Chapter 9

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Alexis's P.O.V.

I watched as the fireflies blanked across the late night sky.

Exhaling slowly, I looked around in awe.

A small smile crept onto my face.

" how did you...."

I couldn't even finish my thought.

I just sat in the grass and gazed around.

A different world was now surrounding me.

Carter got on his knees next to me.

He was completely silent.

As if I were sleep walking, I stood and moved to the exact place where I had first shifted.

Again, I fell to my knees and looked around.

The memories began to flash before me, and I fell back.

My body began to convulse as each one hit me like a brick.

I was vaguely aware of Carter calling my name.

His voice was muddled, as though we were under water, or at least I was.

My eyes began to glaze over and I continued to shake violently.

You know that feeling right when you are about to go to sleep?

The one where, after you've been laying down for a bit, one part of your body just spazzes randomly.

If you don't believe me, try it.

Anyway, if you do know what that is, that was happening to me everywhere over and over.

I grit my teeth in order to keep from freaking biting my tongue.

What was going on!?

I tried to get up but a violent jolt sent me back down.

Bracing myself, I waited to hit the cold, hard ground.

I never did.

A small amount of electricity spurt through me.

It was Carter that had caught me.

Thinking about how I'd described the ground, I giggled internally.

Taylor swift reference.

Through the spazzing and pain, I glared at him.

" put me down," I demanded.

"Why?" He asked.

"You are ruining my Taylor swift reference," I whined.

He looked at me like I'd lost my mind, which I probably had, but listened to me anyway.

I felt the grass beneath me and sighed as another jolt shook my entire body.

" now I'm lying on the cold,hard ground oh, oh oh trouble trouble," I began to think to myself.

I thought it was myself anyway.

" um Alexis, babe, are you alright?" Carter asked.

It took a moment for me to comprehend his words through the fog that was filling my head.

I was giddy with excitement.

I had no idea why and,frankly, in the back of my head I was scared.

A burning tore through me and it felt like all of me had been dumped in a hot tub, in a valcano, on the sun.

It was like no other pain before.

Not because it hurt more than other injuries, that wouldn't be true, but because I'd never felt something like it.

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