Chapter 1

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Hola, hello, hallo, salve. I am so happy to be starting a new book. As always, the book is going to be kind of boring in the beginning but I promise it will pick up later. ENJOY!


Alexis' P.O.V

I woke to someone poking me in the forehead.

I could smell that it was Trevor and I smiled.

I jumped up and grabbed him, swinging around.

" alexis, stop it. I'm dithy," he said and I grinned at his slight lisp.

" Are you really Trev, you know the magic words," I said and he giggled.

" Abracadabra," he said and I laughed as I fell back into my bed.

" Nope, try again and remember it is s not th," I said and he cutely glared at me.

Even at four, his alpha blood was strong enough to make it hard to get him to listen to anyone, including my parents.

Once, my dad had tried to use his alpha tone on me and let's just say that my mom got so pissed that she didn't talk to him for a week.

Yeah, he didn't do that again.

" I missed you sissy," he said and I grinned, holding my hand up.

He slapped it and I let him go only for him to launch himself back at me.

" I was only gone for the weekend Trev," I said as I popped him onto my hip.

He began to pout.

" No one read me a story and they got mad at me," he whined.

" Really, is that because you didn't want to listen to them," I said and he looked away sheepishly.

" Yes," he said but I already knew the answer.

The only exception to him not listening to people was me.

He learned that he had to listen to an older person, I guess he chose me because he trusted me.

" Uh-huh, thought so," I said and I thought a moment," how about tonight we get ready for bed early and we can have a sleepover," I suggested.

" Really?" he asked and I smiled down at him gently.

" really," I said as I started to his room.

" Why are we going to my room?'' he asked.

" You need to get dressed little man," I said and he ran into his closet.

I knew how this worked so I sat on his bed and waited.

" I'm done," he said as he stepped out.

He was wearing a batman t-shirt and cargo shorts.

" Bravo," I said clapping and he began bowing but he lost his balance and tumbled forward.

I jumped up and he sat on the floor tears flowing from his eyes.

" Oh Trevor, it's okay, it will get better," I said giving the small bump on his forehead a kiss then picking him up," if it helps, you look very handsome,"

He grinned.

" Let's go get thome pancakes," he said.

" I'm sorry what," I said and he scowled.

" let's go get some pancakes," he said again, looking up at me for approval.

I nodded.

" That sounds yummy," I said and he jumped out of my arms, taking off downstairs.

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