Chapter 43: The Hunt For The Light-Piercing Sword!

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(As more time has went by, Gaito then arrived in Olympus which he then walked around to find  Hephaestus's blacksmith shop.) 
"Gaito: If I can't get a sword from Hephaestus strong enough to pierce Helios, then I'm going to have to create a plan B..."
(Gaito then found Hephaestus's blacksmith shop which he then finished creating an axe for one of his customers which he then saw Gaito walking towards him.)
"Hephaestus: Gaito Tamarei! My number one customer! What sword would you like this time? A new cutlass, a katana, claymore perhaps?"
"Gaito: I already have a cutlass thanks for the offers though! I actually want to request something. Is it possible to have a sword created that can cut pass light?"
"Hephaestus: Hmm.. Don't tell me, you want a sword that can kill a specific god?"
"Gaito: You read my mind."
"Hephaestus: There is one material I can create a sword like that out of. But this ore can be found in the Void Realm. Unfortunately, you can only get in the realm with a passport now."
"Gaito: What do you mean?"
"Hephaestus: Goddess of Void, Onara Shiori recently enforced a new law: "Any and all newcomers into the Void Realm must have official acceptance from the Council of Order." Going there without an official license clarifies you as an intruder."
"Gaito: No worries. I'll just walk in there, find the ore and walk out."
"Hephaestus: Uhh... Suit yourself, you'll see what happens."
"Gaito: So where's the portal to the realm?"
"Hephaestus: At the portal gates. Just make sure you speak to the Council before you go there."
"Gaito: Fine fine. Just to avoid "trouble" I'll go and get a passport."
(Gaito then walked to the portal gates but waited in line to get a passport to the Void Realm. After collecting the passport, he went to the Void Realm after being checked at the gateway by the Voidion guardians. Gaito then started wandering around to find the ore Hephaestus said.)
-Moments Ago-

"Hephaestus: This is the ore known as the "Obscene Ore" this can be found in the darkest side of the realm. From what the rumors say, there lies a powerful void creature at the bottom of the abyss. Many warriors has risked their lives against said creature but has not came back out alive. I don't doubt your power for a second Gaito, you'll handle it easily!"
"Gaito: A void creature? Could be worth my time for some training..."
(Gaito continued to walk around until was stopped by several Voidion guards whom was accompanying Onara on her stroll outside the city of Grayfall.)
"Onara: Hm? Gaito Tamarei, a surprise seeing you in the Void Realm."
"Gaito: Onara Shiori I assume? Forgive me for being in your way. I'm just looking for something which was requested by Hephaestus."
"Onara: Oh? The God of Forgery? I see, carry on then. Also, is that a passport you have there?"
(She looked at Gaito's passport as he pulled it out.)
"Gaito: Yeah, I heard about your new law."
(Onara grabbed his passport and watched it decay into darkness. The guards was shocked but Gaito watched with a bit of confusion.)
"Onara: No need for you to have a passport. You're a former King of Gods, the Void Realm is exclusive to you. Please feel free to stay as much as needed."
"Gaito: Oh. Thanks?"
(He then walked off but paused for a moment and turned around to ask Onara a question.)
"Quick question, do you know anything about an obscene ore?"
"Onara: I do. Is there a reason you ask me a question like so?"
"Gaito: Well, long story short..."
(He explained the situation by starting with Helios attacking the bar in the Realm Of Light.)
"Onara: Tch... Who knew we'd have such a sickening excuse of a god in our ranks. Very well, I will escort you to the obscene ores. In return, I would like to request a deal."
"Gaito: Which is...?"
"Onara: I want you to send Helios to Hell. What he performed was a disgusting act of godhood."
"Gaito: Deal. I planned on murdering him anyway."
(Onara lead Gaito across the realm towards the obscene ore where they both then came across a pitch-black, low-sloped cave which was sealed by one of Onara's encasing spells and then noticed a skeleton's head showing bite marks and covered in saliva. Onara then examined it by shedding a bit of her void's darkness over it.)

"Onara: This is recently.. Still warm and it reeks. This can only mean one thing... The "Netherling's" finally awake after all this time... I shouldn't really be surprised."
"Gaito: "Netherling?"
"Onara: One of the Void Realm's most dangerous creatures. This creature remains asleep, undisturbed for twenty eight years in the Void Realm. On Earth, this monster would be asleep for two thousand years and reawaken for its thirst for combat and flesh so I have to put it down every time it awakens otherwise, the realm would have more trouble."
"Gaito: Sounds like fun! Mind if I fight it?"
"Onara: You honestly want to fight the Netherling?"
"Gaito: Yeah. I mean, I love a good fight."
"Onara: Hmph, I wish you luck and also before I forgot, the obscene ore is down there too. So you have two tasks, defeat the Netherling and claim what you came here for. I will be waiting here for you Gaito."
"Gaito: Alright."
(Onara then unsealed the cave which Gaito then walked down into the cave and saw torches engulfing themselves with fire. Gaito continued walking down the hole and saw light but also heard loud snoring. After leaving the cave, he looked around and saw the creature sleeping on a platform which surrounded around the creature was a countless amount of treasure. Gaito then looked around for a bit more until throwing a pebble at the creature, disturbing its nap.)
"Lets do this..!"
(The Netherling then started to awaken from its nap in anger and sensed Gaito. It stood up on its four legs then its eyes begins glowing white and then roared which forced all the torches within the cave to engulf in flames, revealing a fourteen feet dragon-like hybrid roaring out of anger which Gaito then just yawned as he was already bored. Onara then heard the roaring from outside of the cave.)
"Onara: He's in for it now."
(The Netherling then jumped highly in the air which Gaito remained where he stood and took one wide step to the side which he warped at the obscene ore and picked out a few as Gaito ignored the Netherling which it started to charge a strong wave of void-given energy. The wave was then fired which drilled a hole through the cave walls where Gaito was standing but appeared on the top of the Netherling's back and laid down on top of it for comfort.)

"Gaito: Yeah, this is not as comfortable as I thought."
(The Netherling then roared more aggressively as it then started jumping up and down which caused the whole cave to tremble. Gaito then hopped off and delivered a strong kick to the Netherling which blasted the entire being past the drilled cave wall, creating an even bigger hole which Gaito then grabbed more of the obscene ore and started to leave until the cave started to rumble again, the entrance beginning to be sealed from the angered roars of the Netherling.)
"This damn thing won't sit still huh?"
(The Netherling runs towards Gaito for a chance to bite him which was successful but was then quiet as its teeth was then shattered by Gaito's metal arm after colliding. Gaito then gave a smile and started to attack it with his metal arm relentlessly which was drilling through the Netherling's armor. After charging one more punch to the continuously punched armor, he then sensed more void-like energy coming from the Netherling which he avoided its tail shooting arrows created out of the void element.)
"Not bad..! Its a good thing the Netherling is relentless!"
(The Netherling swallowed an obscene ore which then darkened its armor and shell, instantly repairing the damage its taken which surprised Gaito.)
"So that's what obscene orbs can do if digested? Hmm..."
(Gaito then saw the Netherling run towards him again with its horns and Gaito then stood their and collided with the horns which created a scattering build of debris. Gaito then wiped the dust off of his clothes and noticed his panther pelt was missing. He looked around and looked up, seeing the Netherling catching it in its mouth and regrew its teeth quickly and was chewing on it. Gaito was then irate as the negative energy inside his soul was building even more unstable than before. He then walked towards the Netherling and clenched his right fist tightly.)
"Gaito(Deepened Voice, Altered) GIVE... ME.... MY.. PELT!!"
(Gaito then delivered a time-stopping uppercut which Onara felt the presence of the Netherling fading quickly which surprised her. Suddenly, the fourteen feet Netherling was punched out of the ground and continuously punched into the air by Gaito. He continued the endless assault then yells loudly and delivered a powerful headbutt to the Netherling which launched it back down the hole where Gaito drilled it from which shook the entire Void Realm from the Netherling's rumbling crash. It then spat out Gaito's pelt which Gaito tied back on his waist.)

"Onara: Hm, he actually pulled it off!"
(Gaito began to walk out of the cave carrying two chests and three obscene ores he picked up from inside. The rocks than began crumbling which caved in the only entrance to the Netherling. Gaito then dropped the chests which Onara was confused on what he found.)
"Where did you find these?"
"Gaito: They was down there with all of the obscene ore. I took care of that Netherling alright. He won't be awake for another twenty eight years. Your welcome."
"Onara: I appreciate this Gaito, come back anytime!"
(Gaito then waved bye to Onara as he carried the obscene ore back to Olympus. Onara then began to swallow the rocks cutting off the path into darkness as she made her way down to the Netherling's lair then came several Voidion guards.)
"Guard: LADY SHIORI! Is there any trouble?"
"Onara: No. But I have an assignment for you all. When we get to the bottom, confiscate every last treasure you see down here and don't worry about the Netherling. Gaito Tamarei took care of it so there's no reason to worry."
(The guards then felt relieved and helped Onara. Gaito then left the Void Realm and returned to Olympus and went back to Hephaestus's blacksmith. Hephaestus then saw Gaito returning with three obscene ores which was placed in front of him and was then being examined.)
"Hephaestus: Yup! This is the real deal Gaito, I told you I didn't doubt you!"
"Gaito: Yeah... I had it all in the bag. So how long will it take for the sword to be finished?"
"Hephaestus: Actually, that's not all the ingredients."
"Gaito: Its not?"
"Hephaestus: Nope, you see. You're ordering something that needs the ability of ABSOLUTE severing. A normal sword cutting through light with obscene ore is impossible and will not work. So its actually going to take a while before I can get to work on the sword."
"Gaito: So what's the remaining ingredients?"
"Hephaestus: Next, I need some shale, a big chunk of it. Shale is an Earth's metaphoric rock that was actually formed by the sun's heat. So I should be able to transfer the sun's energy from the shale into the ore and see if the light will nullify."
"Gaito: Anything else?"
"Hephaestus: Just shale an a very specific kind of metal."
(He then wrote it down on a piece of paper for Gaito which he then took and read it.)
"Gaito: You want me to get tungsten metal? Isn't that the heaviest metal on Earth?"
"Hephaestus: That's right! For this sword to be created, we'll have to give the nullifier a good sword body for it to rest in. All I need are those things from the list and I will get started as quickly as possible, Gaito. Only a week to wait so there's plenty of time for me."
"Gaito: Okay, I trust you. Let me go get these materials. I'll be back."
(Gaito then ran off as he then traveled through Earth's portal and landed back in Hakodate.) 

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