Care To Dance?

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  After breakfast I cleaned the dishes and the kitchen. Namjoon and Hobi helped me out, making me feel better about the chores I had to. After that they left to go do some work, and I was put on cleaning duty. The ballroom needed to be shined and the floors needed to be waxed. I got straight to work. Hobi showed me a "maids" closest. It had a few rags, a broom, and cleaning wax. I pulled my hair up with a ribbon I found, and got straight to it. The ballroom was gorgeous. Not many mansions had a ballroom, but this place was bigger on the inside then I appears on the outside. I started by dusting the walls and decorations, then the beautiful grand piano. After that I started work on the 3 huge chandeliers. The tall ladder they gave me seemed to be rather unsafe. Me being clumsy, I have concerns about falling. Never less I continued my journey upward. Once on the highest point I began to clean the beautiful crystals that make the chandelier. I was almost done when I heard the grand piano being played. I look back and loose my balance. The ladder shakes, and I start to fall. I feel the air around me as the ceiling becomes farther away. I close my eyes ready to meet the ground. It never came. I opened my eyes to see the incubus. He was holding me I'm his arms tight. He had a smirk on his face waiting for me to open my eyes.

???: Nice fall.

Me: Thanks.

???: Why are you cleaning the chandeliers without anyone here?

Me: Why were you playing the piano while I was up there?

???: Well, I heard you were in here, we decided to see if we could dance with you.

Me: We?

Jungkook: Yes we.

I turn to see Jungkook walking towards us. He was smiling. Not in a happy way, darkly almost subductive. He held out his hand asking for mine.

Jungkook: Care to dance?

Me: I-I don't know how though...

They both chuckle. I blush, why was I always the one flustered.

Jungkook: That doesn't matter. I'll teach you~

He took my hand and led me a bit more ways onto the floor.

Jungkook: Yoongi, music?

Yoongi: You got it, only if I get a turn with my flower. that's his name? It's beautiful, just like him. They all were...I can't compare. Jungkook put his right hand on my waist. He held me like I was a porcelain doll, and that if he held me to tight I would break. I had never been held so daintily. At first my mind was on how my feet were moving, then after the music got heavy and the room got darker, the more I melted into this beautiful moment. I learned quickly, my feet moved in sync with Jungkooks. He kept his crimson captivating eyes on mine for the whole while we danced. His smile never left his plump pink lips, that I seemed to stare at to many times. Soon the piano stopped playing and Jungkook stopped dancing. We stood there looking at each other, scanning each other's eyes, feeling a sense of refreshment from being in each other's arms. After a few minutes I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see the Incubus that I now the name of.

Yoongi: My turn~

I look back to see Jungkook with his arms crossed. His tongue hit the inside of his mouth. He was clearly frustrated. Seeing him pouty made me realize how possessive he really was. He sat on the piano chair and again the music began. This time Yoongi held my waist. He held on a little tighter. His eyes more intense, and the smile he bore less innocent. He was a wonderful dancer despite his appearance. His foot work made me feel like I was floating. Which in more than one way was true. My heart was floating with emotions. It raised trying to stay afloat on a sea of harmonies and puppy love. It truly scared me feeling the way I did about these male masters that I had. To give my heart to seven? Was that even possible...I don't even know them that well, after all it's been 2-3 days...they are dangerous beyond my imagination, they could kill me easily at any given moment. And yet, I don't mind. The thrill is what keeps me wanting more. I feel myself blinking, my chest rising and falling with every breath. The way my hair slightly moves every time we turn. His warm breath that's smells like candy, making me want a taste. My vision having a purple flair to it. I didn't care if it was a trick, after all it's his right. He's a incubus. A creature that takes innocents. Who am I to stop him. Just like the past time, the music ended and we stopped dancing. Finishing this perfect day I spent with my new found life.

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