The Vampire

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After getting a few hours of good sleep, my bladder decided that it needed to release the water I drank earlier. So I got up half asleep to go find the bathroom. Since this place is so big, it's hard to remember where I saw the bathroom. I wondered down the hallway for at least a half hour. By this time I was awake, and of course, I ended up in the hall all their rooms were in. Now I had to pee, and I was probably going to get yanked into one of their rooms. I saw a door at the end of the hall that could be a bathroom. I was almost there, when my theory was right, a strong arm pulled me into a room, and closed the door. It was dimly lit, but I could see that the room was darkly decorated. A huge tv was on the far side, along with a huge bed. It was colder than the hallway, and I couldn't see who pulled me into the room.

???: What are you doing little mouse?

I look around in confusion. I still can't see, making this more awkward.

Me: I can't see.

He turns the light up slightly, allowing me to see him, the vampire from earlier. He was smirking, looking me deeply in the eyes. He was holding my arm still. He didn't say anything for a while. We stood there looking at each other, my breath the only sound.

???: Well little mouse, why is it your up this late Hmm?

He twirled a piece of my hair. I looked around the room, admiring the architecture. This house was truly beautiful.

???: Not going to answer me?

Me: Bathroom.

He chuckled.

???: there's one right by your room!

He laughs a little louder. I blush slightly. I hate being lost all the time. I narrow my eyes at him. His sharp teeth showing themselves as he laughed.

???: Just use my bathroom.

He lets my arms go, and points to a door. I walk over quickly, trying not to pee on the floor. After relieving myself I opened the door to see him sitting on his massive bed with his shirt off. I knew where this was going so I walked back in the bathroom and locked the door. I heard a knock a few seconds later.

Me: Nope.

???: Come on little mouse. Open upppppp~

I look at his vanity, it had rose soap, that I used earlier to wash my hands, I look around some more. I found another door that lead to a huge bath. It was beautiful. How big does this place get? I went back to the door he was banging on to hear what he was saying.

???: Come on little mouse, come out~

Me: I'm good.

???: This door isn't going to hold forever, come out now before I have to break the door to get to you.

Me: it's your door.

He goes quite for a second.

Me: put a shirt on and I'll come out.

???: Whatever you say little mouse.

I feel his wait leave the door. I push it open, he was putting a shirt on, unaware that I walked back into his room. When he was done, he saw that I was watching him.

???: Like what you see?

I role my eyes.

Me: What's your name cocky?

He walks forward, his tongue hitting the inside of his cheek in frustration.

???: Jungkook little mouse.

Me: Mmm, I think cocky suits you.

It was his turn to role his eyes.

Jungkook: You know you shouldn't be out this late...

Me: What you gonna do?

Jungkook: Creatures of the night live in this could be taken, or worse....killed...

Me: Meh.

He gives me a surprise look, before giving me a dark look. Before I could say anything else, he flashed to my side, I felt his hands holding my waist, his hot breath on my neck.

Jungkook: You let your guard down....first mistake...second, you let a vampire close to you...third, you wore those pajamas....see through...

I blush, my heart going a hundred miles an hour. Was he going to bite me? Or worse? He ran his lips against my skin making me flinch.

Jungkook: Now...give me one reason...not to drink your precious blood right here, right now...

I swallow hard. I felt him smirk against my neck, as he placed his lips on it again. His hand running up and down my side.

Me: D-don't...

Jungkook: Ahh, a bit more confidence I see...

His other hand grips my hip hard. His nails digging into it. I yelp, he chuckled into my neck. The pain of it made me squirm.

Me: P-please don't...

Jungkook: That wasn't so hard was it...

He let go, without realizing it, I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding in. He went back to sitting on his bed. He stared at me intensely. I looked at the ground as I walked towards the door. He didn't stop me...Thank the Lord...

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