A mistake made whole

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I woke up in my bed, Yoongi sitting beside me. He was holding my hand pretty hard. I looked at him, he looked worried.

Yoongi: Thank the gods your up.

Me: What happened?

Yoongi: You had a really bad panic attack in the pool.

Me: Oh right...Is Baekhyun still here?

Yoongi: No we told him to go home.

Me: What about Jungkook?

Yoongi looked at the door.

Yoongi: He's a little frustrated...

Me: About?

Yoongi: He's blaming himself for causing you to pass out...

Me: ohh...

Yoongi: Y/n I'm not going to tell you who you can and can't be friends with but...why Baekhyun?

Me: He's really nice Yoongi, we have a lot in common.

Yoongi: ...just be careful...

Me: Is someone jealous?

Yoongi's tongue hits the inside of his cheek.

Yoongi: No.

Me: I thinks you areee~

I sit up and pull him forward. He grabs my waist.

Yoongi: No I'm not.

He smiles a bit, pushing me lightly back on to the bed and hovering over me.

Me: I think you are jealous~

Yoongi: Now if you say stuff like this your going to get in trouble.

I snake my hands around his neck pulling to me.  Our faces now inches apart. I smirk and he does the same.

Yoongi: Yeah well he can't do this.

I connects our lips and immediately pushes his tongue in. His mouth was sweet like candy. He pulled away after a few seconds, taking my bottom lip in his teeth. It released naturally. He smirked after laying to the side and hugging me.

Yoongi: Ahh what a day...

I turn and hug him back baring myself in his chest.

Me: Rough huh?

He snickers.

Yoongi: That's one way to say it.

Me: Why didn't you guys tell me the ball lasts a week?

Yoongi: I thought namjoon had? I'm sorry my flower, I thought you knew.

Me: It's ok, but am I going to all of them?

Yoongi: Only if you want to, I won't force you to do anything.

Me: Says the one who used handcuffs~

He looked at me blushing, a smirk soon appearing.

Yoongi: You deserved it.

I playfully hit him while he chuckles. Soon laying back down and snuggling with me.

Me: Do I get to wear dresses?

Yoongi: A new one each night. You'll look stunning in all of them. Personally the one I had designed is the best.

Me: Oh?

Yoongi: We each had a designer make you a dress. Adding our own touches and cultures to them.

I gulp, Yoongi and the others were not at all innocent minded, I'd be showing up to these balls in nothing but a few strings.

Me: Oh no...

Yoongi: Don't worry my flower, none of us what to show off what's OURS. So you will be covered.

This made me even more nervous, now I think I'll be wearing a nun outfit.

Me: So I assume I'm not allowed to dance with any other men?

Yoongi: Well unless you want to get punished.

Me: Oh and wouldn't that be terrible.

I say sarcastically.

Yoongi: y/n...

Me: Yeah?

Yoongi: I love you very much, and if you don't want to share that's fine...but what caused you to have a panic attack when jk yelled?

Me: Yoongi...

I told him everything, just like I told namjoon, and will eventually tell the others, by the end of the conversation, he was holding me tighter, and a few tears rolled down my face. He seemed to hurt for me, he seemed mad at the parts where I was abused, and he almost seemed to be watching it. Needless to say, I needed to tell Jungkook too. After kissing Yoongi goodnight, I went to go see Jungkook to make him feel better. I knocked on his door, and it took a minute but he answered. When he opened the door he looked down at the ground not even willing to look at me.

Me: Jungkook...

I cupped his cheeks with my hands, pulling him to look at me. His eyes still not willing to look into mine.

Me: Jungkook look at me...

He looked up with his soft doe eyes, not glowing with lust this time.

Jungkook: I don't deserve to look at you y/n...

Me: Hey now, you didn't know.

Jungkook: ...I feel really bad y/n...

Me: You made an honest mistake, thats why I'm here.

He hugged me.

Jungkook: Why?

Me: To tell you the truth.

We sat down on his bed and like Yoongi I told him everything. This time he actually hugged me and related to some of the things that had happened to me. His stepmother had abused him a kid as well, leading to him getting very strong.

Authors notes
Hey everyone! I feel like a right an apology every time I write a chapter, but it's been so long! School started for me so I have a lot more going on! Hope you guys enjoy and I'll post more soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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