Chapter 67: Ankoku, The First Anti-God VS. Lucifer, The True Devil King!

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(Everyone backed away as Lucifer and Ankoku had a standoff without either one moving a single muscle for a moment. Sawano was nervous on the outcome of this fight while Gaito, not caring at all, continued salvaging through the destroyed church.)
"Ankoku: Let us not waste any time on this battle!"
"Lucifer: I was thinking the same thing, Anti-God."
(Ankoku vanished out of thin sight and tried landing a punch on Lucifer but was blocked by his hand. Ankoku continued punching and kicking which was pointless as Lucifer predicted every move that was coming towards him. Lucifer then gripped his leg and landed an uppercut that launched Ankoku into the air but was blocked then was rocketed to the ground by a flying kick in mid-air. Lucifer followed him as Ankoku was going to crash-land but was faked out by a fake Ankoku as the real one landed a side kick onto Lucifer's side but was blocked.)
"Lucifer: Hmph."
"Ankoku: Relying on the defense? Not a bold move for the Devil King..."
"Lucifer: Silence being, my ranking does not matter in a time-wasting battle like this."
"Ankoku: Time wasting huh..? Then why don't you deliver the next blow?"
(Lucifer did not hesitate as he delivered the same punch that exploded Ankoku before and forced the tremors of the punch to travel through his body which did not explode him like last time. Lucifer noticed his smirking face.)
"You underestimate Senvoinians. Our bodies are penetrable but with the right amount of training, not even the strongest being alive can destroy them. You only caught me off guard last time, now I'm truly prepared against you."
(Lucifer then was annoyed as Ankoku's arms was completely ripped off without any warning and Ankoku started taking serious punches from Lucifer which created a gust of wind for every punch given. Everyone watching remained where they stood while the gusts was getting even stronger. As Ankoku was then bleeding from the face and was covered in black bruises, Lucifer delivered one last punch to his face which directly implanted him directly into the ground. The entire mountains was trembling from the attack, Gaito felt it but did not care as everyone saw the massive hole that Ankoku was drilled into.)

"Lucifer: All. Talk. A waste of time indeed."
(Everyone prepared themselves for a fight as Azumi was standing in front of Sawano to protect him. Lucifer then walked towards everyone with an unenthusiastic yet cold-blooded look on his face as he was about to fight them all. Suddenly, a stream of black escaped the hole and shot into the clouds, the entire atmosphere becoming darkened then Before Lucifer had a chance to turn around, Ankoku landed a direct hit on Lucifer which launched him across the field and crashing into a mountain. Ankoku rocketed himself towards Lucifer, no longer stalling as is fighting even more seriously than he ever has.)
"Amesso: So that's Ankoku..."
"Sawano: My brother. He killed me once but was powerful enough to nearly kill Gaito."
"Amesso: Wait- He almost killed Gaito Tamarei..?!
"Sawano: Shouldn't be a surprise. Anti-Gods are very different from Senvoinians. Anti-Gods have divine and endless power, Senvoinians has bodies than can be impossible to penetrate or destroy with the right amount of training. The one thing Senvoinians have in common with them is, to kill them, we have to aim for the cores."
"Amesso: I see..."
(Lucifer and Ankoku then exchanged blows as every last punch they connect was echoing shockwaves across the city. Lucifer kept his cold-eyed expression on his face. Streaks of black light was dancing in the air as Ankoku was slowly getting stronger since he remained in the darkened atmosphere. Lucifer suffered heavy hitting attacks as he felt Ankoku's strength becoming stronger throughout the fight. Everyone continued to watch as Lucifer once again summoned his trident and aimed it at Ankoku.)
"Lucifer: Perish back into the abyss from whence you've came, Anti-God!"
(Everyone felt the area rumbling as they all noticed a black portal gate opening in the skies and brought a shocked look into Sawano eyes as he remembers what it was.)
"Lucifer: AWAY WITH YOU!"
(Sawano spawned his wings and was about to fly to stop Lucifer.)
"Azumi: SAWANO NO!"
(Ankoku was being forcefully sucked into the portal gate which was directed to the sealed Anti-Realm. Ankoku tried battling the gravitational pull from the gate as Sawano rushed into the skies and tried to stop Lucifer from sending him back but Lucifer's body was then transparent which made Sawano go through it and brought a surprise to everyone else.)

"I appreciate you showing me your Incursed Shadow technique Sawano, it is quite the useful tactic against an offensive opponent. Goodbye now!"
(With a full powered combustible attack, Sawano and Ankoku was pulled into the Anti-Realm.)
(The portal gate then locked itself and was destroyed by Lucifer, the entire realm was then returning to its sealed state. Lucifer then turned his attention to everyone else as Gaito was then napping in the shade on a rock but started waking up to the disappearing presence.)
"Gaito: The hell did that idiot do now..?"
"Lucifer: It appears your luck has run out. You all stand no chance without your two members of the A-Team and it seems Mr. Tamarei down there does not seem to care. Who would like to be sent away next?"
"Amesso: D-Damn it..! I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF LUCIFERRR!!!"
(Amesso ran towards Lucifer and began to attack but Lucifer then charged a powerful wind cannon which blasted Amesso through the hills into Magachi Village, crashing through several different buildings as villagers was screaming and trying to run for their lives.)
"Lucifer: The five minutes are up, my time will no longer be wasted."
(Lucifer then forced Azumi and the others to have feared looks on their faces as he then gave his attention to Azumi instead.)
"Lady Umezaki."
"Azumi: W-What..?"
"Lucifer: This is for marrying a Senvoinian."
(Lucifer appeared in front of her and landed a powerful backfist to Azumi which launched her down the hill and crashing into a nearby mountain with a loud and echoing thud. Nightwave was shaking but did not lose his confidence to fight as he charged to Lucifer to attack but he then gasped after an echoing punch that was connected by Lucifer.)
"Lucifer: I said this seconds ago. My time. Is no longer MEANT TO BE TOYED WITH."
(Lucifer's fist deepened which forced Nightwave to drop his katana and fall unconsciously to the ground. Noah was then scared yet still brave enough to fight.)

"Noah(Thinking): Holy f**king shit... He took everyone out without hesitation.. W-Wait..!"
(Noah turned to Gaito and quickly called him.)
"(Aloud): GAITO!!!! GAITO!!!!!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!"
(Gaito was rummaging through the destroyed church again but stopped to answer.)
"Gaito: Why do you need my help? I thought you guys had it covered."
"Gaito: So? Not my problem... Isn't it?"
(Noah's face was then filled with sheer terror as Gaito did not care for a second.)
"Lucifer: Crying to your teammate? Unfortunately, that won't work if he won't come up here."
(Lucifer blasted his entire fist through Noah's stomach which forced him to cough out blood and collapse to the ground, completely unconscious from both the rapid blood loss and the pain.)
"Lucifer: Gaito Tamarei! When you're ready to fight, you know where to find me."
(Gaito said nothing as his eyes was covered with a shade of black as he found a golden sword sheath from inside the church's remains. Seconds later, Lucifer was already in Hakodate, causing rapid explosions left and right as Gaito did not bother turning around. Gaito hugged the sheath as he then smiled for the first time in a while.)
"Gaito: Hello old friend... Daddy's here..."

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