Chapter 10

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Carter's P.O.V.

The next few days flew by.

I could barely leave Alexis' side without her spiraling into extreme pain.

She'd be fine, and I'd leave for the bathroom

I'd come back, and she's writhing in pain.

I could so get used to this.

There was something I couldn't get used to, however.

Alexis began to have night terrors.

She'd wake up screaming and sobbing in the middle of the night.

I tried to get her to explain but all she did was sob 'he's gone, he was here but then he was killed!' then she'd pass out.

I would question her in the morning, and she didn't remember a thing.

Asking my mom, she could only shrug and blame it on the heat.

Then things got worse.

She came out of her heat after four days, but the screaming and crying continued.

In all honesty, it scared the hell out of me.

What was going on?

Alexis' P.O.V.

I needed to know what was going on!

Having never been in heat before, I thought the bad dreams just came with it.

That hope was shattered, however, when I came out of heat.

The dreams were as vivid as though they were actually happening.

It was Carter.

He and I would be on a date, and something began to pull him away.

That would be fine on its own, but he would scream and beg for my help.

I'd reach out to grab him, but he'd burn me.

Yanking my hand away, I watch helplessly as he would get pulled away.

The the next night, we be together again.

We'd be just playing around, and he'd slip.

A cliff would appear from out of nowhere.

Carter would fall over the side, and he'd would grab him by the hand.

His hand would begin to burn me, and he slipped.

I would try to look away from him, but I couldn't seem to.

My eyes would stay glued to him as he hit the ground and died.

I had to watch him die over and over every night.

I knew that I woke up screaming every night and said the same thing.

Carter would question me in the morning, but I would just pretend that I didn't remember waking up.

He was worried enough, and I wasn't going to make it worse.

My desperateness to decipher my bad dreams became worse and worse.

I had to find out before I would begin to lose sanity.

It had already began to take its toll on me.

The amount of sleep I got was minimal at best.

All energy was sucked away from me, and I looked terrible.

It was also easy to see the toll it was taking on Carter.

My mind filled with guilt as I watched him collapse into bed at the end of the day.

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