Chapter 68: The Memories Of Their Past...

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(Gaito did not bother standing up or letting go of the sheath. After Lucifer's departure, Hinami was still shaking out of absolute fear in what she witnessed and could not keep her cooled composure. She looked around at the fallen fighters and was too scared to even move. A portal then opened up and arriving at the scene of the fight was Shibuto and Onara, they both saw Hinami paralyzed with fear.)
"Shibuto: Hinami! What happened..?!"
(Hinami did not say a single word as she was completely horrified. Onara then found Noah with a hole through his stomach and quickly rushed down to check on him.)
"Onara: Shibuto! Get Noah to Aimiya's infirmary, quickly!"
"Shibuto: On it!"
(Shibuto quickly got to Noah and used his element to teleport himself and Noah to Aimiya's underwater infirmary. Onara then called the rest of Class X for immediate support. Meanwhile in Olympus, Kazuya's lightning was now perfected and controlled thanks to Choryrth's training.)
"Choryrth: Kazuya, I hereby issue your lightning training complete. I am very proud of how far you've came with your element and the skill."
"Kazuya: I thank you for training me, Choryrth! I didn't know having this much power was... amazing even after training!"
(Choryrth's seal across his chest was glowing a red color, which signal as an emergency. Kazuya noticed at as Choryrth summoned the remaining of Class X to Olympus. Aimiya, Xinera and Ares received the call and made it to Olympus as quickly as they could.)
"Ares: What's the issue, Choryrth?! Time to go to war??!"
"Choryrth: Its possible... Onara sent a distress call to Class X. Sawano and Ankoku are missing and four fighters were knocked out with severe indents from the attacks. Three of them are Goddess of Hell, Azumi Umezaki and two Double S class fighters from the Elemental Division, Nightwave and Noah. This is a Triple S class threat we're dealing with!"
"Xinera: Where's Gaito?"
"Choryrth: He's at the scene of the fight but did not do anything, Sawano's daughter, Hinami saw everything and she's too terrified to speak. We'll discuss more when we get to Earth!"
(Choryrth teleported himself, Kazuya and the rest of Class X to the scene where Onara was tending to Hinami and calming her down while Shibuto was tending to the injured fighters.)

"Choryrth: Onara!"
"Onara: Choryrth, they'll be okay but whoever attacked them was far too powerful to even take down Azumi.."
(Hinami began to speak but was shaking while trying to speak.)
"Hinami(Shakily): I-It.. It... I... It was... L-L-Lu.. Luc-Lucifer..."
(They all had a surprised reaction on their faces, especially Choryrth.)
"Choryrth: Lucifer..? Satan's back..?!"
(She nodded and said nothing else, Kazuya gave her his jacket to ease her anxiety as Choryrth was thinking of what to do until Shibuto looked down at Hakodate.)
"Shibuto: Uh.. Guys..? You might wanna look at this...!!!"
(Everyone then saw the entire city smoking in flames and had Choryrth think with a plan.)
"Choryrth: Okay. Onara, you  have to evacuate as many civilians as you can!"
"Onara: On it!"
"Choryrth: Ares, travel back to Olympus and get as much assistance as you can get!"
"Ares: All over it!"
"Xinera: Wait! Where's Gaito at, he's not here!"
(They all then noticed his disappearance. Moment later, Gaito was walking towards the depths of the Time Realm in which Goxius was accompanying him.)
"Goxius: Gaito, are you sure you're ready to reclaim your memories? That weapon is the key to unlocking everything that happened to you in the past."
"Gaito: I don't care about the damned consequences. I want to know what the hell happened. No one is stopping me from doing this... Not even you."
"Goxius: Nor would I try to stop you Gaito, I just wanted to clarify your final decision. Here we are, the Time Archive. I will transfer your memories into the sword and into your mind. I will warn you, this will take sometime to complete."
"Gaito: Fine, lets just do this."
(Goxius then took the sword with golden engraved writing in the steel out of the golden sheath then placed it in front of Gaito on the ground as he sat down on a clock which rose both Goxius and Gaito into the air. Goxius then opened a forbidden chapter in his grimoire which involved memory manipulation and other forbidden abilities, spells and enchantments.)

"Goxius: Alright... Lets begin."
(Goxius's grimoire then began to blast a withered-like stream towards a hourglass which had all of Gaito's memories from his past life stored. Goxius began the transfer process as Gaito sat there in deep meditation, not budging for a moment. Meanwhile, Sawano and Ankoku fell through the portal and made it to the Anti-Realm, they both saw the entire portal shut as Sawano slammed his fist through the ground in anger.)
"Sawano: DAMN IT!!!!!"
"Ankoku: Brother, relax..!"
"Sawano: HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO RELAX? LUCIFER IS GOING TO KILL EVERYONE..!! Its all my damn fault... If Xadite and the rest of his Anti-Gods didn't kill me in the first place, ANY of this wouldn't have to happen...! Now Earth's going to perish from a mistake I made years ago.."
"Ankoku: Sawano... Listen to me!-"
(They both then saw an entire populated area of Anti-Gods shocked at Ankoku and Sawano, murmuring was heard as they all was grateful at Ankoku's return.)
"Anti-God: Prince Ankoku.. He's returned!!!!!"
(The standbys cheered for them both as they was confused on what happened.)
"???: Did I hear this correctly? Ankoku have returned to the Anti-Realm?"
(Sawano and Gaito recognized the voice and saw Fuchibuto, the King of Anti-Gods surprised to see both Ankoku and Sawano.)
"Fuchibuto: Sawano? Ankoku?"
"Both: Fuchibuto..?"
(Meanwhile, Sawano and Ankoku was in the great hall inside the Fuchibuto's massive abode floating above the entire atmosphere. Sawano was silent as he does not know or remember anything of the Anti-Realm.)
"Fuchibuto: Its such a surprise seeing you two here! Tell me, what can your Uncle Fuchibuto do for you two?"
"Ankoku: We was actually sent here by force, Earth's under attack again."
"Fuchibuto: I see.. Any idea who's attacking it?"
"Sawano: Its Lucifer..."
(Fuchibuto almost choked on his tea at the response and placed the cup down and was sweating from the top of his head down to his neck.)
"Fuchibuto: L-Lucifer..? SATAN..?"
"Sawano: Yes. I had a chance to fight him but Ankoku took the challenge."
"Ankoku: I took one glance at Lucifer and calculated he can last even against Gaito. Even if used sixty percent of his physical strength."
"Fuchibuto: He's that strong now huh...? Sawano, I believe its time you learn about something. Your past life."
"Sawano: ...?"
"Fuchibuto: Sawano, in your previous life. You was Oxetus, the Anti-God of Misfortunes."
"Sawano: Wait.. What..?"

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