Chapter 76: Tatsuhiro Magachi, The Senvoinian King!

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(After the battle with Satan/Lucifer has came to an end, Hakodate was once again restored by Goxius's time magic along with the destroyed planets, stars and galaxies and as for the civilians on Earth, they all went back to their normal daily lives before the attack even happened. Meanwhile, fighters that was wounded, injured or nearly killed by Satan was immediately healed by Tatsuhiro's lightning, thanks to Zeus's bolt that remains inside him. Several different fighters was leaving infirmaries and hospitals after being healed up. While Tatsuhiro was in Aimiya's infirmary he went to see Xinera whom was waking up first.)
"Xinera: Wait.. Wha- Where-"
"Tatsuhiro: Shhh. You hurt yourself badly here, darling."
(Xinera paused as she heard the voice of someone she knew long ago.)
"Xinera: T-... Tatsuhiro...?"
"Tatsuhiro: That's right.. Its me, in the flesh."
"Xinera: B-But.. How..?!"
"Tatsuhiro: Lets just say, a good friend of mines transferred my memories back."
(Xinera's eyes was beginning to cloud with tears as Tatsuhiro wiped them away for her.)
"No tears, I'll explain everything when everyone is well fed and relaxed."
(He kissed her head and started to leave the infirmary.)
"Xinera: Wait..! How long ago did you get your memories..?"
"Tatsuhiro: A few minutes before I saved Sawano. Speaking of which, its time I check on the lad."
(Moments later as Tatsuhiro left Xinera's room, he noticed Lotus meditating in the gardens without any surveillance and walked out to talk to him. As Lotus noticed the presence, he gave a little smile before turning around.)
"Lotus: That presence... It cannot be underestimated. Have you finally returned, Tatsuhiro?"
"Tatsuhiro: Of course, Kenhiro."
(They both chuckled as they talked.)
"So you managed to hold off against Satan huh? The others tried their best and they didn't manage to put a dent on him?"
"Lotus: We all have tried. Kazuya especially, that kid is like a neverendingly resistant torch. Once the flame is lit, it can never go out!"
"Tatsuhiro: Just how I wanted him to be. How's the others holding up? I checked on Xinera and she's doing okay now."
"Lotus: Lady Shiori's injuries were not too severe, however she is currently being analyzed for treatment. God Of War, Ares and God of Sun, Aimiya are being treated by Choryrth."
"Tatsuhiro: So that dragon knows medical experience too?"
(Tatsuhiro then laughed at the thought and smiled.)

"Lotus: Tatsuhiro, I knew that Gaito was a memory."
"Tatsuhiro: I'm dying to know how you knew that."
"Lotus: You really believe you could lie to a master?"
"Tatsuhiro: Y-... Well.. You got me there."
"Lotus: So... Does all of Earth know about Knitemare?"
"Tatsuhiro: He won't be much of a threat, not even worth my own damn time."
"Lotus: I am confident in your victory Tatsuhiro. But you cannot just judge an opponent by how they are. There could be countless advantages hiding in that man's mind."
"Tatsuhiro: Inspirational as ever, ain't ya pops?"
(Lotus smiled with a small laugh.)
"Lotus: Just looking after my disciple."
"Tatsuhiro: I might be way stronger but... We'll always be master and disciple, always friends Lotus! You know our bond is tighter than anything else!"
"Lotus: You make a good point, even if we do become enemies. I will never turn you away, Tatsuhiro. The bond we have as master and disciple will never fade."
(They both smirked and fist bumped each other to keep the promise.)
"Tatsuhiro: And about Knitemare and Earth, no one knows yet. However, a year already went by. Two more years until he appears."
(Tatsuhiro's phone then buzzed which alerted him. Tatsuhiro then checked the message and was surprised in a mere instant which forced him to get up.)
"Lotus: Is something troubling?"
"Tatsuhiro: I'll be back in a moment!"
(Tatsuhiro quickly teleported to his offshore mansion where he rushed into the room and realized Isabel was holding someone.)
"Tatsuhiro: Isabel..! What happened?!"
"Isabel: Gaito... Say hello to our little girl, Haramura!"
(Tatsuhiro was stunned to see Isabel holding their baby girl, Haramura in her arms and gave a heartwarming smile. He then walked to Haramura and she started giggling with a wide smile. Tatsuhiro then turned around and started to leave their room.)

"Isabel: Gaito..?"
"Tatsuhiro: Meet me in the living room in a few hours from now. Its time everyone is familiar with the truth of who I am and what happened to me."
"Isabel: Oh- Okay!"
(As Tatsuhiro left the room, he returned to Aimiya's underwater infirmary and was sitting right back next to Lotus.)
"Lotus: What happened?"
"Tatsuhiro: I have a new child. Her name's Haramura."
"Lotus: Congratulations, my boy!"
(Lotus patted her back as Tatsuhiro then got back up and started to walk off.)
"Tatsuhiro: I'll come back for you again in a bit, I need to check on Sawano now!"
"Lotus: Take your time, Tatsuhiro I'm not going anywhere!"
(As Tatsuhiro walked off, he then remembered what happened in the aftermath against Satan.)
"Tatsuhiro: Gaito? Who's Gaito?"
"Sawano: B-But... you're.. Gaito right..?"
"Tatsuhiro: Kind of, but not anymore."
"Sawano: What d-do you mean not anymore..?! W-Who even are-"
(Tatsuhiro then chopped his neck pulse which knocked Sawano unconscious.)
"Tatsuhiro: I'm sorry son. But you talk to much and ask too many questions."
(He then looked ahead and saw Shibuto and Hinami knocked out as he then picked them up as well, same with Sawano and took them back to the mansion.)
"(Thinking): I wonder if he'll remember that neck chop. Heh, I bet he won't."
(As Tatsuhiro went to check on Sawano, Shibuto and Hinami, Tatsuhiro walked in on an awakened Sawano but had a very pale expression on his face but a very blunt look in his eyes.)
"Tatsuhiro: Hm? Sawano?"
(He then examined Sawano and noticed his black veins across his body once again. Realizing the Anti-God blood traveling through his systems then sighed and then bit down on his own arm and a stream of blood flowed into a cup.)

"Better drink this son."
(Sawano's head was held back as the blood was dropped into his mouth and a few seconds later, the black veins disappeared as he was out of his trance-like state.)
"Sawano: Huh- W-Wait..?! Its you..!"
"Tatsuhiro: Hey there kid. Feeling better?"
"Sawano: Who even are you..?!"
"Tatsuhiro: I will explain everything later. As for now, I want you to eat."
(Tatsuhiro snapped his fingers as an entire table of Senvoinian cuisine appeared right in front of Sawano. Due to the smell of the food, Shibuto and Hinami was waking up to the smell and saw Tatsuhiro and the food right in front of them too.)
"Good good, you two are awake now too! I want you three to eat."
"Shibuto: Wait... Father..?"
"Hinami: T-That's Gaito..?"
"Tatsuhiro: I don't know who this "Gaito" fellow is... Just please eat, you three did suffer a lot from the battle with Satan!"
(They was silent and started eating as Tatsuhiro smiled at them. After they've eaten, Sawano felt the most full for he has not really eaten a real meal since he was sixteen.)
"Sawano: Okay, we've eaten. Who are you if you're not Gaito?"
"Tatsuhiro: All will be explain in moments, are the three of you able to walk?"
"Hinami: Y-Yeah..."
"Shibuto: Of course."
"Sawano: Yes."
"Tatsuhiro: Good, then lets go!"
(Tatsuhiro teleported the three of them out of the infirmary after they was checked out. As a few hours went by, the Magachi's, Tamarei's, Xinera along with Choryrth, Kenta and Lotus was all grouped in Tatsuhiro's mansion in his living room. Tatsuhiro then walked in and took a seat as Goxius was standing next to him for further instruction.)
"Good evening everyone, its a pleasure to see you all."
"Kirby: Is something going on Gaito?"
"Sosu: Yes please explain.."
"Tatsuhiro: This will be very difficult to explain this but I will say this in the slightest way."
(He then stood up as he gave a serious look at the Magachi's and the Tamarei's.)

"Family... Our memories was altered."
(They all murmured in confusion as Tatsuhiro was about to continue explaining.)
"Thanks to Goxius, I was able to regain my memories before I died. However... There are a few incidents that happened before my death. One of those incidents involved one of my friends, Oxetus, the Anti-God of Misfortunes, he was killed by unknown assailants."
(Sawano said nothing as he heard the name.)
"Masunashi: What does Oxetus has to do with the reason we were called, brother?"
"Tatsuhiro: I am getting to that. Only three people here are able to sense Oxetus's presence... But who is the source that it radiates from?"
(Ankoku, Fuchibuto and Xinera sensed the exact same energy of Oxetus coming from Sawano.)
"Bingo. Sawano, you died as an Anti-God. But was reincarnated as a Senvoinian. Before Ankoku died, he linked his soul to yours until he found a new host."
(Everyone was surprised as Sawano knew it.)
"Okisaki: Okay so wait, what happened to you though Gaito? You have the same energy presence but a completely different look and personality, are you a copycat or a visitor from the past or the future?!"
"Tatsuhiro: Neither."
"Everyone: Huh?"
"Tatsuhiro: I'm not a copycat nor am I a visitor from the past or the future. I am Gaito Tamarei... But Gaito is a memory."
"Kirby: What are you talking about?"
"Radella: Gaito isn't a memory-"
"Tatsuhiro: Maybe this particular item should clear some shade..."
(Goxius summoned an indestructible yet charred looking crown which shocked Kirby, Radella, Fuchibuto, Ankoku as Sawano was confused. Kirby started backing away, terrified of the crown.)
"Tatsuhiro: That's right Kirby. Its your brother... Tatsuhiro Magachi, The Senvoinian King!"

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