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My eyes fluttered open ever so slowly, and carefully.

They were heavy, as if I'd been sleeping deeply for a long while.

The first thing that launched at my senses was that the room I was in was very bright. The fluorescent lights that greeted me as soon as my eyelids came open had me squinting until I could properly adjust to the brightness.

"Y/n." A voice was softly calling, acting as a rope pulling me from my slumber. I focused on it, to try and regain my senses, and it grew louder.

"Y/n." The voice felt familiar. Felt like a past comfort, like something I'd know my whole life, something I found solace in. I let it guide me.


By this time my eyes had focused, and I was staring at a clean, tiled ceiling. I became aware of my breathing, my chest rising and falling steadily. And a consistent beeping sound, coming from somewhere next to me I realised.

My mind felt unusually clear. It felt orderly. I was able to think and question and remember little pieces of things. They weren't memories. Nothing I could see or replay. They were just....things I knew.
More - ideas.

< A tall skyscraper. A father. He was a billionaire. He was also a crazy Intelligent engineer. He used to build suits, and fly.
It was just me and him. >

I tried slowly to turn my head to the side, and a mans face came inch by inch into view. One my gut just immediately recognised. And one that must've been calling my name. The man smiled, and I immediately felt a surge of ideas in my head.

TONY. My brain blurted out at me.

This man- was Tony.
This man was my father.

I heard myself gasp a little, and the mans- Tony's- brows furrowed.
"Hey, y/n. I'm Tony." He said.
"Yeah. Yeah Dad I know." I managed to stutter out softly, and I saw a pang of shock run through his eyes, before he smiled nervously.
Now i furrowed my eyebrows.

We stayed in silence for a while, and I darted my eyes around the room. It was pretty plain, the walls and ceiling white, the floor a fluffy grey carpet. It didn't look like a hospital room, just like an empty spare bedroom. But as I looked towards the source of the beeping noise I'd heard earlier, I found a monitor, measuring my somewhat steady heart beat.

I brought a hand up, just slowly, to rub my eyes. The hand i'd picked- my right, had an IV in it. The tube attached must've been pumping food and water to me while I was asleep. Which brought me to a thought.

"Hey, Dad?" I called, my voice still weak and raspy, and I lowered my hand, just as slowly and carefully as before. "What- what happened? How long was I asleep?"
When I'd asked the question, my fathers face fell, and he shifted, almost uncomfortably, in his seat.
"Y/n you.........got ill. You were in a coma. You were out for uh.."

There was a long pause, only accompanied by the beeping in the room.

"months." I furrowed my brows, waiting for the shock of that news to kick in, for me to feel something.
But nothing came.
I simply just nodded.

As I lay there, I tried to shift in my spot, now becoming uncomfortable. Tony must've got the memo because he pressed a button on some sort of remote, and the back of the bed started slowly to incline, pretty much sitting me up.

As it did, i heard something clink, coming from the bed? Underneath me? I pressed a hand to my right jogging bottom pocket, and weirdly enough I felt something in there.

So I slipped my hand in, and immediately I felt something metal and cold. My hand retracted from the temperature a little, and Tony was watching me, standing up in the corner of the room to the right, leaning against a wall, his arms crossed and head cocked to the side.

I pulled the object out by a string.
So, a necklace?
And what i pulled bit by bit, slowly revealed to be...

Dog tags.

My brows furrowed as I held them dangling in the air in-front of me. I'd seen these things before, I knew what they were. They were used in the war.

I brought them closer to my face to look at what was inscribed there, and I read to my father slowly.

"James B Barnes." I said, racking my brain for that name- but nothing came up.

"Who's.......James Barnes?" I asked more directly to him, looking his way.

He immediately leaned up from his spot slouching back on the wall, and practically ran towards me. His face was painted in pure and utter shock, and he reached out a hand towards the tags. I passed them to him, waiting for an explanation as he examined them the same as I did.

"Wait here." He said to me finally, taking the tags with him and leaving the room.
I chuckled a little.
"Not like i can really go anywhere." I said to the empty room, looking around more and fidgeting to pass the time.

When Tony came back in, he had a man with him. I stiffened just a little, I'd never seen him before.

He had straw blonde hair, and was wearing a light blue shirt with small squares, unbuttoned at the top. And light blue denim trousers. His muscles were huge, he must've worked out very regularly.

As he walked in and lifted his head to look at me he stopped in his tracks, and his mouth fell open. Tony had just given him what looked to me like an apologetic glance and backed away to the corner once more.

I stared at this blonde man, his eyes welling up and turning puffy in-front of me, for a while before I let out a small laugh of confusion.

"Who- who is he?" I asked Tony, realising as soon as I said it that by my tone it could've been taken offensively. But I didn't mean it to.

"Uh." Tony just said, lifting a hand to his forehead and then dropping it suddenly to his side, slapping his leg and smiling.
"Steve..............Rogers." He added, and once again I sifted through my brain, but it was just another foreign name.

When I looked back, Steve Rogers was frozen still, eyes all welled up, and he gulped when he saw I was looking back his way.

"She-." He started to speak. His voice was deep, and somewhat commanding but also soft, and tentative- careful.
"Oh my god she doesn't remember." He choked out, his voice breaking.

These words were just a catalyst for my ever growing confusion.

"Remember what?" I asked, laughing again, looking at Tony for another explanation.

"Remember what?" I repeated again, getting impatient and Tony hung his head away from my gaze.

A single tear had fallen down Steve's cheek, while i grew ever more worried.

"What's." My voice cracked, and I willed some strength into it, some command.

"What's happening?"

What will happen when she meets Bucky ??

Aghhhh, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm so excited to write this story- it's been a long time coming of an idea!!
< 3

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