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The night seemed to last only 3 minutes after I got back to bed. I slept worried about if someone was stalking me, but at this point it didn't matter. Two of them saw me half naked, and one claims my pajamas were see through. I woke up from the sound of a bell being rung. Not my usual wake up call, but it sure did the trick. I sat up slowly, the coldness flowing over my body. I got up as quick as possible to find that the maid outfit was gone. Instead an outfit lay on the chair with a note reading,

Y/n, sorry about Jimin and Tae yesterday. We got you a new uniform that suits you better, thanks again!

- Namjoon

It was a skirt with leggings and a long sleeved shirt. Much better in my opinion. I put it on and headed to the kitchen. For some reason I thought I needed to make them breakfast. On my way I met Namjoon, who was reading a book and almost bumped into me.

Namjoon: Oh sorry Y/n, I wasn't looking where I was going.

He chuckled nervously.

Me: It's ok.

Namjoon: Where you off too?

Me: The kitchen to make you all breakfast.

Namjoon: Oh that's very thoughtful of you, but we don't usually eat normal food. At least not Jungkook.

Me: There was raw meat in the freezer, along with bags of blood.

Namjoon: Oh, well ok! Is there any way you could make me eggs? I've been dying for some sunny side up.

Me: Of course.

Namjoon: Wow, usually I have to beg Jin to make us breakfast, or try to make it myself. It does end well.

He fluffs the back of his head nervously. I smile slightly imagining him making eggs. I pat his arm and start to walk towards the kitchen.

Namjoon: I'll get everyone together ok!

Me: Thank you Namjoon.

I turned my head to face him when I said that, he smiled showing his cute dimples. I smiled too at the sight of them. There pink tint showing as clear as the bright sun that just so happened to be up today. Once reaching the kitchen I made Jungkook his blood and meat, Namjoon his eggs, Hobi a breakfast sandwich, and the rest of them pancakes, waffles, and other breakfast items. I brought them into the big dining room after setting the table nicely. I did a bit of dusting here and there before setting everything down. After everything was set, they came piling in like lost puppies. Hobi's eyes lit up at the sight of his sandwich. Namjoon still wore his smile from earlier, and Jungkook looked speechless. As for the others, they also seems happily shocked. All except for Jin. He eyed the food as if it was poisoned. And while the others dug in, he refrained from eating. I walked back to the kitchen stopping at the door when someone called out to me.

Hobi: Aren't you going to eat with us!?

Jimin: Yeah you made all this food?

Tae: You should at least sit with us.

I turn around so I was facing them. All their eyes on me.

Me: Servants shouldn't sit at the table.

Jin: She's right, it's not proper.

Jungkook: Come sit with us little mouse, I don't care if your a servant or not.

He stands up and pulls out the chair next to him and Namjoon. I blush a bit at how he gestured to the chair.

Hobi: Please y/n!

I smile and look down, walking slowly over to the seat. Jungkook pushed it in after I sat, and they all continued to eat.

Namjoon: These eggs are fantastic!

Hobi: I know she's the best cook! And look she made me a cat faced sandwich! Isn't it cute!?

Jungkook: Well she gave me pigs blood, how did she know that's my favorite!?

Jin: It not even that good, the toast is burnt and the eggs are too runny.

I stop cutting my pancake.

Me: Then don't eat it.

He roles his eyes.

Jin: I'm not, now excuse me while I go make a good breakfast.

He gets up and walks to the kitchen, not bothering to push in his chair. After the door closes, we all go back to eating.

Namjoon: I'm sorry y/n, he's just getting used to you.

Me: It's fine.

Hobi: More for us I guess!

Tae: I'll drink to that!

He picks up his orange juice like it's wine and takes a big drink. They all laugh and take drinks as well. I smile while taking a bite of pancake so they don't see.

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