Not again!

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A few weeks have passed and they have been amazing! I know all of the guys a lot better, and even Jin has grown on me. I've learned to talk more, to be more relaxed. I truly am happy with where we are right now. Even though they don't know much about my past, they respect me. I'm still the "maid" but they help me with the work, and always flirt while doing it. Even Hobi and Namjoon have flirted with me a lot more than I thought they would have. It's Friday currently and I'm sitting in front of the fire place reading a book. The winter still blew hard and strong outside, threatening to cave the windows and doors in. The book I was reading was Shakespeare, A Mid-Summers nights dream. It was a beautiful book, even with the not so beautiful parts. I sighed, taking in the warm air.

Jimin: What are you doing y/n?

I look up to see Jimin resting his arms on the couch his perfect jaw resting in them.

Me: Reading.

Jimin: Can I join you?

Me: Uhh sure.

He jumps over and sits on the couch. A few seconds later he situates himself so that his head is lying on my chest, and his arms are at my sides. It was comfortable, but it caught me off guard.

Me: Wh-what are you-

Jimin: It's comfy isn't it?

Me:B-but your-

Jimin: what~

His chin dug into my chest more, he knew what he was doing, and yet he didn't care.

Jimin: go back to reading your book

He closed his eyes and relaxed. I continued to read my book, even though I could feel my temperature rising, specifically in my face. After a while I relaxed as well. His soft breath was hitting my arm and chest. Bad day to wear a low cut shirt...It was sweet though, to have a sleeping angel on my chest. Only he was a fallen angel. Even so, his black wings lay covering us like a blanket. I set down my book, not being able to focus. I pet his hair, at first making him flinch slightly, then he hummed with satisfaction. His hair was fluffy, soft when it ran through my fingers. His wings captivated my eyes again. They were almost a bluish black. They shimmered slightly ever time he inhaled. The light hitting them perfectly. I reached out my hand to stroke them, as soon as my hands touched them, they fluffed up a bit. I stroked them softly, scared I would cause him discomfort. They felt so soft, like a doves wings. The more I stroked them the more comfort I felt. I couldn't say the same for him, they fluffed up so much after a while, then came something I didn't know I was doing. He let out a moan. I stopped as soon as he did. He raised his head blushing, his eyes clearly showing that I had done the wrong thing. He was fired up, and I was the cause of it.

Jimin: Y-you weren't supposed to pet them for that l-long...

Me: I-I'm sorry I didn't know-

Jimin: That's how you turn an angel on y/ stroke their wings....

Me: O-Oh I-

Jimin: Now you need help with what you've caused...

He reached up holding on to my hands intertwining our fingers as he pushed me down on the couch. His lips curled up into a smirk. My face goes red. He leans down his perfect lips inches from mine. His breath hit them making my heart go even faster. I close my eyes. His lips slowly press against mine. He hums into my lips, as I relax under him. He lets go of my hands, I put them around his neck. I deepen the kiss by pulling him closer to me. Pulling away for a second to make a cocky remark.

Jimin: So submissive aren't we?

After that we start to make out sweetly. He started to get aggressive, bitting my lip, almost causing it to bleed. He smirked into kissing me. We stopped for a second catching our breaths, looking into each other's eyes. His eyes were soft and held pain, something I hadn't noticed before. I could tell something had happened to him, the fire in his eyes told me a story of sadness and heartbreak, I was always good at reading people. Especially their eyes, to me they were pools, pools I could explore like a mermaid a cove. That was one thing I liked about myself. There are few things.

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