Chapter 17

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Alexis' P.O.V

So here I was, back on another stinking 9 hour flight.

Carter had finished his meeting with jack and proceeded to drug me.

When I woke up, I was packed and in the car.

"You have a thing for kidnapping me," I grumbled.

Carter rolled his eyes.

"That wouldn't be the case if you'd stop running away," he pointed out.

I shut up until we were in the plane, only opening my mouth to talk to the customs agent.

We sat in first class.

Carter was right across from me.

We took off, and Carter turned to me.

"Why'd you leave?" He asked.

I turned away.

"My two weeks was up," I lied.

"I know you're lying," he replied simply.

I cast my eyes down.

He unbuckled and moved to the small extra seat in my area.

"Why don't you just tell me?" He asked.

"I did,"

"No, you lied,"

"You said I could leave after two weeks if I didn't love you," I murmured, the thought of it alone wrenching at my heart.

"But you do love me, I can feel it," Carter whispered.

I waited a moment before I nodded.

"I do, more than anything," I admitted.

"So why did you leave?" He asked.

I whispered my answer so quietly that even he couldn't hear.

"What was that?" He asked.

"I was scared," I whispered.

"You were scared of me?" He asked, sounding a little hurt.

"What? No!" I exclaimed, "of Blake,"

His eyes narrowed.

"We took care of him," he growled quietly.

My eyes widened.

"You mean?" I began.

"We executed him two weeks after you left," he nodded.

A wave of immense relief and sadness swept over me.

Despite all he did to me, we still dated for two years, and I was best friends with his sister.

"Oh," I breathed.

He ran his hand over my leg.

"You ok?" He asked, "I know it's hard,"

"Huh?" I asked.

"He told me everything," Carter explained.

"Everything?" I squealed, and he nodded.

"Ya, torture makes some people real chatty cathys," he murmerd.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It's alright, I understand why you left," he assured me, "I don't like that you left, but it understand,"

"I just, what if he got free and came to me again and he," I began to gasp.

Carter pulled me to him.

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