A Friend

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I found myself walking up to a door with a purple flower on it, a weird language was underneath it. I assumed it said what was in the room. I turned the handle cautiously, the wood creaking as I opened it up. A purple glow illuminated the room as I took a step in, the purple glow blinding me from seeing the rest of the room. I held my hand up to shield my eyes, feeling someone pulling my other hand. Suddenly I  was outside of the room, the door slamming in front of me.

???: what are you doing...

I look up to see a beautiful man, his purple eyes matching the flower on the door. I felt as if I was mesmerized by his presents as he stared at me with his deep eyes.

Me: I-I-

???: Flower, your not supposed to enter any of the rooms in the hallway.

Me: I-I didn't k-know.

???: Well now you do.

He moved closer, grabbing my hand and pulling it up to his eye level. He looked at the palms of my hands, then up at my eyes.

???: You know...you shouldn't let them touch you like that.

Who? Was he talking about Jimin and Tae? How did he know?

???: Jimin...Taehyung...

I blush slightly remembering the way they were to me only a few hours ago.

???: Flower, you should be more careful... you might end up running into trouble...

He pressed his thumb into my palm, making me feel a little weird, my vision slightly blurred, and I felt warm in my face. I closed my eyes, soon reopening them at the feeling of his lips connecting with my hand.
Me: W-what are you doing!?

???: Do you know what I am flower?

Me: N-no?

???: I'm an incubus~

My eyes go wide, I had read a book on creatures, and one was the incubus. A creature who uses humans or other creatures for there s*x gaining energy through it. It said even just kissing one can drain you slightly. My body freezes, he's lips curve into a smirk.

???: Shocked flower?

Me: W-What will you do-

???: Run along now flower, I'll let you explore for now.

He let go of my hand and smirked before walking down the hallway with his hands in his pockets. Before long he turned the corner, and was gone.  I take a deep breath before turning around and walking down the opposite side of the hallway. Looking out the window I see that the beautiful garden, snow swirling in the air. When the windows stopped, I noticed a painting of a family, it looked like one of the boys from earlier. The one with beautiful white wings. His beautiful smile shined bright like the sun, even in the painting.  His presents was warm and inviting, unlike most of the other boys in this house.

After a while of walking down the hallway, I found a beautiful door. Soon finding out it was a library. I loved books when I was younger, it was an escape from the sad world I lived in and even now, I find myself loving to read as an escape. I look around before finding a shelf full of fiction and magic creature books. If I was going to stay here, there's a lot I wanted to know. I find a thick book after a long time of searching. It was titled, Creatures Beyond Their Features. Not a very creative name, but who am I to judge? I find a few more books before bring them to the couches set on the far right of the room. From there I sit down with my first find and begin to read.

After learning more than I needed too about the creatures I have encountered so far, I began to get hungry. Unfortunately, I was used to being starved but my hunger got the better of me. I wondered around trying to find the kitchen. I didn't want to bother any of the crazy men that lived in this house. To be honest I just didn't want to be a burden. After an hour long walk I stumbled into what appeared to be a washroom before a kitchen door. I opened it to see the man who was yelling earlier, he was mixing something in a pot over the stove. I smelt good, I drooled internally at the smell. I closed my eyes taking in the scent, which I soon reopened.

Jin: What do you want?  Me: food.

Jin: there's a fridge over there, make something yourself.

I walk in the direction he was pointing to finding an industrial sized freezer and fridge built as rooms and the end of the huge kitchen. There was every type of meat, vegetable, and and fruit you could imagine. Not to mention the fresh bread that was on the massive island in the middle of the kitchen. I helped myself to the cheese and meat, making a sandwich with the fresh bread. After assembly, another man walked in the kitchen. The one with the pretty smile.

???: What ya makin? Oooo a sandwich! I want one!

Me: I'll make you one. 
???: really!?

I nod, his eyes light up and he smiles. I get more stuff and make him a sandwich. After assembly he takes a bite right away. He chews it slowly, my anticipation overwhelms inside of me...what if he hates it? What if he gets mad? These thought leave my brain when he opens his mouth.

???: that's the best sandwich I've ever had!

I smile slightly, not enough for him to notice. He starts scarfing down the sandwich, I do the same, stopping every once and a while to look at his reaction. He hummed in delight which every bite he took, I was happy I was able to do something right. When we were done I put the dishes in the sink and looked around for soap.

???: need help?

Me: soap.

???: under the sink.

I bend down and open the cabinet, finding the soap I needed. After washing our dishes I put them back where I found them and started towards the door.

???: where ya going?

I turn to see him smiling again.

Me: library.

He relaxes a bit.

???: would you maybe like a tour? I know you've been walking everywhere, but I could still show you around. 
I nod, he smiles bigger and starts walking with me. He points out things I didn't notice before. Paintings, doors, even hallways I didn't notice. One hallway in particular had seven rooms. One for each of them. He showed me his room, it was beautiful, mostly made of quarts and marble, along with white walls and gold ceilings. I still didn't know his name, leading me to be a little more cautious, since he hadn't told me it.

Me: What's your name?

???: Oh! I forgot about that!

He chuckles before answering.

???: it's hoeseok, but you can call me hobi!

He smiles. I felt even more comfortable knowing his name. Now knowing 5 out of the 7 members of this house hold. We ended the tour shortly after, going to the library and getting my books, I head back to my room. I've had enough for today. It was about time for bed in my opinion. I put on some pajamas that they gave me and snuggled into the comfy bed.

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