A new experience

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Two men stand up and walk towards me. I stand up as well, looking at the ground. They open the big door, and lead me to a room with a small bed. It's tiny, perfect for me.

???: aren't you a pretty one~

I turn to see the one looking at me, mind you I still have the blanket covering me, not wearing much underneath.

???2: Mmhmm, we're going to have lots of fun with you aren't we Tae?

???: Mmmhmm.

I look at them both. There eyes unlike the vampires were too completely different colors. The shorter one had a gold eye and a black eye, while the other had bright blue. I walked backwards a bit. They walked forwards with me, moving in unison with the same smirks on their faces.

???: Your clothes are in the closet, make sure you put them on right.

The other one looks at him.

???2: Maybe we should help her after all, she is new here~

I open the small closet and see a very slutty maid outfit. Oh dear... I turn to look at them, they were now standing right behind me, looking at me with dark eyes.

Me: I can do it myself.

They both look at each other, smirk, and look back.

???: how about we help anyway.

They both grab a side of the blanket and pull, leaving me exposed to the cold. I covered my chest, and held my eyes shut. Which didn't last long, one of them pulled my chin up making me look at them. Some how I felt a sort of attraction towards him, the tall one, the one they were calling Tae. Both of them were attractive, but I didn't imagine that I would fall that easy.

???: now, why don't we put those clothes on you, even though...I like the view without them~

His nose brushed again mine, making my face go red. The other one was behind me grabbing onto my waist. I felt his chin on my back, as he laid kisses on my shoulder.

???: Tae, I want to have fun with her.

He said naggingly.

???: wait Jimin, she still doesn't know her masters very well.

He looked deeper into me eyes, the other one kept kissing my shoulders and neck, which made butterfly's appear in my stomach. The mans lips were getting closer to mine, and for some reason I didn't mind. I closed my eyes waiting for him to make his move. To which he made placing them gently on mine. Moving in a rhythm right away. The other one, Jimin unclipped my bra, making me gasp as it fell, to the ground, Tae took this as a sign to let his tongue inside and explore. Jimin, started pulling me towards the bed, as I backed up and fell on it. I sat half way up hitting Jimin's back as he held on to me. Tae sat i front of me, his legs on either side of mine, trapping me between both of them, the room was getting hot, as they continued what they had started. Jimin, playing with chest, making me moan every now and then, Tae holding my shoulders and making out with me from the front, this was too much, I didn't even know these guys. But something told me to let them do what they wanted, to enjoy their touch. I felt Jimin's hands roaming my body like a canvas. Landing on my panties, that I didn't want coming off. I toyed with the lining, Tae moved his hands to chest now, toying with them now. My breathing got heavier when I felt Jimin's fingers pulling them down from the side. I broke the kiss with Tae to stop him.

Me: D-don't...

They both stopped and looked at me.

Jimin: What baby? We just want to pleasure you~

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