Chapter 2

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Hey everyone! I'm deciding to quit writing 'Fighting to go on' because I can't figure out what I want to happen and I'm working on a bunch of other stories. I can't focus!!! Anyway IANTGSO is the book I'm updating after this.


Alexis's P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open.

I looked around then bolted upright.

I was NOT in Trevor's room anymore, hell I wasn't even in my house anymore.

I jumped out of whatever bed I was in and looked around.

I saw a window and I looked out.

I saw a bunch of houses, but more importantly, I saw a pool and jacuzzi.

"Wait a minute, I recognize this scent," I mumbled and I took a deep breath.

My eyes shot open in realization.

I was at Carter's pack house.

" Son of a bitch," I growled as I opened the door.

The growl of my stomach grasped my attention.

From then on, I was distracted.

Hey, don't hate, I may have been kidnapped but I was hungry.

After a while of wandering around, I finally found the kitchen.

" Man I could really go for some pancakes," I murmured.

I started searching through cabinets,drawers, and the refrigerator to find the supplies and tools I needed for pancakes.

I put all the stuff on the counter then started a mental checklist.

" Flour, eggs, milk, griddle, bowl," I began but I was cut off by a group of six guys and a girl walked in.

They were all his friends from the day we had first met, without the girl of course.

I recognized three of them, two of the guys and the girl.

One of the guys was his beta, Ryan.

The girl was his sister, Alisha.

The last was Alisha's mate, Bryan.

They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me.

The boys' eyes all filled with lust, even Bryan's.

That is until Alisha slapped him in the back of the head and walked over to me.

" Sorry, I'm not wearing much but in my defense I was kidnapped last night so I don't have any clothes to change into," I said when she was by my side.

" Ha, she called it kidnapping, you owe me 20 bucks," she said to Bryan happily and he scowled.

She turned back to me,"It isn't your fault, male wolves can't get their mind out of the gutter. Even if they have found their mate," she said, staring pointedly at Bryan.

" Hey, it isn't my fault. You haven't wanted to mate yet," he said and her cheeks flushed.

I rolled my eyes.

I turned to her," Want some pancakes?" I asked.

Before she even had a chance to answer the other boys butted in," We want some,"

I turned back to them and raised an eyebrow," Where's your alpha?" I asked, not even wanting to say his name.

They looked at each other but said nothing.

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