Chapter 4

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Let's do this thing.....yeah!!!!!!


Alexis' P.O.V.

I waited not so patiently for Alisha to finish getting ready.

Soon after we left her room, we arrived at the meeting doors.

I looked down at myself.

" I'm not good enough for Carter," I thought.

" WHAT! Don't say that," Alisha screeched and I jumped.

" I didn't say anything," I protested.

" Yes you did, you said that you weren't good enough for Carter," she said and I shrugged.

" I'm not," I said frankly.

" But he's your mate," she said.

" I know he is," I said," and I know I may seem invincible but what if this is just a ploy to win my heart then break it by rejecting me like he promised when we first met,"

" Oh come on Alexis, he was in High school and he was dumb," she said and I laughed humorlessly.

" You know, it's funny. I said the same thing when we first met and he slapped me," I said and she gasped.

" Really?" she breathed out.

" Yep, I would never tell him but I ended up needing surgery because it shattered half my bones on that side of my face. Even wolf healing wasn't enough on it's own," I admitted and again she gasped.

" Why wouldn't you want him to know that" Alisha asked.

" Well really it's harder for me to talk about it because the same thing happened a week later on the other side," I said meekly.

" Carter slapped you again," Alisha said quietly.

" What, no," I said quickly.

" Well then, what happened?" she asked aloud.

" I'd rather not talk about it," I said.

Just then,Carter walked in, a big grin on his face.

I instantly smiled but I was sure he knew it was fake.

" Hey, what are my two favorite girls talkin bout?" he asked.

" Just girl stuff," I lied smoothly.

" Okay then, are you ready to go in?" he asked cheerfully and we both nodded.

He wrapped his arm firmly around my waist and brought me closer to him, taking a deep breath.

He let out a sigh, smiled, then pushed open the doors.

The was already alive with chatter from other alphas and betas.

Most of them turned and gave me disgusted looks.

I was confused as to why until I remembered that Carter had been a player before he knew I was his mate.

They just thought that I was one of his toys.

My face contorted into one of disgust.

" Good evening," Carter said but people kept talking.

I rolled my eyes.

" I got this," I whispered in his ear.

He nodded.

" HEY, SHUT UP AND LISTEN OR YOU WILL BE SEPARATED!" I shouted and everyone instantly became silent and turned to me.

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