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went back to pruning the roses. We put the gloves back on and Hobi helped me finish the garden. When we were done for the day I set up a table outside and Hobi set it. We made dinner and soon the guys all showed up and we ate dinner. An interesting conversation struck half way through the meal.

Namjoon: I need you all to know the plans for this years ball.

Me: Ball?

Jungkook: We hold a huge ball for all the realms.

Me: Hmm.

Namjoon: the theme this year is masquerade. Jennies kingdom decided it for us.

Yoongi: Again...

Namjoon: Not my choice yoongi, we're on thin ice with them.

Yoongi: My sister shouldn't be the once deciding. You remember what happened last year.

Taehyung: If she had her way we'd be wearing nothing.

Him and Jimin looked my way smirking

Jimin: I wouldn't be complaining if I got to see that body again~

My eyes widen. But I want to take advantage of this moment to make a joke.

Me: if you love Taes body so much why don't you just take him instead.

I smirk leaning forward. Their eyes widen, the rest of the guys laughing at my joke.

Jimin: You'll regret saying that.

Jimin started dangers into me. I only made a kissy face at him.

Jungkook: What are you gonna do Jimin? Get Tae to do all the work?

Knowing what he meant I go red. Everyone of the guys that weren't us three were laughing. Even though he was right.

Jimin: you'll regret that too Jungkook.

Jungkook: oooo what you gonna do bite my knee caps!?

This set everyone over the edge, Hobi was particularly on the floor and I actually saw Yoongi giggle as well. Jimin was red as an apple. He crossed his arms pouting.

Me: Don't worry chim, we're just joking!

I say still laughing a bit.

Namjoon wiped a tear from his eye. Finally getting back on topic.

Namjoon: sense this year is masquerade themed that also means we will have to dress so that we know who is who. I would really hate if we got y/n mixed up with someone else.

Jin: Why, are you saying she looks like every other girl?

Jungkook: No offense but she's going to stand out like a sore thumb, she's the only human.

Me: Wait, I'm going to this?

They turn to me.

Hobi: Why wouldn't you be?

Me: Are you all forgetting I'm your maid?

Jin: No, no we haven't. But we need to keep you safe.

Me: From what?

They all look at me serious.

Namjoon: Y/n. You are the only human, someone we care a lot about, and you are the only thing we want to keep safe in this world.

Yoongi: there will be a room full of vampires, dragons, incubuses, sirens, and so much more, we have to keep you safe.

Jungkook: especially from wonho...

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