Chapter 6

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Alexis' P.O.V.

" why don't you come up here dear," the teacher smiled warmly after class had began.

I got up from my desk and strutted to the front.

" tell us something about yourself and then your name," the teacher suggested.

I shrugged and turned to the rest of the class.

" something about myself? Hurt my friend gabby over there, even a little, and I hurt you," I threatened.

" ha, I'd like to see you try and hurt me babe. Advantage of alpha blood. I can take anyone anytime," Tyler smirked and I glared at him.

" and your name sweetheart," she encouraged.

Wasn't she gonna say something to him.

It occurred to me that he was her alpha, so probably not.

" Alexis," I answered.

" and your last name?" she asked.

I let out a sigh.

I could lie and get no respect, or I could tell the truth and possibly found.

" Silaret," I responded.

A collective gasp went through the classroom.

Even the teacher seemed surprised.

I let out a chuckle at their surprise.

Tyler was the first to reign his surprise in.

" if you're Alexis, what are you doing here?" he asked smugly.

" change of scenery," I shrugged.

" that doesn't even make sense," he argued.

" it would if you had more than five iq points," I smiled sweetly.

He let out a growl from low in his throat.

A clear threat.

" careful, you are playing with fire," he warned.

" I can't get any hotter than I am now," I shrugged, giving him a wink.

He looked taken aback by my response.

Gabby giggled beside me.

He sent her a glare and she became quiet.

" dude, back off," I muttered.

He sent me a look.

" I mean, seriously, what's your problem?" I asked.

Everything in the class was dead silent as I sent him a challenging stare.

" dumb ass people, that's my problem," he sneered.

" so you have a problem with yourself?" I asked.

" no," he replied.

" Ohhhhh, denial, the first stage," I sighed, shaking my head.

I knew I was swimming in dangerous waters but I didn't care, this guy pissed me off.

" hallway, now," he commanded, already standing.

" no," I replied as though it was obvious, which it was.

" one more time before I start playing dirty," he threatened.

" oh baby, please do," I purred, giving him a wink.

I almost let out a laugh at his next expression: pure shock.

Well, I actually did.

My laughter rang throughout the classroom and his face darkened.

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