Chapter 16

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Alexis' P.O.V.


The poor man at my hotel jumped and looked at me in alarm.

"The cat is on the bicycle?" He said with a thick French accent.

I looked at the old man across the counter.

For the past 20 minutes, I'd been trying to check in to my little hotel.

It was cheap and not in a bad part of town.

If there is a bad part of Paris.

Then I remembered something is heard from God knows where a few years back.

If you go to a country where English isn't the national language, talk to someone under 30.

They are the ones most likely to know both English and their language.

I held up one finger and popped my head out the front door.

I caught sight of a group of people about my age.

There was a blonde girl with a pixie cut who looked to be really bubbly.

She should work.

"Gorgeous blonde girl with pixie cut," I yelled.

The group stopped and looked at me.

"Moi?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"No the other one," I murmured under my breath, so they wouldn't hear.

One of the guys scoffed, and a few of them snickered.

"This funny American human, she is very sarcastic," they joked amongst themselves.

Then I caught their scents.

They were wolves.

God, this is what I wanted to escape.

"Hurtful that you think I'm a human," I whispered angrily.

They looked at me in shock.

"Come help an American in peril then we can get some food," I suggested.

They nodded and started in my direction.

I popped back inside.

"The cat is on the bicycle?" The poor guy tried again.

"Dude! Stoooop!" I groaned.

The six teens walked in.

The biggest stepped up behind me, and I could feel the power radiating from him: he's an alpha.

He began speaking with the man quickly in French.

Less than 30 seconds later, the old man handed me a key with a warm smile.

"Oh I haven't paid yet," I informed the alpha.

"I know, go out your bags in room. We are hungry," he nodded.

With one last glance over my shoulder, I walked up to the second floor.

Room 21.

I opened it with the huge key and stepped in.

There was a bed against the far wall.

The bathroom was on my immediate left then a few more steps and a window was on my right.

There was a little tv on my left near the foot of the bed.

All in all it was pretty comfortable.

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