The Jerk Wizard

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The next morning

I was peacefully sleeping, dreaming with a purple haze over me. For once in my life my dreams were really dreams and not nightmares. I felt lips on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Yoongi with a smile on his face.

Yoongi: Good morning my flower.

I smile. He was leaning on the edge of the bed so he was face to face with me. I pecked his lips before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I yawn.

Me: Good morning Suga!

I stretch, trying to make all the sleep role off of me. I was sore that's for sure, and I don't think I'll be able to fully walk properly. Nevertheless, I look over to see Yoongi with a tray of breakfast, grapes, waffles, orange juice. It was wonderful.

Yoongi: Breakfast in bed for my Flower to enjoy~

He comes and sits with me. We talk and laugh, feeding each other grapes. While we were having our fun, a knock came from the door.

Yoongi: Stay here alright.

Me: ok.

For some reason I was nervous. Who knew who was going to be on the other side of the door.

Yoongi: Morning Jin what can I do for you?

Jin: It seems that our little maid is missing? Know where she is.

Yoongi: What an odd thing to ask. For what would you need her for exactly?

Jin: Honestly Yoongi must you always think such dirty thought.

Yoongi: It's in my nature wizard.

Jin: I need her to help me with cleaning something. I hate cleaning it myself and Joon and the others are out for the day, getting "supplies" or something.

Yoongi: Well she's currently eating right now so I'll send her over later.

Jin: So your sleeping with the staff again I see?

Yoongi: I'm not "sleeping with the staff" I turn my powers off so I won't kill her.

Jin: Well you know Jimin and Tae aren't going to be happy when this reaches them. You know they are quite infatuated with her.

Yoongi: So are the others so there is no problem.

Jin: For now. Anyway when she's done send her to my study.

Yoongi: Fine.

He closed the door and walks back to me. I finish a bite of a strawberry and smile at him.

Yoongi: What?

Me: It's funny hearing you two argue. Especially over the others feelings.

Yoongi: what can I say, it's a talent.

We both laugh. After eating I went to my room and got dressed, then yoongi showed me to Jins "study" which was more like a witches brewing room. Books and dust were everywhere, the cauldron was leaned over and also full of dust. Jin stood at the far end on the right, picking up a bookshelf that had fallen over.

Me: What a mess.

He turned around, Yoongi had left, and closed the door on his way out.

Jin: that's one way to put it.

Me: What happened to make it so messy?

He stops picking things up and looks at me frustrated.

Jin: A spell went wrong if you HAVE to ask. Help me clean it.

Me: I'm not going to do anything until you stop being an ass.

Jin: Your a maid, you do as I say it have you forgotten already.

Me: Look here-

Jin: Just because you sleep with a lot of the men who live here does not mean that you don't have to work. Now help me pick this mess up.

I feel mad at him for demanding me to clean, but in a way he was right. I had a job. I grabbed a few books off the floor and set them in a pile. After a few hours of hard work we managed to get a lot of the room clean. It was well past lunch time, neither of us had eaten, and the wizard was hot. He was sweat a lot, maybe because he was using a lot of magic to clean the room. I felt like he was going a little overboard. At one point he looked like he was going to pass out.

Me: Do you think you need a break?

Jin: No, keep working.

He was still as stubborn as ever. I roll my eyes and set down the broom I was holding. I open the creaky door.

Jin: where do you think your going...?

Me: To get some water, I'll be right back.

I don't give him time to reply. When I came back he was still at work now organizing a bookshelf. He turned around when he heard me come in.

Me: Here drink this.

He looked at the glass and then at me. Almost like I was giving him poison.

Jin: I don't need your water.

Me: Just drink it.

Jin: No.

He tried to turn around but I shoved the water at him. He started pushing it away.

Me: Dink it!

Jin: No!

We ended up falling onto the floor. The glass fell and the water and glass went everywhere. I ended up on top of him. He groaned in pain.

Me: S-sorry Jin!

He looked up at me, we locked eyes. For a moment he actually looked calm. Then he kissed me. I was really taken by surprise. He pulled away a few seconds after, I got up flustered. We both awkwardly cleaned the rest of the room. By the time we were done it was spotless, you could eat off the floor. We were both tired and sweaty. I was hungry, it was just about super time.

Me: Wow, we did a good job!

Jin: ...

I look at him he was blushing and avoiding looking in my direction.

Me: Hey Jin-

Jin: Well, are you going to say nothing about the kiss. I mean I thought I-...forget it.

He tired walking out the door but I grab his hand.

Me: Jin, I liked it.

He stopped still not looking at me.

Jin: You are playing with all of our heart you know that.

Me: I'm not trying to play with your hearts...I just know that I love all of you...I-I can't just have one...

He sighs, then turns to face me. His blush was still not hidden very well.

Jin: Well if your lucky enough you might even find yourself with another lover. That is if you can make a good dinner.

I laugh. Without realizing he was smiling he crossed his arms.

Me: Alright Jerkface what do you want?

Jin: Well peasant, I was thinking steak, with mashed potatoes, and maybe even some whine.

Me: Your wish is my command your highness.

I bow like he is a king. We both laugh. He and I walk hand in hand to the kitchen, from there we make diner together, just as he said steak, mashed potatoes, and red whine. He showed me a beautiful dress he had found and asked me to wear it. I of course agreed wanting to feel like a princess in this dress. It was a gorgeous crimson red with a black lace over it. Black frills blessed the sides and bottom, along with the sleeves. It was truly a beautiful dress. At diner, I was the talk of the table. "Beautiful, stunning, masterpiece" these were all things said. I was altemntly floating with compliments, along with being extremely flustered. The food was fantastic, and the whine had perfect notes of sweet and dryness. I had never tasted a finer whine. After diner we all parted ways, retiring to our rooms for the night. For once I was sleeping alone, not that I was complaining, my bed was the most comfortable.

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