Chapter 77: The War Of Senvoinians VS. Anti-Gods...!

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(As the shocked Senvoinians realized the crown, Masunashi, Okisaki and Sawano was confused.)
"Tatsuhiro: That's right Kirby, the king's been alive this whole time."
(Kirby's stomach was beginning to twist and twirl with massive anxiety and fear after realizing Tatsuhiro was around during everything. His face began sweating uncontrollably.)
"Radella: That's impossible... WE SAW SENVOINERTH EXPLODE..!"
"Tatsuhiro: You really believe someone who's been alive for one hundred million years doing nothing but training for fifty million years would be killed by an explosion that damn weak?"
(Everyone was silent at what Tatsuhiro just said.)
"Sawano: Uh.. T-Ta-Tatsu-"
"Tatsuhiro: If its hard to call me by my real name, just keep calling me Gaito. As for everyone here, its time you all know the truth too."
"Kenta: So what are we all..?"
"Tatsuhiro: The Tamarei's... Does not exist."
(Johide, Sosu and Masunashi was confused but surprised.)
"Johide: Gaito, we're not catching you."
"Tatsuhiro: I see.. Goxius, if you would please show everyone?"
"Goxius: Understood, Lord Tatsuhiro."
(Goxius then summoned a seeable sphere which played back all of the recorded evidence of Senvoinerth long ago. As everyone watched, Sawano, Okisaki, Masunashi and the others was beginning to see Senvoinerth for the very first time.)

-Years ago, the Senvoinians was battling the Anti-Gods in a brutal war with both Senvoinerth and the Anti-Gods falling.- 

(Thousands of Senvoinians was slaughtered as the Anti-Gods suffered the same casualties and from the skies and the ground, waves of energy and elements was being blasted from side to side. As more Anti-Gods stormed Senvoinerth, Aimiya along with Kirby, Radella, Johide and Sosu was batting the upper-class Anti-Gods, Ankoku, Fuchibuto, Oxetus whom was obliterating the nearby Senvoinians clashing with them.)
"Aimiya: Damned ANTI-GODS!"
"Kirby: Fuchibuto, Ankoku! You need to snap out of it now!"
"Ankoku(Anti-God): You believe we're corrupted? No Kirby.. We're fine, just serving our true leader.. The supreme god among all Anti-Gods!"
"Radella: Kirby, talking to them won't work! We have to fight them, family or not!"
(Kirby hesitated for a second and gripped his hands then summoned the first Hellblazer sword created and stared down Ankoku.)
"Kirby: You're right. Want to help me out here?"
(Radella nodded as she and Kirby then ran towards Ankoku as his hands was shifted into chainsaw swords with actual Buzzsaw movement. The three then battled as Kirby and Radella timed their attacks to create an opening while Johide and Sosu was battling with Oxetus whom was evading every fast-paced attack from the two and backflipped away from Johide and Sosu.)
"Johide: Pretty slippery for an Anti-God, huh?"
"Oxetus: I'm not just any Anti-God, I'm the Anti-God of Misfortunes..!"
"Johide: Misfortunes? Speaking of which, what's with this talisman cage?"
(The talismans was then seeable as Oxetus was surprised that he knew.)
"Oxetus: Don't think about it... One wrong move and you both will die from this very misfortunate scenario..!"
"Johide: .....Is that suppose to be a joke? Because, I'm not laughing... However, here's a joke!"
(Oxetus synced the talismans to his energy as he rigged them to explode.)
"Knock.. Knock..."
"Oxetus: .... Who's there..?"
"Johide: Ember..."
"Johide(Irritated): Ember..."
(He sighed and answered.)

"Oxetus: Ember who...?"
"Johide: MIST!!!!"
(Johide then launched his fist with little force but Oxetus's entire body was beginning to vibrate which became uncontrollable and he was then confused on what was going on. Johide then covered Sosu's ears as he warned the others.)
(Oxetus then yelled in agonizing pain and within an instant, his entire body exploded with a massive eardrum-bursting ringing echoed throughout the universe as several Anti-Gods was completely stunned at the loud ringing. As more Anti-Gods continued to fall, massive energy/elemental power was beginning to surge out of an unknown source. The skies on Senvoinerth then blackened with typhoon-like winds and storms surging left and right.)
(Fuchibuto was backing up from the fight with Aimiya during the commotion. As red lightning began striking at one certain place, both the Anti-Gods and remaining Senvoinians looked at a powerful being walking on air but down towards the ground.)
"Kirby: Is that..?!"
(After a few more steps, the individual  descended to the ground and revealed himself as it was Tatsuhiro with his eyes both red and black, bloodshot with a very angered stare of hatred.)
"Everyone: Tatsuhiro!"
"Tatsuhiro: ...."
"Fuchibuto: TCH..! NOW, WIPE THEM OUT!"
(Every Anti-God then charged their powers to maximum and at the same time, charged a Universal Plunder made with Anti-God energy. The others was then ready to fight back as Tatsuhiro walked towards the massive ball of energy and stared it down like it was nothing.)
"Ankoku: Its quite a shame we have to part ways like this... But to remove the cosmos of such scum like you, it is quite necessary!"
(The Universal Plunder was then blasted at Senvoinerth and Tatsuhiro then closed his eyes for one moment and said one word:)
"Tatsuhiro: DIE."
(Without any time to waste, Tatsuhiro's body collapsed into string and divided into infinite counts of string, powerful enough to eradicate the Universal Plunder. The massive ball of energy then exploded and every Anti-God within the sky was being chased by Tatsuhiro's strings which was wrapping against their cores and exploding them, including Ankoku. Fuchibuto was then terrified at the outcome as he then faced a Tatsuhiro clone right in front of him.)

"Tatsuhiro Clone: Because. Our home means more than work.. "brother."
"Fuchibuto: Y-You-"
(The Tatsuhiro clone then speared his whole hand into Fuchibuto's neck and gripped the neck bone separating the head to the spine and dived with him down into the ground. Fuchibuto's right arm was being stomped on while the clone was gripping on his right arm with his foot planted on the shoulder, ready to yank it out of its socket.)
"Tatsuhiro Clone: I will make you suffer every last ounce of anger I have for slaughtering our people... For betraying our family... FOR BETRAYING YOUR OWN BROTHER!"
(He then yanked Fuchibuto's arm completely off which had him yelling in regrettable pain and the Tatsuhiro clone then threw Fuchibuto into the ground which forced him to bounce from the impact and Fuchibuto was placed a cursed enchantment then was punched at full force into Senvoinerth's skies and was launched far out of the universe. Seconds later, Fuchibuto was teleported back by the enchantment and lied unconscious as Tatsuhiro forced him awake.)
"I'm not finished. Want to take it from here, real me?"
"Tatsuhiro: Yes clone me, thank you."
(Fuchibuto was dropped to the ground as the Tatsuhiro clone then dissolved into string and was reattached to Tatsuhiro's hand. Fuchibuto then began to crawl away as Tatsuhiro let him.)
"One.. Two.. Three.. Four... Five..."
"Fuchibuto: NO WAY.. NO... NO..! I CANNOT LET.. M-MY BROTHER KILL ME..!"
(Tatsuhiro then grabbed a javelin from one of the deceased Anti-Gods as was finished counting.)
"Tatsuhiro: Eight... Nine... Ten."
(He then threw the javelin which landed a direct hit through Fuchibuto's entire core and his neck was then gripped tightly as the others was watching Tatsuhiro torture his brother.)
"Sosu: What is he doing...?"
"Johide: Let him do this... They're brothers. Plus, it would be stupid for us to try and break this up ourselves..."
(They all agreed and continued to spectate. Fuchibuto's mouth was beginning to leak with blood as Tatsuhiro then generated one string near his eye.)

"Tatsuhiro: Remember the times we'd play together as kids? Then lets play one more game, brother... Its called "How much dismembering can you take without yelling or screaming!"
(Fuchibuto was too terrified of the string to say a word and swiftly, Tatsuhiro's string then clawed its way through Fuchibuto's eye socket and his eye then dropped to the floor while he was screaming and squirming as Tatsuhiro's string then did the same to his other eye and he was completely blind now and was continuing to scream in agony and Tatsuhiro then gripped his eyeless face and engulfed his entire body in flames and caused him to glow.)
"Tatsuhiro: Punishment? This isn't punishment... This is an unfinished commandment!"
"Johide: DON'T!"
(Without any hesitation, Fuchibuto's body then exploded, along with his shattered core and all that was left was the decaying bits of Fuchibuto. Tatsuhiro then turned around and looked at them all without any remark for what he did."
"Tatsuhiro: Now, I need you guys to-"
(A massive explosion then appeared which separated Tatsuhiro from the family and they all looked up to the massive power source surging from the supreme god of the Anti-Gods.)
"???: It appears the king has fallen. I can always replace a king..."
"Aimiya: Heads up, we got a boss fight..!"
"Johide: His power level is in the same category as a Divine God..!"
(Tatsuhiro then erupted out of the explosion and appeared in front of the family with his top clothing destroyed as he looked at the family.)
"Tatsuhiro: Listen... Take it easy, I'll see you all again soon..."
"Sosu: T-Tatsuhiro..?"
"Tatsuhiro: I'm sorry. This is for the best!"
(Tatsuhiro then trapped them in a mental barrier and without touching the barrier, they was teleported far away from Senvoinerth as Tatsuhiro looked up at the five thousand Anti-Gods along with the leading god.)
"Its just you and me... Knitemare! LETS GO!"
(Goxius then ended the memory of the past which during that, Sawano, Ankoku, Kirby, Radella, Fuchibuto, Johide and Sosu all regained their memories of the past.)
"Tatsuhiro: And that's.... that."
(Radella and Sosu began streaking tears from their eyes in agony to every painful memory they was given back as everyone else was just as shocked.)
"Masunashi: So wait... What does this mean?"
"Tatsuhiro: I am the Senvoinian King... But. Kirby, Johide and Fuchibuto are my brothers. Our father... is Hirokuma Magachi. Ankoku, Shibuto, Sawano? Kazuya and Okisaki? You five are my children, your mother... Is Xinera. The Goddess of Destruction."
(As no further words was said, everyone could not believe the truth being revealed like so.)

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