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The meeting was to be tomorrow night, I had strict instructions to have Hobi heal my marks, wear my best clothes, and make sure to not say anything about something I can't remember. When the day of the meeting came they handed me a dress and told me to make sure I looked nice, more specificity Namjoon. He was nervous I could tell, I learned later that people from all of the kingdoms come to this ball, and me being the only human would mean my life might be at steak. Vampires, incubuses, sirens. These all were very dangerous for me. I and Jin made dinner, consisting of many different cuisines. The night started off good, all the members at their seats, some aging around my age it seemed, and some older.

Namjoon: Jayehun, how is the preparations for your night coming along.

Jayehun: There coming, I still have to make sure the fire pits are crafted right for the event.

I was confused hearing him talk to each of the realm members, were there more than one ball? I lean over to a guy on my right, we hadn't talked at all the whole night, and he looked to be very bored with his surroundings. He had piercings on both of his ears and he had fluffy looking hair. His face sad in a natural pouty position, but I could tell he had a great smile.

Me: Excuse me, what does Namjoon mean when he says "your night", isn't there just one night of the ball?

???: Ha, you must be new, I'm Baekhyun.

Me: Oh uhh nice to meet you.

Baekhyun: There are 7 nights of the ball, one for each of the realms.

Me: Oh. I thought there was only one night.

He had piercing blue eyes, they traveled along what he could see of my body, but he was respectful.

Baekhyun: Hey do you know where the bathroom is?

Me: y-yeah, I don't think we have to stay here so I can show you.

We got up and I showed him where the bathroom was. He walked out when he was done.

Baekhyun: Do you think they have a pool here?

Me: we do, I work here so I would know.

He was taken back by this.

Baekhyun: You work for the 7.

Me: the  7?

Baekhyun: Come on don't tell me you don't know.

Me: No?

He then explained to me that the guys were a powerful group of rulers sons that formed an alliance, that kept the realms from war. He also explained how they were more powerful then the rest of them. Soon we reached the indoor pool Taehyung insisted on having so he could swim. It makes sense he is a siren, and Baekhyun appears to be.

Baekhyun: Ahh finally some water.

He started taking off his clothes.

Me: W-woah what are you doing!

I covered my eyes, blushing and getting embarrassed.

Baekhyun: relax, I'm just getting in the pool.

Me: B-but your clothes!

Baekhyun: I have a tail silly.

I start to uncover my eyes, hearing a splash. When I looked up I saw him in his siren form. He had a blue tail, and his hair turned a sliver color,  not to mention how built he was.

Baekhyun: Why don't you swim with me?

He leaned on the side of the pool his eyes glowing, smirking at me.

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