Chapter 79: Inside Shinsei Academy!

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(Meanwhile in Hell, Sawano was lying in his and Azumi's bed to process and think of all the information he was told. Until he was interrupted by Hinami.)
"Hinami: Uh, Sawano?"
(Hinami saw Sawano lie there speechless and then sat up.)
"Sawano: Yeah Hinami..?"
"Hinami: I know that was a lot to take in, Tat- Gaito being your father... Wouldn't that mean he was there for everything..?"
"Sawano: Yes. All the way from.. fighting Kirby and Radella... to this..."
"Hinami: Well.. Here's something to get your mind off of it..!"
(Hinami was holding a flyer to one of the popular beaches and Sawano took a look at it.)
"Sawano: I see... You wanna go to the beach..?"
"Hinami: Yup..!"
"Sawano: Well... I guess. But I need you to go back to Olympus for school."
"Hinami: O-Oh... Right..."
"Sawano: But don't worry, after school, we'll go. I need a vacation anyway..."
(As several days passed, Kazuya, Shibuto and Hinami returned to Olympus to reattend school after a long inactivity. Several classmates was clapping for them as each of their friends came to congratulate them.)
"Shibuto's Friends: SHIBUTO!!! WELCOME BACK!!!"
(They all huddled on him as Shibuto was just as happy to see them. Hinami smiled at everyone as she was talking to new classmates. Kazuya continued walking but ran into his bully from before, Tajunn who was staring Kazuya down and inhaled once then dropped to his knees.)
"Tajunn: I'm sorry for bullying you, Kazuya!"
"Kazuya: Huh?"
"Tajunn: I promise I won't do it anymore, I didn't know Gaito Tamarei was your actual dad..!"
"Kazuya: Look its fine..! Just don't plead like that, its embarrassing."
(He then nodded and ran off, Kazuya then noticed a group of classmates  outside of a class and Kazuya walked over out of curiosity.)

"What's going on?"
"Classmate #1: Everyone here's checking out the new Sugizora Tokiyomi!"
"Kazuya: Wait...? Sugizora?"
(Kazuya then remembered her crying on the stairwell and he joined the group to quickly get a look and was surprised at her newly done jet black and long hair with her glasses as she was reading. Kazuya's heart suddenly jumped as if he was crushing on her already.)
"T-That's... her...?"
"Tatsuhiro: I'll say... You got quite the keen eye Kazuya."
(He slowly looked up to see Tatsuhiro right above the group as they all quickly backed up and Kazuya along with them.)
"Tatsuhiro: You forgot? I'm the headmaster! Ah, could you all pardon me for a moment, I need a little chat with my son."
(He wrapped his arm around Kazuya's shoulder as he and Tatsuhiro then had a talk with a walk.)
"Kazuya: Did you really have to invade us like that...?"
(Tatsuhiro was laughing at the reaction.)
"Tatsuhiro: I'm joking! Look, I'm glad you got eyes for someone kid. But you better play the cards right, ya feel me?"
"Tatsuhiro: That's not what your heart says."
"Kazuya: L-Look, I helped her before but I don't want to-"
"Tatsuhiro: Get embarrassed at the potential of being turned down?"
"Kazuya: ...."
"Tatsuhiro: Remember, I can read minds. So there's nothing you can hide from me. I'm always gonna know what you're thinking about. Listen, when the time is right, you shoot your chance. Okay? Look at us, I have two wives actually because I saved Isabel from death and I gave myself a chance with Xinera!"
"Kazuya: What does that have to do with any of this?"
"Tatsuhiro: What I'm saying is you can't just coward behind your emotions or feelings. You wanted to protect people right? You didn't hold anything back and you fight with your all, Kazuya. Do the same thing in these situations, understand? Forget the cowering and just go out there and do your best, son."
(Kazuya was silent as he thought about what to do.)

"Kazuya: Thanks G- Tatsuhiro. I think I know what to do now."
(He then pat his head and stood up.)
"Tatsuhiro: That's my boy. Go get her tiger!"
(Kazuya nodded and ran off back to the class as Tatsuhiro watched him. As Kazuya walked back to the class, the group returned and saw Kazuya go inside, about to shoot his chance.)
"Kazuya(Thinking): I can do this..."
(Kazuya's classmates outside the classroom was silently cheering him on as he walked to Sugizora's desk and she continued to read.)
"(Aloud): Um.. S-Sugizora...?"
(She continued to read as she awaited the bell.)
"W-Would you like to-"
(The bell then rang as she put the book away and was ready to participate and Kazuya was then silent as he missed his chance and went to sit down, Shibuto and Hinami was in their separate classes and began to participate. Their teacher then came inside which surprised the class minus Sugizora and Kazuya.)
"Ash: Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I'm your teacher, Ash Kujokio. I say that because we have a returning student, Kazuya Atharu. Kazuya, please stand up and reintroduce yourself to the class if you would."
"Kazuya: O-OH! Right!"
(Kazuya then stood up and did so.)
"Nice to meet and see you all again, I am Kazuya Atharu!"
(He then sat down to avoid embarrassment and realized Sugizora did not care to give even a single glance at Kazuya which made him feel a bit more down.)
"Ash: Now since that is out of the way, allow me to get started on today's lesson. Kazuya, since you're returning to classes, you are welcome to participate in today's event. However, if you-"
(Kazuya was surprised as he quickly responded.)
"Ash: Then its decided. However, today's lesson is "Defensive & Offensive Elements." But to begin this lesson, we will be combining with two other classes to compare your elemental power to the separate classmate. Is that understood to the class?"
(Everyone agreed in unison.)
"Glad we've reached an understanding. To those who has their own fighting costumes, please take your capsule and meet the rest of the class outside."
(As the class was dismissed to meet at the back of the school, Kazuya saw Sugizora rise from her seat and go over to the desk to grab her capsule then walked out the classroom. Kazuya followed her for a while until she stopped but did not turn around.)

"Sugizora: Can I help you, Atharu?"
"Kazuya: S-Sugizora, how come you-"
"Sugizora: I do not recall giving you permission to use my first name."
"Kazuya: Look, why didn't you answer me when I was talking to you?!"
"Sugizora: Because class was starting and I did not wish to disrupt it in anyway. Can I please go meet up with the rest of the class now?"
"Kazuya: Wait..! What happened to you..? You went from this, girl who needed help to-"
"Sugizora: I followed your advice."
(Kazuya gasped and continued to give a disbelief glance.)
"You do not remember? I've let myself become too weak and was easy to prey on. It was time I changed to do that, I stuck with the words you said Kazuya. "If you continue to give yourself to others, you would be dead."
(He then remained speechless.)
"Your words are my inspiration to this Kazuya. While I do thank you for helping me change, I wish to avoid further interaction with you. I do not dislike you... But its for the best in order for me to continue following your words."
(As Sugizora then walked off, Kazuya stood there with a speechless glare and was frozen.)

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