Chapter 24: The Executing Finish...

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(As the damage across Tokyo remained, slashes of light was striking down the destroyed buildings as Goxius rescued the remaining civilians in Hakodate and placed them all in a protective platform above the city as they all witnessed the fight. Gaito and Sawano began attacking Avius as Kazuya was fighting Ziohr, all of them fighting at very high speeds which then created tremors across the city and rattled the Earth a bit after colliding punch.)
"Sawano: You two are pretty tough huh? Just the type of fight I NEEDED!"
"Avius: Silly fools, you may be Gods... but we're DIVINE GODS! Gifted by THE God himself for such wonderful abilities!"
"Gaito: Says you, but you're talking to the KING OF GODS!"
(Gaito then launched an explosive lightning bolt at point blank range which then launched Avius directly into space and created a massive explosion which was seeable as a shining star to Goxius and the survivors.)
"Sawano: Dude... you just launched a massive lightning bolt at point blank range."
"Gaito: You can complain later dumbass. Not even an immortal god can survive Zeus's lightning bolts, no matter how powerful they even are."
(Ziohr then tried to link his elemental energy to Avius but Kazuya appears at speed even faster than light.)
"Kazuya: YOU'RE MINE!!!!"
(He then landed a direct kick with a combination of punches to Ziohr and overhead kicked Ziohr down towards the city which he then drilled through a workplace which then collapsed from the inside out and Kazuya looked down and then at his hands, noticing the dramatic change.)
"Gaito: Didn't expect that right?"
"Kazuya: What is this...?"
"Gaito: That's the Divine God's power flowing through you, plus Ember Mist."
"Kazuya: But what does this mean..?"
"Gaito: Right now at the stage your at with Ember Mist and the Divine God power, there's a high chance you can shake universes across the cosmos while traveling at fast speeds."
"Kazuya: WHAT?!"

(In an instant, they felt Avius's power return as he was transported back to Earth's orbit and lowered himself to Japan. Avius's body appeared heavily damaged but burnt from the bolt's electrocution which then surprised Gaito about Divine Gods.)
"Avius: Not bad.. that actually surprised and stung a lot."
"Gaito: Hmph.. I guess there are a few Gods who can survive."
"Avius: Actually. I have a powerful revival ability."
"Sawano: Say what..?"
"Avius: For every death I suffer and die, I am instantly resurrected after five seconds has passed but I grow stronger one million times stronger per death."
"Kazuya: That's impossible!"
"Avius: To the weak humans it is. But to Divine Gods, it is unfortunately possible to be given uncanny abilities that even the strongest deity can't surpass!"
"Gaito: Hmph, so if I may ask. How many times have you died?"
"Avius: Such a bold question... If you wish to know, I've died precisely six hundred seventy four times. Including now, that makes it six hundred seventy five deaths."
(Sawano and Kazuya was surprised at the response.)
"Sawano: So combining that with your power level right now-"
"Avius: I'm the ONLY Divine God who has any chance with defeating God himself. You may be God of Hell and you might be King Of Gods, but we will annihilate the both of you."
"Kazuya: Gaito. Sawano. I will handle them myself."
"Gaito: Are you sure about this?"
"Kazuya: Trust me, when the time is right, call Zanbato."
(Gaito jumped a bit at the name and thought of what he was planning then Kazuya floated to them both and positioned himself for a fight.)
"Avius: You're pretty confident into thinking you can take us both by yourself."
"Kazuya: Trust me, I don't know how to completely master this power, but I'll give it all I got!"
(They both charged after Kazuya as he'd attack them both at the same time, keeping up with their speed and power without opening a spot for them to strike back.)

"Sawano: Gaito, why don't you use your Omnipotent abilities and end this?"
"Gaito: I can't."
"Sawano: You can't???"
"Gaito: I'm serious. If I did that, this wouldn't be fun anymore. Besides, you know what Avius said, every time he dies, he'll come back one million times stronger and adding the fact he died six hundred seventy five times, it would be stupid for me to use Absolute Deletion or anything that involves erasing or eradicating him from existence."
"Sawano: You're right. Even my poison would be worthless against him."
"Gaito: Damn it... Even though my abilities are one hundred percent, he'd be immune to them all. Flawless Resurrection, a perfect rival to Omnipotent powers."
(Kazuya then focused his attention on Ziohr which then they'd both engage in mid-air combat.)
"Ziohr: You're gonna avenge your little friend you couldn't save? Child, you amuse me so much!"
"Kazuya: Hmph!"
(Kazuya avoided a jab and gripped the arm and threw Ziohr into the sky and rocketed himself towards him where Avius then appeared in front of him and gasped at an energy made energy wave he could not evade and instead was blasted back down to the ground rattled the surrounding area. As the blast then disappeared, Kazuya appeared behind them and noticed a transparent change around his body.)
"Avius: What is this?"
"Kazuya: Huh..? What the..?"
(Sawano gasped and remembered his Incursed Shadow ability.)
"Sawano: How did he-"
"Gaito: Hm.."
"Kazuya: I don't know what this is. But it got me out of that blast fast enough."
(His body relaxed and began to go on the offensive and strike twice as fast and harder than the both of them which started delivering echoes across the wasteland. Meanwhile, Amber was leaping from building to building across the wasteland then stopped to see the damage.)

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