The Angel's turn

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The next few weeks were a blur, the snow finally melted and life began to make its way back into the earth around the castle. Yes I mean castle, apparently Jin had put a spell on it so that the outside world would see a large house when in reality it was much bigger. I retired my leggings and exchanged them for shorts as the temperature began to increase ever so slightly. It was now spring, or as I like to call it, the forgiving season. New life and hope is born in this time. Trees, wildlife, even human all have one thing in common. They feel the warmth of the sun and live, wether it's growing, or even mating, we all alike feel better.  I was put on gardening duty, not something I hate, but I also don't exactly enjoy it either. I was nice to be outside in good weather, they had a beautiful garden, bush maze, and pond. Just when I thought I was having a peaceful day in the gardens I was faced with a new challenge.

Hobi: Well hello y/n!

I turn around from the flower bed. Hobi stood there smiling as usual. He held a small shovels in one hand and some gloves in the other.

Hobi: I came to help you!

Me: Oh, well come on over the dirt is great!

He comes over and squats down next to me. He puts on the gloves and starts weeding. There were plenty of weeds everywhere and they were sufficating the flowers.

Hobi: How are you! I haven't talked to you at all lately!

Me: I'm good Hobi, how are you!?

Hobi: Much better now that I get to be here with you!

He smiles, just then the sun comes out from behind the clouds, showing his white teeth even brighter than usual. I can't help but smile myself, I mean how could you not!?

Hobi: You've done a wonderful job with the roses, they are really bright and beautiful this year.

Me: Thanks it took a while to get them to grow the way I wanted, but now they are perfect, I can't wait to make tea with them.

Hobi: Tea?

Me: I like to make rose tea, it has almost healing properties, and it has a lot of health benefits.

Hobi: it sounds amazing! And hey maybe you can use the honey that we get from my kingdom, it's the best!

Me: Honey? You specialize in honey?

Hobi: We have special bees that make the richest honey in all the realms. It's sweet and make you feel warm in the stomach.

Me: I'm intrigued, when is it season?

Clouds came and went over the clouds, the wind smelling sweet.

Hobi: It should be in a few weeks.

Me: perfect.

Hobi: y/n.

Me: Huh?

He leaned forward and pulled a leaf out of my hair. He put his hand to my cheek after, the dirty gloves probably getting dirt on my face but I didn't mind.

Hobi: Hey y/n can i ask you something?

Me: Yeah anything.

Hobi: This pain you feel, is it going away now that you are here with us...?

My eyes widen, feeling the hurt from my past was a subject I didn't like to remember. He caressed my cheek with a sad look in his eyes.

Hobi: I want to make you feel wanted, to feel loved. I know they already got to be with you...but y/n, I have feeling too! And I want to make you happy! I want to love you!

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