Chapter 8

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Carter's P.O.V.

A soft whine woke me up and when my eyes opened, I saw it was still dark.

Looking over at my clock, I saw that it read 3:47.

My eyebrow raised slightly.

What was it that I had heard?

I tried to go back to sleep but something was bugging me.

It took me a moment or two before I realized that there was something wrong with my wolf.

If it had been in control, he would be whimpering.

Another soft whine sounded in my room.

My wolf was now practically shoving for control so it had to be Alexis.

Wanting to calm him so I could go back to sleep, I rolled on my side to face her.

She wasn't there.

My eyes shot open,wide awake with every one of my senses fully alert.

Yet another whimper.

Where the hell was she?

I took a deep breath and looked over to the side of the room.

She was lying on my couch, tossing and turning.

Why was she over there?

More importantly, how had she not woken me up?

The heat in the room, for some reason, was almost suffocating.

Pulling my shirt off, I rolled out of bed.

I stretched a bit then walked over to Alexis.

" no, it can't be," she mumbled.

I looked at her a moment then shrugged.

The moment she was in my arms, the rooms temperature seemed to sky rocket.

Was she in heat?

No, they never said anything about the guy feeling like he was in a sauna.

I placed her on my bed, and I walked into my bathroom.

Turning the faucet on, I splashed some cold water in my face.

My hair fell into my face and I pushed it back.

Just then, a piercing shriek rang through my room.

I was at Alexis' side in the blink of an eye.

She was sitting up, sweat pouring down her face.

Her breaths came out in short, quick gasps.

Looking up at me, her eyes held true shock as she spoke three words.

" I met you,"

Alexis'' P.O.V.

I suddenly felt like I wasn't in Carter's room anymore.

The place where I was laying was cooler and felt more like the ground.

My eyes flickered open and I squinted into the sun.

My mom's constant complaining about staring at the sun when I was younger came back to my mind and I chuckled.

Standing up, I brushed myself off and looked around.

I was standing in the middle of what appeared to be a meadow.

The area was about 100 yards by 100 yards and completely surrounded by trees.

Looking down at my bare feet, I saw that there were simple daisies growing under foot.

A small stream ran along the clearings edge.

It all looked so perfect.

This heaven on earth, however, was annoyingly familiar.

I couldn't quite put my finger on the reason it was.

Suddenly, the serenity of the clearing was broken by the squeals of young girls.

Spinning around I saw two girls that looked about thirteen.

One of the girls had to dark brown pigtails.

She was wearing jean shorts and a tank top.

There was another little girl who had her back turned to me.

She had wavy,golden hair that was held back with a pink headband.

She, just like the other little girl, was wearing jean shorts and a tank top.

A moment later, the girl turned and I gasped when I recognized her.

She was a younger version of me.

" hey!" I called out loudly but they didn't respond.

They hadn't heard me?

I moved closer and tried again, even louder.

" Hey!"

Still no response.

It was not only that they hadn't heard me but that they couldn't hear me.

I gave up and just watched them.

The little Riley stopped laughing and looked nervously around.

" Lexi, I don't think we should be here," she stated.

" why not?" little me asked.

" this is neutral territory, remember? There could be rogues," she whispered.

Little me laughed.

It was rang through the opening.

" Oh Riley, no rogue would be stupid enough to kill in the neutral territory between the two most powerful packs in the U.S.," I giggled.

However, little Riley wasn't paying attention to little me but something over her, or my i guess, shoulder.

Both big and little me turned to see what had her attention.

Stepping out of the clearing was a familiar boy wearing an even more familiar smirk.

It was 16 year old Carter.

" your little friend there has a good point," he smirked at Riley.

Riley was visibly distracted by his looks and I turned to see if little me had the same reaction.

I,she, whatever sat there for a moment before responding.

" piss off,"

I laughed aloud.

Yes, this was definitely young me.

The look on Carter's face made me laugh even harder.

In this time, just as in my time, he was not use to being disrespected.

I was proud of little me.

" bit feisty for a ten year old aren't you?" He asked.

I winced.

Bad idea on his part, I hate people mistaking me for being younger.

" I'm thirteen you asshole," little me replied in an overly sweet voice.

A smile was etched on my face at this point.

" really, looking like that?" He asked, amused at God-knows-what.

He motioned in the general direction of little me.

She flicked him the bird and he chuckled.

" ok you're feisty enough to be 21," he laughed.

" I try," she winked and my jaw dropped.

I was FLIRTING with him?

A strange look formed on Carter's face.

He turned and began away.

Little me shrugged.

" Oh, and meet me here at eight tonight," he commanded over his shoulder.

" there is no way I'm letting Riley come out here alone to meet you," I stated.

He stopped but didn't turn.

" well that's good because it's you I want to meet, sunshine," he replied, still not turning.

" my name isn't sunshine," little me replied through gritted teeth.

" then what is it?" He asked.

" it doesn't matter,"


Little me and little Riley replied in unison.

" Riley, what the heck?" Little me exclaimed.

" well, Lexi. See you here at eight," he grinned.

" yeah right, what inclination do I have to actually come?" I, she,whatever asked.

This time he did turn.

Closing the distance between himself and little me, he kissed her.

My jaw dropped.

Had he not heard her when she said that she was three years younger than him.

He pulled away and looked at her.

" was that inclination enough?" He asked.

She narrowed her eyes for a moment, thinking.

She nodded her head slightly then he was gone.

The time instantly flew by and it was eight.

Little me came into the clearing wearing the same things as earlier plus a hoodie.

Carter was there already and sitting on a rock by the stream.

" I was beginning to think you stood me up," he muttered.

The little me giggled then caught herself.

" oh, no I just was trying to get here without my bro. Sorry, um," she trailed off.

" michael," he replied.

" what? No it's not!" I exclaimed even though they couldn't hear me.

" are you serious?" Little me asked as though she had heard what I had said.

" yeah why?" He replied.

Okay, I was confused.

" well, I didn't know if you were lying," she shrugged.

" oh Lexi, I'm not lying. It's my middle name," he chuckled.

Young me didn't press.

She went and sat next to him.

They began to talk and they next thing I knew, his face was inching towards her.

Then time started rushing like in a movie.

Two months passed and each night they same thing happened.

How could I not remember this until now.

One night, when they kissed, something different happened.

A single snap could be heard through the clearing and a small yelp escaped from little me's lips.

" no, it can't be," I gasped.

She fell to the ground and more snaps could be heard.

She was crying out but it was quieter than I expected.

Remember in the beginning when I said I wouldn't go into boring details?

That's because I didn't remember details.

" Oh crap!" He exclaimed, dropping to my side.

He stroked little me's arm and I stepped closer to hear what he was saying.

" It's alright Lexi, I'm here. I won't leave you alone, I promise. I love you," he encouraged.

That sentence made my jaw drop.

Just then, little me screamed and I could suddenly feel her pain and every other memory flooded back in.

All of them.

I let out a blood curdling scream and I was awake.

Gasping for breath, I looked at a worried Carter.

" I met you," I gasped.

" Love, what are you talking about?" He asked.

" Michael," I whispered.

Carter's P.O.V.

" Michael," she whispered.

I stiffened.

There was only one person I ever let call me that.


Even though I had found Alexis, I still would always have a spot in my heart for Lexi.

The fact that she was 13 when I was 16 didn't bother me.

I had loved her.

She shifted one night was with her and I had done my best to help but it was just too much for her.

She died.

I had taken my shirt off and put it on her.

How the hell did Alexis know about that?

Alexis' P.O.V.

He looked at me in confusion.

" Oh my God Carter, you're Michael!" I gasped.

" how do you...." He trailed off.

" I'm Lexi Carter," I smiled weakly.

" no, you can't be. Lexi died," he argued.

" Riley come here," I thought.

" but,ugh, go sit over there!" I commanded.

He growled.

" what is your problem now?" I asked.

" I'm your alpha," he growled.

" ok ALPHA Ferran," I shrugged.

Before I could process what was happening, I was flattened to the bed by my shoulders.

" ow," I whined.

I peeked through my eyes.

Just as I had expected, Carter was the one on top of me.

" it's.Carter," he said through gritted teeth.

" but you just said," I began but he stopped me.

" I know what I freaking said!" He whispered roughly.

" then wha-"

My words were cut off.

His lips were on mine in less than a second.

I groaned.

I'm pretty sure he was just trying to distract me.

" stop it!" I whined, somehow pulling away from him.

" why?" He asked angrily.

" because!" I replied.

" because why?" He snapped.

" you are being distracting! I'm trying to be mad at you!" I admitted in an angry whisper.

The anger on his face morphed into surprise which was then almost immediately replaced with a smirk.

" oh really?" He whispered.

" well yeah, I mean, wait a second," I trailed off suspiciously.

" whaaaaat?" he asked innocently.

" nothing Michael,"

He stiffened again.

"" He asked, enunciating each word.

" you don't believe me?"

" I watched Lexi die," he argued.

" no you didn't, she, I am still,"

I was cut off by Riley bursting into our room with Ryan at his heels.

" Lexi! Are you al- oh!" She exclaimed.

" told you," I smirked at Carter.

" told him what?" Riley asked.

" that I was Lexi,"

" the only other person, besides your brother and I, that called you that was...," she trailed off.

I nodded.

" oh, no way in hell," she exclaimed.

" okay, I'm really confused," Ryan and Carter both said.

" oh Lexi, you cried for days after he left. Are you sure?" Riley cried, taking me out from under Carter.

I nodded, tears in my eyes.

Riley rotated to look at Carter.

" please tell me it isn't true," she begged.

" tell you what isn't true?" He asked.

" tell me you weren't Michael," she whispered.

Carter's P.O.V.

" tell me you weren't Michael," she whispered.

I remembered back to the first day I had met Lexi.

She had a friend with her.

What had been her name?


I looked at the two girls.

" Lexi," I whispered, every memory flooding into my mind.

" Oh my God, you're so slow," she giggled softly from under me.

Looking at her, I realized that a bright blush was on her cheeks.

What was her deal.

Then I remembered I wasn't wearing a shirt and I was basically on top of her right now.

It also occurred to me that our two best friends were in the room with us..... awkward.

I jumped off of her as quickly as I could.

Even though I could tell our friends hadn't heard, she let out a small sigh of relief.

I smirked.

" okaaaaay, are we talking about the same Lexi you met in the woods?" Ryan asked.

" yup, how'd you know?" I replied.

" you told me bout her once or twice," he shrugged.

" come on babe, why don't I go fill you in on the details," Riley cooed.


" let's go!"

She basically shoved him out of the room, turning to wink at either Alexis or me.

I couldn't tell.

Shrugging, I turned back to Alexis.

She was sitting on the bed, cris cross applesauce.

I smile at her, and I take her hand.

" let's go," I grin.

Alexis' P.O.V.

" let's go," he grinned.

" Kay, hate to state the obvious buuuuuut where?" I asked.

" sorry babe that's a secret," he smirked

"Um, ok?"

The next thing I knew, however, a scarf was being wrapped around my eyes.

"Really a blindfold?" I whined.

" yup," he whispered in my ear and I jumped at his closeness.

" would it KILL you to not do that!"

" yes," he responded dramatically and I rolled my eyes even though I knew he couldn't see.

" you're rolling your eyes aren't you?" He chuckled.

Had he read my thoughts?

" yes," he said aloud.

" stop it!" I whined.

" whatever, come on," he laughed.

" fine,"

He took me downstairs and helped me into his car.

From there he drove for 30 minutes before stopping.

He helped me out and sat me on the ground.

" please don't murder me," I whispered meekly, only partly joking.

He laughed.

" oh darn, you read my mind,"

I scowled.

" aw don't give me that look," he whined, making me smirk.

I could somehow tell he was ignoring my smirk.

"Ready?" He asked.

" I would ask 'for what' but that would get me nowhere so sure," I shrugged.

Before I could comprehend, the blindfold was gone.

I had to think for a moment and then inhaled sharply.

" the forest," I whispered and he grinned.

He had brought me to the place where we had first met.


Finished! OMG I'm so sorry it took soooo long. Everything was hectic with school starting but I'm working for chap uploads for every book.

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