Giving up the past

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I woke up hearing birds, the room was still dark and both boys were grabbing on to me like their lives depended on it. Jimin had my waist while Taehyung held higher up. It was comfortable yes, but my bladder was going to burst and I needed food desperately. I tried to pry both of them off the best I could, but it did little to no work at all. Soon as if they were one person, their eyes fluttered open, they looked at me with matching smirks, though they had very different personalities.

Me: G-good morning.

They looked at each other then back at me, Tae bit his lip while Jimin spoke.

Jimin: Good morning angel~

Taehyung: Did you sleep well?

Me: Yeah, did you....both of you?

They both nodded, for a second they looked like satisfied little kids. It was a perfect moment I'll hold in my heart.

The next thing I knew I was up and bathed, dressed and ready to start my day. I skipped breakfast, but still made the guys theirs. I set off to clean the rest of the hallways and the bathrooms. Those were the easy jobs, the hardest job was avoiding Jimin and Taes smirky remarks about the night before. While trying to explain to Hobi that I didn't go missing I was just in Jimin's room. By the end of the day everyone knew about the perverse night and it's events. Not that I was proud of them, but I'm a grown woman allowed to do what I want. I took a shower and got ready for bed right away. It was supposed to get warmer tomorrow, and I hoped that the snow would melt soon. I was ready for spring. As soon as I got comfy in bed, of course there was a knock on the door.

Me: aghhhh, come in...

I role my eyes and sit slightly up in bed. I see Namjoons face appear from the where the door was cracked.

Namjoon: H-hey y/n, sorry for bothering you...

Me: No it's ok, what's up?

He came into the room a little more so that he was standing where I could see him fully. He was in a cute sweatshirt and comfy pants.

Namjoon: I don't want this to be too forward, and I know I respect your boundaries-

Me: Joon, just spit it out.

Namjoon: D-did you enjoy...last night?

Me: w-why do you want-

Namjoon: Because I...I want to get closer to you...I-I'm just kinda upset they got you first, and that easy-

Me: Joonie! I like you too! Just because I slept with them doesn't mean I don't like any other of you.

His eyes light up.

Namjoon: Really!?

I nod, giving him a small smile. Unfortunately I feel a cold breath of air and immediately shiver. He noticed.

Namjoon: are you still cold? I could keep you warm.

Me: How?

Namjoon: I'm a dragon, I have naturally hot body heat. You snuggle with me and you might to hot.

Me: Oh please I don't think that's possible, I'm frozen to the bone.

He chuckles, he closes the door before coming over to the bed, I move over so he can get in. He gets in under the covers and cuddles up to me. I do the same taking in his scent. He smelt like fire, and cinnamon. I took a few deep breaths, his chest was rising and falling rhythmically, my heart beat a bit faster, feeling him stroke my back softly. He wasn't wrong when he said he was warm. He felt just like he smelled, like a fire. I hugged him tighter, getting comfortable enough to fall asleep. He hummed causing me to fall asleep even faster.

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