Chapter 3

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Alisha's P.O.V.

I watched in amazement as Alexis fought the rouges.

She did so with such ease.

Granted, I was scared for her life and mine but she was so graceful when she fought.

My thoughts snapped back to the wolf that was advancing on me.

All I had to do was hold him off until Alexis could help.

I snarled and snapped as fiercely as I could.

He seemed surprised but only slowed for a moment.

Meanwhile, Alexis only had Blake and another wolf left.

I was almost up against a tree when I snarled again but this time I lashed out with my paw.

He stopped for a little longer this but then continued towards me.

He was about to reach me when something slammed into his side.

I looked up and saw that it was Alexis.

I let out a breath as the wolf fell to the ground.

Alexis was about to finish him off when she was ripped away by Blake.

I let out a yelp as he bit her leg.

Then she slammed his head into a rock.

He turned back to a human then fell to the ground, limp.

Alexis limped over to me and stood over me.

I heard a snap of a branch and I heard Alexis snarl.

Then Bryan's scent hit me.

I whimpered.

Alexis relaxed over me as she smelled who it was.

They ran into the clearing a moment later.

" Go change," Carter said to Alexis as he tossed her his shirt," we need to talk,"

Bryan did the same thing with me.

We both took the shirts and went behind some trees.

" Are you okay?" she whispered as she pulled the shirt over her head.

" Physically, yes. Emotionally, I'm a little shaky," I whispered back, giving a weak smile.

She nodded then we both walked out.

" Did you take all of these rouges out by yourself?" Carter asked in shock.

" No, Alisha helped me," she lied.

" You can't lie to me," Carter said instantly and she hung her head.

" Yes," she muttered.

There was complete silence and she peeked up to see all of the guys staring at her.

" Oh and by the way. Blake Currit is over there. I didn't kill him or the one going after Alisha, they are both unconscious. So you can lock them up for questioning or torture. Either way," she said shrugging but she winced in pain and grabbed her left arm.

" Holy crap, Alexis your hurt," Carter said, rushing forward and scooping her up, bridal style.

" I'm fine, just a small bite," she said," You don't have to carry me,"

" Yeah but you could be in shock," he said and she laughed humorlessly.

" Yeah right. About killing a few rouges? Please! I've killed over 300 rogues. Four and a small bite is nothing. If anyone is in shock, it is Alisha," she said angrily as she pointed at me.

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