Chapter 5

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Alexis' P.O.V.

We finished our food then started back home.

He remained eerily silent the rest of the way home.

I wanted to try and talk to him but I couldn't muster enough courage.

It was late and my eyes began to droop.

I became aware that we had stopped and tried to move.

My body and brain didn't seem to be working though.

Nothing happened.

Instead I tried to open my eyes but that didn't work either.

Man, I really was tired.

I heard Carter get out of the car in silence.

A moment later, my door opened.

Carter unbuckled me and scooped me up in his arms.

The old familiar shock went through me.

I smiled contently and cuddled closer to him.

He stiffened.

The smile dropped from my face.

I wanted to ask what was wrong but didn't dare.

He walked me inside then up to his room.

Putting me gently in his bed, he walked angrily out.

I was confused.

Then I heard something that I hd dreaded.

" hey carty," a squeaky voice said.

It was Allie, the school slut.

" you called me over so here I am," she said.

Carter had called her?

" You ready to have some fun?" she asked him.

" my mate is in my bed," Carter stated.

" so let's go to a guest room," Allie suggested.

I didn't want to hear anymore.

Getting quietly out the bed, I walked to the window and opened it.

The night air was cool and had me fully awake now.

I turned to look at the door one last time before crawling out the window.

Careful not to jump or fall, I made my way to the part of the roof that was near a tree.

Swinging on a branch, I lept down from the roof.

I hit the ground running, quite literally.

With the anger and hurt swelling inside of me, I was tempted to go wolf.

I knew I couldn't though because once I went wolf, there was no going back.

Instead, I just kept running.

What else could I do?

I knew that I couldn't go home because that's the first place Carter would look for me.

No, I had to leave town.

But first, I needed to go to the bank.

I stopped and felt in my back pockets.

I had my Vera Bradley and phone.

" crap, my phone," I muttered.

My phone had g.p.s.

I was about to crush my phone into a million pieces when I got an idea.

I changed my lock screen of my phone to 'Carter, look in my notes'

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