pointed at him, has another daughter, she is the youngest one, and my heir, the one you will marry.

T: What? How about Soyeon? Why did nobody hear about your other granddaughter?

Mr. Kang lowered his head, not wanting to speak

Mr. Park: Well, that's because we hid her from the press and people who are coming only for our money and influence. Then he looked a Mr. Kang, Soyeon is my granddaughter too, but she will inherit only the business of her father, while the heir of the Park Companies, the Ceo of which is still me, will be his youngest daughter. Anyway, you already signed the papers so you no longer have a choice.

Taehyung wanted to protest but suddenly, rings a phone.

Mr. Kang: I'm listening... What?! His voice trembled, face darkened with worry, I will be right there! He hung up. Soyeon... She...

T: W-what, what happened to her? He stood up worried

Mr. Kang: She, she got in a car accident...

!!! This was the first chapter, feel free to indicate the mistakes I made, so I could redact them.
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