Cold night

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It was cold outside. The wind was playing with my hair as I held on tighter to the small coat I had. My nose was running, and I couldn't feel my fingers. I tripped when the wind picked up, causing me to fall in the thick snow that was on the ground. I felt tears running down my cheek even though they were not out of sadness. I was to cold, a no body with no where to go. I was friendless, hopeless, and worst of all wasn't so bad in the summer, but when winter hit...that's when my hope was gone....I always tried to make the best of it, finding somewhere warm to sleep, tonight just so happened to be a blizzard, and everything was shut down. So here I am, stumbling up the hill, to an abound house, which was probably just as cold in the inside as it was out. But at least it would be shelter.  I pick myself up despite the wind knocking every which way. I was so close, I could feel the door knob in my hands. This place was massive, a "haunted mansion" if I've ever seen one. The local kids would talk about the horrors they thought to be true about this place, I never minded them. This whole town believed an evil lives in the walls of this house. They would send animals and different things as offering, appeasing whatever ate them. I don't believe in the tales, after all, what's the worst that could happen to me? There's no one there to find me if a am murdered in this house, and no one would care. So here we are, pulling the handle of this crazy place.

It was a sticky door, but I managed to get it opened. Inside there was a grand entrance with two big stair cases in the center, candle operas were at the ends of the cures. Someone must have loved this place at one time. I breath on my hands to try to warm them up, looking for a living room of some kind to make a fire. The more I walked around the more I noticed that there was furniture that was clean, as if someone had been cleaning it. When I found the living room, it was decorated. Something you don't normally see in an abandon house. There was even fire wood. I lit a match which I had also found, and started a fire. Finally taking a breath of relief, I sat down on the marble floor. I was tired, I had been walking for at least 4 hours...I laid my head on my arm and slowly started to loose conches. But that's when I heard something odd. A voice. A mans voice. It was a whisper, like he was talking in my ear.

???: What are you doing here little mouse?  

I was not young, I'm 21 years old, no one has ever called me that. I sprang up and looked around to see no one. Sure it spooked me out but I wasn't about to let go of the warmth I finally got. I sat up this time hugging my knees. I closed my eyes, thinking maybe it was just my imagination. Then I heard it again, the same voice. ???: you really shouldn't be here...

I officially was scared, I turned and saw no one. I could only hear the wind hitting the windows. I stood up and started walking to the door. I was about to grab the knob when. I cold hand grabbed mine. I spun around, only to be met by crimson eyes. They shimmered in the dim light.

???: ah ah, no leaving just yet...we haven't had dinner~

My eyes went wide. His teeth, they were pointed, and ready to eat. Though I couldn't see him well, his teeth, they shined, warning me that he was undoubtedly something I didn't think existed....a vampire...his teeth sank into my wrist, causing me to Yelp in pain, to which he chuckled and grabbed my wrist harder, I tried pulling away feeling the blood being drained from me. Not being able to yell, or even speak, all I could do was breath and scream...and then I passed out.

???: papa!!!!


???: pl-please dont make me!!!

I wake up in a cold swet. I hold my head while trying my best not to cry. Dreams would cause me to wake up like this every night or morning. After holding my head for a while, I notice I'm in a bed, not just any bed, I'm in a huge bed with a red comforter. I look around to not know where I am. The wind blows against the windows, making me remember last nights actions. I look at my wrist to see to red dots. I go pale. What am I still doing alive, maybe I am dead, is this this isn't heaven, neither is it hell, I'm still alive. I push back the cover and stand up. I'm in my under clothes, not knowing where the rest of them are. It was cold, so I grabbed a blanket off the chair and went to go look out the door. No one. I walked out in the hallway, and headed for the stairs, which I didn't know the way too.

???: where are you going little mouse?

I turn to see a tall man with honey skin. He was holding a book, and had crimson eyes. I stumble back into the wall, dropping down with it. He walks towards me and bends down to my level.

???: tisk tisk, what's the little mouse doing out of her room...Hmm?? Are you curious? Scared?

I nod my head quickly not knowing how to respond. The man smirks.

???: oh my, Jin will not be happy with you. Come on little mouse, it's time you meet your hosts.

He reached out his hand, but I don't take it. I stand up slowly by myself. He looks at me up and down before rolling his eyes.

???: come on little mouse, this way.

He lead me down the hallway to the staircase, from there we go to a dinning room filled with 6 men not including the man that was escorting me.  They all look at us as we entered the room. He pulls out a chair, then makes me sit down. Each of them stared at me, two of them were whispering to each other, and one of them was smirking at me, deeply staring into my eyes, like he wanted something. Then one of them stood up.

???: I'm sure your confused.

I say nothing, I rarely talk, it's not like I can't, but it's the fact of no one every want to listen. The man stares at me waiting for a response. I just cough.

???: What where you doing here last night?

I once again stayed silent, looking around at the exquisite architecture of the dinning room. This place was more like a castle then a mansion.

???: ANSWER ME!!

He screamed at me making me flinch. I hugged the blanket around me tighter. Holding my eyes shut, not wanting to look in his eyes.

???: Stop your scaring her!

I look up again. One man with very soft eyes was looking at me. He seemed genuinely worried. Which inside phased me, though on the outside my face remains blank. 

???: what's your name?

I hesitate...should I really talk to these people after all one of them or even all of them are vampires. I'll take my chances.

Me: y/n...

His eyes lit up. He smiled, making me feel a little warm on the inside.

???: Well now that we know your name, big deal, what were you doing here last night!?

He yelled again. I flinched. I hated when people yelled at me. I wanted to cry every time...but not around these people.

Me: I-I wanted to get out of the storm...

They looked at each other. Then back at me.

???: That seems legit. Jin why don't you stop questioning her, she's been through a lot.

Jin: And how do you know that?

???: I did some mind searching.

The man smirked. Looking at the man who was yelling at me.

???: we could keep her...

They all turned their heads to a man sitting in the middle of two others.

???: I mean come on, she could come in handy~

He looked over smirking at me. I was unfazed. Once again they looked at each other then back at me.

???: she is homeless after all, we should at least give her a job.

Jin: Fine, but on one condition.

???: That is?

Jin: She has to do whatever we say, and if she doesn't, well then I guess Jungkook will have a nice meal for once.

I look around, I see the vampire that brought me in, he was licking his lips as he looked at me. I never agreed to working here, but if it means I'm warm, then it wouldn't be to bad right?

Jin: Tae, Jimin, show y/n to her room.

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