Chapter 12

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Alexis' P.O.V.

We didn't leave until nearly midnight.

Trevor was up in his room, and his picture was folded neatly in my pocket.

"I'll be back soon," I promised them, hugging my dad.

"If you aren't back within a week, I will kill you," Riley threatened.

"Dude chillax, your coming to see us like tomorrow," I reminded her.

"First of all, I'm a girl no a dude and second of all, I'm seeing Ryan not you," she scoffed.

"Wow, break my heart," I gasped, clutching my chest dramatically.

She hit my shoulder, and rolled her eyes.

"Relax, I love you too," she giggled.

"Obviously, I'm irresistible," I smiled creepily at her.

'Yes you are,' Carter thought through the mind link.

'Stop,' I exclaimed, my cheeks blushing again.

'Whatcha blushin about lil sis?' Jack thought to me.

'12 freaking minutes! And shut up,' I demanded.

"Hun, be careful driving home," my mom warned me as we started to the door.

I leaned against Carter's shoulder as we walked to the car.

"I'm sleepy," I yawned, crawling into the car.

He chuckled as he walked to the driver's side.

"I gathered love, let's get home," he suggested.

"Mmmmmkay," I sighed.

He started the car and began the way back into his territory.

The only sound that could be hear was the sound of the engine and Carter's humming.

Wait, Carter's humming?

I continued my steady breathing, but I zoned into what he was saying.

He clearly thought I was sleeping.

I could hear that he was saying something, but I couldn't pick out the words.

I strained to listen better.

"Before the cool dawn run out

I'll be giving it my bestest

And nothing's gonna stop me but divine intervention.

I reckon, it's again my turn

To win some or learn some.

But I won't hesitate

No more, no more.

It cannot wait,

I'm yours.

Well, open up your mind and see like me,

Open up your plans and damn you're free.

Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love.

Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we're just one big family

And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved"

"You can sing?" I asked gently.

He jumped, and the car jerked a little.

I grabbed the door, white knuckled, with my heart racing.

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