Chapter 86: Relaxation At The Beach!

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(As the seagulls was flying across the sunny beach, with no clouds in the sky. Gaito and Sawano has successfully teleported the family outside of Japan which surprised them.)
"Kazuya: WHOA!!"
"Azumi: This is very new.."
"Isabel: Honey..? Where did you two take us..?"
"Sawano: Well to go to the beach, we'd have to do it somewhere where there isn't any snow, has warm to hot temperatures and the perfect conditions for a beach day. So..."
"Tatsuhiro: We're in Florida!"
(They was all surprised.)
"Tatsuhiro: That's right! You guys go have fun!"
(Kazuya, Shibuto and Hinami then laughed and raced each other to the water as Sawano then sat away from the water as Azumi joined him.)
"Azumi: You don't like swimming?"
"Sawano: Well, I can't really swim. Just going near water evaporates it instantly."
"Azumi: O-Oh.. I forgot..:"
(Tatsuhiro then walked onto the sand and took a big sniff of the air an exhaled.)
"Tatsuhiro: Ahh.. Perfect air..."
(He then looked over at bodybuilders across from the beach working out and smirked as he walked over and watched them.)
"Xinera: Oh no.. Tatsuhiro's gonna do it again.."
"Isabel: Do what?
"Xinera: Well before, Tatsuhiro was a very massive showoff and well... There's this one time he flexed his full body muscle, almost every goddess in Olympus was fawning over him."
"Isabel: Huh?!"
"Xinera: Oh yeah, the gods tried fighting him but he beat every last one with that blindfold of his. Ever since he had that blindfold, his power was still enough to make prime Zeus surrender with just ten direct blows."
"Bodybuilder: HEY!"
(Xinera and Isabel noticed the yell as Tatsuhiro was seen being hugged by two hypnotized-like beach girls girls by Tatsuhiro's golden hard six pack abs.)

"Tatsuhiro: What?! I'm just asking if I could join the workout!"
"Bodybuilder #2: Seems like you're trying to take our girlfriends!"
"Tatsuhiro: Huh?"
(He then looked at both sides to see the girls blushing and feeling his abs.)
"Oohhh... If they wanted to touch, I don't see an issue."
(He then tried punching Tatsuhiro in the chest but after the collision, his entire hand was shattered from the inside which had him screaming in pain.)
"Tatsuhiro: That's on him. You guys wanna try a swing at me next?"
(One of the bodybuilders then lifted a two hundred lbs weight and slammed it across Tatsuhiro's head which the full metal of the weight snapped directly in half and landed in the sand. The two other bodybuilders was then anxious of Tatsuhiro not feeling any effect.)
"What a let down, thought you guys were bodybuilders. Mind letting go for a moment ladies?"
(They responded and let go as Tatsuhiro then took four steps and spread his arms out, his shirt beginning to rip apart as the girls was blushing with excitement but the three bodybuilders was then terrified at the expanding muscle growing from Tatsuhiro.)
"Let me give you three some advice... When dealing with someone who has far more power than you, learn how to treat them with the proper respect..."
(Their faces was then turned blue with fear as the girls was blushing out of pure shock. Tatsuhiro then turned around and revealed his golden-like body along with his back showing a second torso with ten abs on his back and ten on the front of his body. Tatsuhiro then looked down at the three of them after a big height increase with a cold stare and said to them:)
"I'll take your girlfriends along with your pride. Now run along!"
(The three of them then quickly ran away, filled with absolute fear and cowardice as their girlfriends jumped to Tatsuhiro and hugged him as they was absolutely mesmerized by his body. As Tatsuhiro walked back, he sees Isabel giving a jealous pout as Xinera was reading a book.)
"Isabel: No fair!!!"
(Sawano and Azumi watched Tatsuhiro as they continued to sit in the sand. Sawano then looked up into the skies and had a thought.)

"Azumi: Is something wrong, love?"
"Sawano: I'm just imagining something. This kind of feels like... Back then. Underneath the Sakura Tree."
(Azumi gasped and blushed with a smile as he remembered.)
"Azumi: You do remember... I'm so glad."
"Sawano: I haven't met something this relaxing for a long time."
(Azumi held his hand as she then noticed the massive scar across his chest and traced it with her finger which had her curious.)
"Azumi: How long ago was it since we met underneath the Sakura Tree..?"
"Sawano: ....Its been so long, I kind of forgot..."
"Azumi: I know how long.. But I'm not telling!"
"Sawano: Aw come on!"
"Azumi: I won't tell!!"
(She tried to run as Sawano was chasing after her, Azumi started laughing as the others noticed and smiled. Hinami saw them running and smiled.)
"Kazuya: Hinami! Look what we found!"
(Hinami quickly ran over to them and looked at what he and Shibuto found. The three of them looked down at a hermit crab who came out of its shell then walked away. Shibuto then picked it up as it went back into its shell.)
"Shibuto: Hey little guy... We're not going to hurt you, we promise!"
(After moments of silence the hermit crab stuck its head out of the shell and snipped its claws three times, Shibuto was then understanding what the crab said.)
"I promise!"
"Kazuya: Wait, you can speak to crabs?"
"Shibuto: I think its a little side ability after tampering with my space element. I can telepathically communicate with creatures."
"Hinami: So cool!"
(The hermit crab snipped both of its claws three times.)

"Shibuto: Oh! I'm Shibuto and this is Kazuya and Hinami. Do you have a name"
(It snipped its claws again. As Hinami and Kazuya was continuing to watch Shibuto communicate with the hermit crab. Meanwhile, from afar one sniper and one assassin was setting up from the top of a mountain.)
"???: Are you sure about this..?"
"Goon: Do you not realize how big Gaito Tamarei's bounty is?! If we kill him with confirmed evidence, we'll be f**king legends!!!"
"???: Look, I might be an assassin and all but why are you trying to go after the man known as "The Godslayer" and is feared from Heaven and back?"
"Goon: That's some bullshit excuse to scare the cowards away, nothing's making me believe that- Gaito.. T-Tamarei is... standing over the both of us with his six pack flexing a demon face..."
(They both looked up to see Tatsuhiro standing over the both of them and gripped the goon's gun, crushing it into a tiny metal ball and kicks it directly towards the sun, a twinkle was then shown as the metal was eradicated by the heat and force of Tatsuhiro's kick.)
"Tatsuhiro: Now why dare I ask are you trying to ruin my vacation?"
"???: I have nothing to do with this, Lord Tatsuhiro."
"Tatsuhiro: Wait a second... Swift Eye?"
"Swift Eye: You remember me?"
(The goon looked at them as he was terrified of Tatsuhiro still. Swift Eye and Tatsuhiro then looked at the goon then each other and nodded then Tatsuhiro kicked the goon off the mountain and rolling down the hills. Meanwhile, Swift Eye and Tatsuhiro was then catching up after years of not seeing each other nor talking, Xinera and Isabel then noticed and was pouting with jealousy.)
"Tatsuhiro: Relax! This is Swift Eye, me and her was co-workers in the assassins guild."
"Xinera: Oh..."
"Isabel: NO FAIRRRR!!!!"
"Tatsuhiro: What?!?!"

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