Chapter 7: A Crisis Among Us

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(Sawano was revisiting his mind while he was unconscious.)
-Sawano's childhood-
"Okisaki: Big brother! You can't sit around all day, come on lets go see Oshikida!"
"Sawano: Honestly, I'd prefer the shade more than going to see her today."
"Okisaki: Hmph! You're such a grumpy big brother, Sawano!"
"Sawano: Ha! You always make that pout whenever you're angry, makes you look like a tomato!"
(He laid there in the shade and laughed at her.)
"Okisaki: Such a meanie... Fine! I'll go see Oshikida myself, enjoy the shade!"
(She dramatically pouted and walked to Oshikida's house and Sawano kept laying in the shade and looked into the sky. A few hours later, Sawano was napping in the grass then came a raindrop which landed on his head then began to rain.)
"Radella: Sawano! Its raining come on in!"
(She walked out to the rain with an umbrella and sees Sawano sleeping underneath the tree then she smiled and carried him inside. Kirby and Okisaki sees Sawano being carried in, sleeping from laying in the shade all day.)
"Kirby: He laid in the shade again?"
"Okisaki: All day!"
"Kirby: That kid takes after your great-grandfather..!"
"Okisaki: Dad, what's our grandfather like?"
"Kirby: Hm.. well, let me say it like this. When my father was around, he was a very very kind hearted fellow. I didn't get to see him often but when he was around to be with me and your mother, he'd take us to our favorite viewpoint. Do you see that cliff up there in horizon?"
(Okisaki looked out the window and saw the cliff.)
"That's the very same cliff me and your mother's father ended all the final Elemental Wars at!"
"Okisaki: Really?!"
"Radella: Yup! Although.. we may need to have a talk about Sawano."
"Okisaki: I can leave if you guys want me too."
"Radella: Actually, you might need to hear this Okisaki."
(Sawano continued to sleep as the three of them talked behind his back. A faint noise was heard as Sawano began to wake up and regained his consciousness.)

"Kira: You're awake."
(He sat up and felt his head bandaged and sat up against the wall.)
"Sawano: K-Kira..? What- h-happened-"
"Kira: Kira.. cannot say anything. But a message was left for you."
"Sawano: Huh..?
(Kira grabbed Sawano's communication pad which left a recorded message.)
"Tsuka(Pad): HELLO..? SAWANO..? CAN YOU HEAR ME?!"
"Sawano: T-Tsuka..."
(The recording had static in the background as she continued to speak.)
"Tsuka(Pad): No.. Sawano, I'm going to pretend you're there... Listen, the Anti-Realm's portal was broken through from the start..! Japan was just under attack and its still under siege, The Anti-Gods has escaped... Sawano, they've killed over fifty two fighters... we haven't gotten any responses from almost half the elemental divisions... Not to mention, we lost contact with the High Commission and the Disciplinary Committee... And if timing wasn't worse, they've just killed Dalton...
(Rumbling was heard atop the surface and Sawano sat there with a shocked face.)
"The battle we're in is a major bloodbath... The Anti-Gods are far more powerful than they were before... Listen, for our sake and yours, you need to get out of Hakodate and find a plan B, we'll hold them off as long as we can... get going Sawano and be safe..!"
(Explosions was heard in the recording as static was the last thing heard and the message ends. Sawano slammed his fist into the wall in anger.)
"Sawano: DAMN IT..!"
"Kira: Kira was able to get you out of there in time before any of the Anti-Gods found you. We need to go Sawano, Kira believes this is far too dangerous for us to handle."
(He'd weakly get up and stumbled back to one knee.)
"Sawano: I can't... go anywhere yet.. until I defend... Hakodate... and save Japan.."
"Kira: Kira understands. But you're nowhere strong enough to fight them on your own."
"Sawano: What about Gaito..?"
(Gaito would be battling three of the Anti-Gods without a sweat and a scratch on either of them.)
"Kira: While Gaito can handle himself plus his Demi-God power, Kira believes he can take down one or two of them on his own. But the Anti-Gods combined now has enough power to eradicate this universe and possibly the next. So its best if we lay low for now."
(As Kira turned around, Sawano disappeared which gave Kira an annoyed sigh. Sawano limped out to the surface and looked around in disbelief and loss of breath at the depressed civilians about their harmed loved ones and the destroyed parts of Hakodate.)
"Sawano: No..."
(He reactivated his Inferno and the flames quickly scattered across his body and began to heal his wounds and bruises then walked towards one of the crying civilians hugging their kids.)
"You guys ok..?"
"Child: You're the one who saved us..!!"
(The kids surrounded and hugged Sawano with joy that he's ok.)
"Mother: You saved all of my kids.. I can't thank you enough sir.."
"Sawano: Your welcome, I'm glad your kids are safe."
(He began to walk then fly off.)
"Mother: Wait! What's your name..?"
"Sawano: I'm Sawano Magachi, the one who recreated this world and the one who will protect this world."

(He flew off as the mother smiled and waved at him same for the kids. Sawano flew towards the explosions and landed a while later and saw ambulances, paramedics and more fighters in the area then looks up to see Gaito and three Anti-Gods fighting him at once.)
"Uhean: Such a disappointment for said Demi-God!"
"Ekdis: Hahaha!!"
"Gaito: You brats are very cocky.. that's because, I DIDN'T GO ALL OUT!"
(Gaito began to zap faster even than time and managed to land a blow on Itar but the other two began to throw punches and kicks at him which they'd fail to until Sawano blasted the both of them out of the way and joined Gaito.)
"Gaito: And where in THE HELL, have you been?"
"Sawano: None of your damn business."
"Gaito: What's say we kick their asses?"
"Sawano: Read my mind, pal!"
(The both of them took on the three of them as Xadite watched from afar and smiled.)
"Xadite: Such a fool..!"
(Chimon weakly got back up to his feet and dragged his two axes and Xadite turned back around to see him weakly back to his feet.)
"My my, you're really a resistant person aren't you?"
"Chimon: I'd rather die... protecting not just my academy now... but the city as well...!"
"Xadite: You really annoy me.."
(He raised his hand to his shoulder and balled it to a fist. Chimon's Shadow was being crushed as Chimon screamed in pain unimaginable as Xadite smirked.)
"You should know better matters when speaking to the strong. Although, I desperately want to kill you right now. But... I want you to enjoy a show we're going to put on just for you and Hakodate!"

(Xadite's shadow left his body and covered the sky with gloominess which caused the Anti-God's power and speed to increase at a terrifying rate. Sawano and Gaito continued to fight three of them off but regrouped and was surrounded.)
"Uhean: So, what shall we play next? The game where you two surrender and we kill you or the game where you two continue to try and fight us but fail. Either way, you two don't stand a chance against the three of us."
"Sawano: So what's the game plan now?"
"Gaito: I have another-"
(Itar's darkness dragged Gaito into a dark abyss without hesitation quickly before he could finish the sentence which left Sawano alone.)
"Sawano: Seriously..?"
"Ekdis: What are you going to do now without any backup..?"
"Xadite: You boys had fun. Now, I want a piece of what he can do."
(He walked towards Sawano and stared at him.)
"We finally meet, Sawano."
"Sawano: So. You six are The Anti-Gods, we settle this now!"
"Xadite: Actually no, you're fighting me alone."
"Sawano: That means you don't wanna be shamed when I beat all six of you myself?"
"Xadite: I would take that back if I was you, words has power but underestimating us is a fatal mistake you'd ever want to make."
"Sawano: I'll take you all ON!"
(He blasted himself towards Aher and started attacking him at a fast pace which Aher kept up with his speed and laughed the entire time. Aemis launches a full-scaled energy wave at Sawano but he quickly evades it and fights against Uhean on the defensive then quickly powers up and blasts consecutive Inferno orbs at Uhean and the rest of the Anti-Gods.)
"Xadite: Not a bad tactic.."
(Sawano was shook from the chilling words from behind him then suffered a powerful kick straight into the ground.)
(The debris quickly cleared as a red streak approached fast towards Xadite and he leaned his head back a bit to avoid Sawano's incoming blow and he continued to try and land a hit on him while blinded by rage.)
"Come on kid.. you can't possibly think rage will give you the advantage!"

(Xadite raised his fists up and started landing hits on Sawano which he continued to block and dodge his blows. He'd grunt in pain from every hit and tried to land an overhead kick until Xadite landed a powerful punch through his stomach and Sawano coughed blood on his face.)
"Huh..? Oops! My apologies, I believe my hand accidentally went through your entire stomach. Here, hold still and let me get it out."
(He'd forcefully slam Sawano into the ground as he continued screaming in pain and Xadite's bloody hand escaped his wound. He'd stomp on Sawano's wound as he watched him scream in agony and the five Anti-Gods watched him in pain.)
"Aemis: How does it feel being beaten truly?"
"Aher: Wish for the pain to stop..?"
"Itar: No one can save you."
(Kira managed to find Sawano but gasped and covered her mouth at the sight of a fallen Sawano being stomped on.)
"Sawano: F-... F**k... you..."
(Xadite laughed and launched him into the air then stood still with his leg slid back.)
"Xadite: F**k me, huh??"
(He'd rocket himself at Sawano and knees him in the stomach which half of his ribs shatters inside his body. He'd cough more blood and remained in pain then Xadite's fist was covered in black aura which violently punched Sawano's back which rattled his spine and quickly rocketed him back into the crater which creates a bigger explosion than before.)
"What's wrong? Where's the Sawano that said he could kick our asses? Huh?"
(He'd slap the motionless Sawano and he said nothing else.)
"He's done. We'll just end him now."
"Ekdis: Allow me to finish this weakling off."
"Xadite: No. I'll handle this but first. Uhean."
"Uhean: Hm?"
"Xadite: Have the entire city and Japan watch this."
"Uhean: Of course!"
(He focused his energy on the screens across Japan and almost every civilian would be looking at what's happening.)
"Xadite: Oh.. we also have three special guests for you Sawano..."
(He'd weakly look up and saw Okisaki, Xiazress and Kazuya trapped in different orbs. Okisaki looked around and saw Sawano on the ground then ended up in shock.)
"Xadite: Calm down. This is the punishment delivered when they come across the strong adversaries. Those who does not show a god proper respect shall be given divine punishment and you three are the sole reasons for Sawano's happiness."

(He walked towards the horribly wounded Sawano and threw him out of the crater for Okisaki to watch as she tried to reach for him and was breaking down in tears.)
"Xadite: I'm going to let you witness and enjoy the torture on your pathetic brother. THAT GOES FOR EVERYONE WATCHING! DO YOU SEE THIS...? THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL A HERO TO THIS WORLD..?"
(He'd pull Sawano by his arm and held on it tight.)
"This is what I think of a "HERO."
(He'd pull Sawano arm with force to a loud snap which his arm was ripped out of his socket which left him screaming in more pain than before. Okisaki yelled and cried while banging on the orb to escape.)
"Xadite: Aww.. want to save your brother.. boo hoo. I don't care."
(He'd grab Sawano's second arm and ripped his other arm out of its socket which he'd scream again then Xadite dropped him and stomped on his broken ribs then forcefully rubbed his boot on his wound as well and Okisaki continued to break down in sadness.)
"And now.."
(Xadite created a sword from his shadow.)
"Its time for you to die."
(Okisaki's eyes was clouded with disbelief as she yelled to the top of her lungs with Xadite slashing his body.)
(A roar was heard from across the horizon which made Xadite come to a stop as the civilians watching was sobbing their eyes out to Sawano's pain but heard the roar. The ground suddenly began to rumble with tiny shocks of blue electricity coming out of the ground. A powerful and large beam of lightning escaped from the ground which dies out as Gaito appeared in the sky in his Demi-God transformation.)
"Gaito: You. Call yourselves. Gods?"
"Gaito: I. Do Not. Answer. To those who harms my friends. As punishment for heinous crimes, I shall personally execute you six by myself."
(Gaito zapped faster than time itself to where a piece of reality broke off and blasted Itar into the shadowy sky and launched a lightning fast barrage of punches and kicks without stopping.)

(He'd fire a lightning bolt at Itar which creates a major explosion at the Earth's surface and he suddenly disappeared as Gaito continued to fight off the five Anti-Gods alone.)
(He'd fire a swarm of Ash at Gaito which unconcentrated lightning obliterates the entire swarm then Gaito gives a hard look at Ekdis and zapped another piece of reality off and launched an electrified fist into his chest.)
"Gaito: Lightning Fist, Roaring Bolt!"
(A white bright light appeared which exploded Ekdis into the cosmos and crashed through a satellite and continued being launched into space.)
"Xadite(Thinking): He wasn't like this before, damn it... Six Anti-Gods isn't going to be enough to take down a Demi-God of Zeus, I have no choice.. first time I had to do this in years..."
(The shadowy sky was vibrating then grabbed Aher, Aemis and Uhean and quickly fled back as Gaito chased them.)
(The four of them plus the shadowy skies would disappear and the three orbs holding Okisaki, Xiazress and Kazuya lost their power then Okisaki limped in tears towards her unconscious and fatally wounded brother and hugged him without saying a word. Communications began to turn back on same for the power across the destroyed city. A few hours later the next day, the city was reconstructed thanks to Sawano's ring as the pedestrians pretended nothing happened, the fighters was all silent towards one another.)
"Konnor: Dalton.."
"Angel: Electro-Deuce."
"Crystalline: The entire ten star fighter list.. completely wiped out and a member of the disciplinary committee, killed..."
"Akira: What... are we going to do...?"
(He began to shed tears thinking about Sawano.)
"Angel: Honestly, this is the darkest time ever for this academy..."
"News Reporter: We're now back on with news and we have official updates regarding the currently injured fighters... Chairman of Saikan Academy, Chimon has suffered multiple major fractures and had a severe spine dislocation but will pull through. Ethereal has suffered a few broken bones but will still be able to fight on the front lines in a few weeks. Crystalline, a member of the High Commission is currently out of action after suffering multiple wounds and broken bones. More fighters will be announced later on tonight."
(Tsuka helped Sumizaki in as she walked in on a crutch.)
"Sumizaki: Where's... S-Sawano..?"

(Everyone was silent as Akira threw a chair at a painting in anger and broke down in sadness.)
"Angel: Come with me.."
(A while later in the emergency part of the hospital, Chimon and most of the fighters above eighteen stars visited Sawano then Sumizaki and Tsuka looked with fear in their eyes at the motionless Sawano and sees Okisaki sitting in there with him. Two minutes later, the doctors ended their check up on him and exited the room.)
"Chimon: How is he..?"
(They was all silent for a while until the doctor finally spoke.)
"Doctor: I'm terribly sorry. His core... is done. He didn't make it."
(Everyone looked at Sawano in disbelief as Gaito came barging in the room in anger and looked at Sawano but was stopped by Okisaki.)
"Okisaki: Go.. Away.."
"Gaito: I know you're upset about him, I am too! But what can we even do-"
"Okisaki: GO THE HELL AWAY! You guys fought with everything you had... yet I did nothing... AND WHAT'S WORSE... HE SWORE HE'D COME BACK..!"
(She broke out crying as Gaito hugged her then everyone else came in and looked at the beaten Sawano. The next day, Sawano's death was announced across the entire world which caused grief and sadness everywhere. Xiazress held Kazuya and looked at his lifeless body with an emotionless look. A while later, a knock was heard on Sawano's rebuilt dojo door and Alesander came in.)
"Alesander: X-Xiazress..? Hello..? Anyone home?"
(Kazuya was crawling towards the door and saw Alesander.)
"Hey there little guy! You're Kazuya if I remember correctly, where's your mother?"
(He picked him up.)
"Kazuya: She's out getting groceries."
"Alesander: Oh ok, that's nice- Wait... did you just speak..?"
"Kazuya: Yes..?"
(Kazuya kept a straight face as Alesander almost dropped him by accident and backed away in shock and a bit of fear.)
"Kazuya: It appears my brain has reached its stage of knowledge to the point where I can communicate in my current position in which to any other child is impossible to speak at the age I am currently. Anyway, I am here with Okisaki. But I would give her some time alone if I was you, she's taking my father's loss very hard."
"Alesander: How hard..?"
"Kazuya: She locked herself in his room. And she's not coming out."

(Okisaki stared at the picture of him and Sawano when they was young and cried more.)
"Okisaki: I'm too weak... Too god damn weak to even be by your side... I'm just deadweight to you, I've trained.. and trained.. and trained with all my heart to get stronger and be like you brother... And now.."
(She sobbed quietly with grief.)
"You're gone..."
(Meanwhile in Yamaguchi, Lotus looked out his window and had no words regarding the announcement made. A knock was heard on the door a second later then Swift Eye entered Lotus's office and walked towards him.)
"Swift Eye: Lotus. You heard about-"
"Lotus: I'm aware... Sawano's death is an absolute shocker. With the Anti-Gods in retreat for now, we're in desperate times. They will be coming back soon, which means we'll need to take drastic measures."
"Swift Eye: It appears, I have to step up and fight the next time they return."
"Lotus: You stole my words."
(He walked towards a dark corner and turned on a light where it showed his sacred blade.)
"I want you to meet a weapon of mines. This is my sword, Ka Fuka or Overload for short. This sword has enough power to take down three negative twenty stars. Only I can transfer my energy into it and the sword reacts with a static electricity shock combined with my special strike. In other words, Ka Fuka and I have a slash no one can pass."
(Two weeks later, as others remembered Sawano and his publicly announced death, every Elemental Division in Japan has began to treat their injured fighters as a few continued training for the next battle same for the Gods and Goddesses in the Realm Of Light. Aenta was looking at her shattered mirror which was the same one Sawano smashed.)
"Aenta: This... is bizarre."
"Aries: Aenta, I apologize for intruding your home."
"Aenta: Aries, a Goddess among the Zodiacs."
"Aries: I see you remember me as much as anyone else."
"Aenta: We've been allies for eons Aries, we're pretty much reliable to one another as sisters."
"Aries: That is true. I've also heard about that "Sawano" boy."
"Aenta: Yes. I looked at the aftermath and they're not taking it well."
"Aries: That's what I wanted to talk with you about. We've done some digging and it appears that Xadite, Anti-God of Shadows is the third strongest of the entire Anti-Realm. He overpowered Sawano, even in his transformations because of his Shadow Sky."
"Aenta: What does that mean?"
"Aries: His special move, Shadowy Meadows increases the Anti-God's power every five minutes they're under that shadow. Sawano was overpowered to begin with. As long as that shadow remained in the sky, he couldn't win anyway possible. That being said, gain an advantage. They was toying with him so he'd lose his guard and lead him to his death."
"Aenta: If only I could see what he's up to now up there.."

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