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Alexis' P.O.V.

"CARTER!" I yelled.

"Yeeees?" He asked innocently, coming into the room with his hands behind his back.

"What have you and Henry been up to?" I asked.

Our seven year old son came out from behind Carter's legs.

"Nothing," he grinned cheekily.

"Henry?" I tried again.

He looked at me for a moment before starting to squirm.

"Elizabeth said I had cooties so I was gonna throw my water balloons at her," he blurted, "daddy was going to help me,"

He was quick to add the second part, and I eyed Carter.

Elizabeth, Riley and Ryan's daughter.

She was three years younger than Henry, and they were nearly inseparable.

He winked at me and shrugged.

"Well then mommy is gonna be on Elizabeth's team," I smirked.

Henry's eyes widened.

"Noooo," he whined.

"Well then you don't get daddy," I shrugged.

"That's not fair!" He exclaimed.

"Well Elizabeth is younger than you which mean one day you're gonna love her and help us take care of her," I pointed out.

His eyes widened in horror.

"No! Elizabeth has cooties too! What if I get her cooties? He demanded.

"Well I heard you can get rid of cooties if you hug whoever gave them to you," I mused, eyeing him.

He seemed pensive for a second.

"I'll be right back!" He exclaimed.

I laughed the moment he was out of the room.

"You, my love, are a genius,"

I shrugged.

"Well I try,"

He rolled his eyes and walked to the cabinet.

"Pinot or Chardonnay?" He asked.

"Neither," I replied.

"Oh come on, loosen up," he prodded.

"Noooo," I shook my head.

"Honey, it's past 7, come on," he chuckled, looking down to pour himself a glass.

"No Carter! I'm not gonna risk hurting them!" I exclaimed.

His gaze shot up.

"What?" He asked.

My jaw jaw dropped, and I floundered for words.

"Oh nothing, haha, crazy me," I laughed awkwardly.

He let his gaze rest on me.

"Alexis," he warned.

"Yessum?" I asked.

"Tell me what you meant," he ordered in a low tone.

I shook my head.

Suddenly, he took a small leap towards me like he was going to attack..

I jumped back, and my hands instinctively fell to my stomach.

His eyes widened.

"Damn it Carter," I grumbled.

"Alexis, are we pregnant again?" He asked carefully.

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