Chapter 14

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Chaeyoung was sobbing in the graveyard of her grandfather and mother. Sadly she got to find out her name in such a tragic way a few days ago. She was feeling numb, her forces left her completely all she could do now was cry.

Soon she felt a warm hand on her shoulder...

Tae: Chae... please, let's go home... he said carefully with concern

Chae: Now that grandpa is dead, you can do whatever you want, so, please, you don't have to pretend, you can leave... she told him not sparing him even a glance, her eyes were dead without a spark, there was no light, she was looking directly at the photos of her mother and grandfather.

Tae: I won't leave you, I will stay, I will be by your side, I promise... he assured her, he held out his hand for her to take but she was too weak to hold it, so he bent to her and took her in his arms, although that surprised her, she just leaned her head on his shoulder letting herself wrapped in his warmth...


Chaeyoung spent a lot of time in her painting room... she left her job in the company's department because she couldn't see her "mother's" face, let alone the mental stress she was going through. Right now she was painting her real mother's face. The room was full of various paintings and portraits, lit only by the sun peeking out the window, Chaeyoung was lazily hauling a paintbrush on the canvas, her face had no emotion, dressed only in a pair of wide pants and a large t-shirt that was reaching to her knees, her hair, which had already grown black roots, was caught in a messy bun, she was looking lifeless...

She no longer knew if it was day or night, she was broken, all she did was sit in this room and paint, she didn't care that she wasn't wearing make-up, or that her hair wasn't arranged, she felt betrayed and left alone ...

Taehyung appeared at the door of the room, yes, he knows about her little escape place, watching her slowly fade, he felt guilty that he could not protect her from the truth.

Tae: Chae... he called her Chaeyoung just hummed in response her eyes glued to her painting
Tae: I have something for you, can you please come with me?
Chae: If it's about work... I don't want to look at it... she said uninterested...
She doesn't want to get here. Seulgi contacted her and even visited her apologizing for her bad attitude, not knowing the truth, and choosing to believe in someone's lies. Seulgi assured that she is always waiting there, but still, Chaeyoung don't want to face them, she was too hurt and afraid of the people.
Tae: No, I promised that I won't force you, you won't regret it, trust me...Chaeyoung put her paintbrush down and faced him,
Chae: Alright..., Taehyung smiled at her and directed her towards the room, where she was greeted by a small creature.

As soon as Chaeyoung saw the little creature, her face was brightened by a huge smile

Chae: OMG! it's so cute, what's his name, where did you find him?

It was a white with brown fur puppy, that jumped on her hands and started to leak her face...

Tae: I bought it for you... do you like it? he asked her looking at her smiling face

Chae: Yes! I love it!! thank you so much, excited and happy, Chaeyoung hugged Taehyung, thanking him, which took him by surprise, she didn't even realize what she had done, detaching herself from him and looking at her dog again, What is his name? she asked again not caring about anything else. Taehyung composed himself, regaining his posture after the effect she had on him with only her hug and that bright smile...

Tae: He doesn't have a name yet, you should give him one...

Chae: I will, thank you, come on Little boy, did you eat? She took the dog in her arms and left with him...


Step by step Chaeyoung began to recover, and Taehyung tried everything to get her out of her depression. He was taking her for night walks, hunting different places where they could eat tasty food, he was buying her flowers, or they could watch movies together, they were doing everything like what usually couples do... Chaeyoung was feeling much better, she was grateful for all his efforts, despite being busy with his work. She was trying not to fall for him more or build her hopes high that they have a future... she chooses just to be by his side, to be a good friend and just a caring wife...

Taehyung knew that what he was doing for Chaeyoung was not just out of pity, or because he promised to take care of her, slowly he realized that he was falling in love with her, or had already started doing it earlier... Now he was sitting next to Soyeon's bed and watching her intently, he no longer felt that love he once had ... He just felt guilty, he thought that he has no right to love another woman, knowing that he had promised her that they'll be together ... what will Soyeon tell him when she wakes up and finds out he's already married ...

Arriving home, he is greeted by Hank, as Chaeyoung had called the dog, and by the warmth of their house. Chaeyoung approached him too, and helped him by taking his case, she sensed the hospital smell coming from him.

Chae: You, visited Soyeon again? She asked knowing the answer, You must be tired and hungry, let's eat, I made your favorite today... she smiled gently at him and headed to the dinner area. Preparing food and waiting for him to eat, was her way to thank him for his care, it has become something normal to do.

Tae: Chaeyoung... I... he reached after her in the dining area

Chae: It's okay! I should visit her too..., how is her progress? she asked while serving him his food, Taehyung stopped her by taking her hand making her face him, she looked at him with a questionable look.

Tae: I don't want to make you feel worthless, you are my wife, and no matter what I will be by your side... they were staring into each other's eyes, and suddenly Taehyung's hand touched her cheek couping it in his big palm. Something was telling him to kiss her lips, to hug her tightly... making him bring her face closer to his, Chaeyoung let out a shaking breath... "what is he trying to do"... her eyes were running on his face to find an answer, he was so close to touching her lips when ringed a phone. Taehyung let her go and cleared his throat... he was about to kiss her, and he wanted it so bad... what is happening to him? Chaeyoung looked at the caller and was hesitating to answer

Tae: You are not going to pick that up? Who is that?

Chae: It's... It's my father... she said very quietly, a sad feeling in her voice

Tae: Since when has he been calling you? he asks, frowning, something was wrong.

Chae: A few weeks already... since my grandpa...

Tae: Why don't you answer him? Come on... he encouraged her, Chaeyoung nodded and picked up the call

Chae: Hello? Y-Yes!? Taehyung was listening to her conversation observing her facial expression... After a while, she ended the call

Chae: Yeah! okay, see you then...Bye...

Tae: Why did he call you?

Chae: He wants to meet with me...

" Thank you for reading!!! Sorry for the mistakes!!! How was it?

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