Chapter 7

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Alexis's P.O.V.

I stared grumpily out the window.

After he had said he had loved me, I had lost it.

If I had been on reality t.v, it would have sounded something like:

" bleep you you bleeping bleep, you don't bleeping love me! You just want a bleeping Luna so you can be a stronger bleeping alpha!"

Yeah, needless to say that many cuss words didn't go over well with his wolf.

He had let a snarl and grabbed me before I could even think to react.

After a lot of my screaming, he had locked me in his car.

Cue more cuss words on my part and he had let out a deafening roar.

Honestly, that had scared me.

It brought back memories of him slapping me.

I had whimpered and he slammed his door and began driving.

We were now driving down the road at about 110 and I was ignoring every attempt of apology and explanation he had tried on me.

Well, we had started out about 85 but with my silent treatment we kept getting faster and faster.

Oh, we were now up to about 115.


I wondered if I would die if I tried a tuck and roll.

Might as well try it, wouldn't really matter if I died all that much.

Shrugging at my own thoughts, I attempted to open the door.

It was locked.

Swinging the door open, I heard him swear.

To my surprise, rather than slow down, he sped up.

The wind on the door shoved it shut.

I let out a frustrated scream.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he was smirking.

That made me mad, even more so than now, which I hadn't thought was possible.

Unbuckling myself, I turned myself to a different angle.

" I cared for you," I told carter with tears in my eyes.

" no Alexis! Stop, don't do it," he shouted.

I ignored him.

Opening the door, I shoved against it with my shoulder with all my weight.

It swung open for a moment but that's all that was needed.

The suction that was formed by the car going over 130 mph was enough to pull me out of the car.

I hit the road and felt it tear into my skin and I screamed.

Up ahead, I heard the brakes of Carter's car come to a screeching halt.

Standing up, I willed myself to move.

My wounds were already healing as I dragged myself up.

My body screamed in protest but as I had done many times before in the past, I ignored it and continued on.

I knew exactly where I was going: home.

If I crossed the border I was sure that I'd be safe.

Oh well, it was worth a try.

" Alexis you are hurt, get the hell back here!" Carter shouted from behind me.

I didn't stop.

" mind your language," I reminded him as he had done so many times to me.

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