Alive [17]

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Alive. 5 letters had such an immense meaning.

He swallowed. His eyes were still shut tightly, yet this didn't stop the tears from coming out.

This wasn't the moment he had lost Akaashi, that moment already came weeks ago. But he was too blind and he was afraid of the pain, so afraid that he didn't want to realize it.

Nevertheless, there was no escape.

The pain followed him and caught up. Now he felt the sting in his heart even more violently and the ache wouldn't stop, it would never stop.

"Why aren't you opening your eyes?"

Bokuto could still hear this soft voice he dreamt about so often.

"Because I'm scared that I won't see you anymore."

"Please open your eyes, Bokuto-san, I am still here, I promise."

He did so, slowly he opened his eyes again and looked around, just so he could see something unbelievably marvelous.

Bright blue eyes stared at him, they were glowing shining, they were telling stories and speaking volumes. Bokuto could swear he had never seen something so beautiful in his entire life.

Akaashi stood in front of him, and gave him the most wonderful smile he had ever seen. Gigantic white wings, adorned with feathers, protruded from behind his back. Completely astonished by this sight, Bokuto shouted, "Akaashi, you really are an angel!"

"I think you've been right all the time. I am your angel."

He did hear him say it. The small word in the middle of the sentence. His. Akaashi was his angel.

Akaashi looked around, he saw the cup of tea standing there, untouched. Tomorrow Bokuto would wake up and see it, he would remember this evening and he would probably miss him again.

"Are you already feeling tired?" He asked.

Bokuto nodded, responding with "a bit".

"You should lay down, I will stay by your side until you fall asleep."

Bokuto nodded again and did so. He pulled the warm blankets over himself and asked, "Akaashi, will you go through the tunnel tonight?"

"I will, Bokuto-san."

He kneeled down next to his friend, who was shifting around, trying to find a comfortable position, so he could fall asleep.

"Are you afraid?"

"I'm not, I guess I'm more kind of nervous."

His voice was soothing, lulling the elder one to sleep. He closed his eyes shortly, but opened them again almost immediately.

"Do you think you will forget me?"

"No, I will still watch over you, but I will be somewhere else."

"In heaven?" You could notice now, how tired Bokuto was already. It wouldn't take long for him to drift to his dreamland.

"Maybe. Wherever I will be, I will look after you, I promise."

Akaashi took his warm hand. In contrast to his own, Bokuto's hand was so warm, full of life. He held his hand, watching as the other one closed his eyes, already half asleep. He probably wont open them again until the morning arrived. Yet it was all good, it meant Bokuto didn't need to be afraid of those unreal creatures anymore.

Bokuto knew that Akaashi wouldn't go away now, Bokuto knew no more figures would cross his everyday life, and that made him feel protected.

Not only Akaashi felt free because he had told the truth now, no, this took also some weight of Bokuto heart, even though at the moment he wouldn't feel this. Next weeks will be terrible for him, yet it was better than to be caught in a lie forever.

"Akaashi, are you still here?"

"I am, Bokuto-san. I told you I wouldn't leave you," when he replied that, he could see the other one smile, it was that smile, he wanted to take with him and never leave behind. Although Bokuto wouldn't see it, he returned the smile.

"Akaashi, I will fall asleep soon, but I want to tell you one last thing."

"I'm all ears, tell me."

"You're eyes... are even more beautiful like that."

After that sentence was spoken, you could hear soft snores from Bokuto. This was Akaashi's sign. He was asleep.

He wished he could stay any longer, yet his paradise was waiting for him, so he slowly let go of the elder ones hand and stood up.

One last time he bent over him slightly before he whispered his last words.

"Sleep well, Koutarou, one day, when the time has come, I will carry you home."

Then he walked to the front door, he went outside, leaving back a house full of memories, joy, and unspoken love.

But not everything had been unspoken, in this house he received the loveliest confession and no words were better than those, Bokuto screamed into his pillow and yelled through the house when he thought he was alone, yet he had never been.

He walked down the street, seeing the light at the end of the road already. His pace got faster and faster, until he was running towards it. He looked around, recognizing all the mental pictures he had made in his life, and most of them were with Bokuto.

He turned around, he couldn't see the house anymore, yet he was embraced by a light, shining so brightly, that it made him forget worries and sorrow.

He had reached it. He had reached the end.

In this night the sky was filled with clouds. The snow stopped to fall down around midnight. There were no stars, no moon, nothing. Everything hid behind big clouds, like they were the blanket that kept them warm.

It was silent. Nothing could be heard. No cars, no neighbors, no birds, just nothing.

But it was beautiful, it was a very beautiful night, because at the horizon, the clouds dissolved and let a warm morning sun shine through. It painted a small part of the sky in a delightful scarlet, another one was shining golden.

The thin snow layer was glistening and the sun made it melt.

The darkness was replaced by light. This night had found an end.

[The End]

Alive ~BokuAkaWhere stories live. Discover now